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Hello all! Here is a revamped outline of what to expect from an Aunt’s Touch. I must reiterate that I will not be picking this story up for a very long time, not until Semblance, AGGC, and ATP are done. Unless a muse grabs me by the throat and won’t let go, I do not want to become entangled with another ongoing project. That being said, I had a major idea for this story and thought to share it with you all.

Before getting to that an update on this month’s work: FILFy has been in the hands of Nad Destroyer and he should get it back to me sometime this weekend so I should be posting it late next week. Horse is about done. With editing time, fact checking and such, I should be able to have the chapter out to my editors by this weekend.

Speaking of editors, Hiryo was able to get the chapters of Aunt’s Touch and Making Waves to me last weekend, and I posted them this past weekend. They have been edited once more. Names have been corrected, magic made to match the style previously used, a bit more background added/corrected on the Ranma side and other Ranma-centric things changed. In terms of plot though there was no major change to either chapter.

Now without further ado, here we go:

(Story name is subject to change)

{story outline is the same from here to…}

While drunk off his gourd after dealing with the onset of his son’s puberty Genma instead of using the Penitent Monk technique (used in several of my other fics to explain Ranma’s lack of libido) attempts to put the boy through the neko-ken again. This ends with Genma badly mauled and Ranma escaping to be found by a wondering policeman sleeping under a bridge. Unable to find his father, the police look through the government’s computer system and find out that his Demon Slaying mother is off the grid in an attempt to dodge debtors looking for her husband. They also find Genma had a sister who changed her last name and is one of their own: Rika Minami. 

Enraged at what Ranma tells her about his training Rika gets legal custody of Ranma, who is happy to have another relative and thinks his policewoman aunt is the coolest person ever. Rika in turn thinks Genma was insane, but that the boy has a lot of potential. Once he discovers all this, Genma is furious at his mealtick…son escaping, and tried to devise various plans to get him back, while Rika and her life-partner Shizuka do the best they can to raise a young eleven year old boy.


With Ranma at times actively combating any attempt to normalize him, Rika and her lover Shizuka are hard pressed to change him in any way and are forced to offer a carrot to go along with their ‘you have to go to school’ stick. This comes in the form of training with the SAT and introducing Ranma to literally every martial arts dojo in the city. Ranma makes new friends, new rivals, and generally speaking gets into trouble as only a kid with no sense of normality can. 

Genma however isn’t down with them, and comes back soon, escaping with Ranma on a trip. These never last long though before Ranma is spotted by police and sent back to his legal guardians while Genma is forced to dodge police, who progressively become more dangerous and less likely to wait to shoot. At the same time, Genma pushes Ranma’s training, and perforce his own, to an even higher degree, pushing them both hard in the time he can have with his son, finding something of his old drive to better himself instead of just train Ranma. However, he still makes mistakes, one of which means an earlier trip to Jusenkyo goes just as badly as before. And Ranma still gets Ryoga after his ass. 

The battle to try to influence Ranma is further exacerbated when Nodoka attempts to come back into Ranma’s life after an incident at a temple. And while Nodoka does, alas, turn out to be as oddly crazy as Genma fears (Genma: No means no woman!!!) her clan is a somewhat different story. And unfortunately for Ranma, they too have problems, obligations and old messes which will be coming home to roost in one Ranma Saotome’s life. 

Because it turns out that Demon Slayer isn’t really all that descriptive of what they do any longer. A better description would be Magic Hunters, one group of many the world over. But alas, it is a big world, and the clan cannot be everywhere. The Middle East and USA are in particular bad for their kind of work. 

Meanwhile, in another dimension, an evil is stirring. The Lich Lords Divinitus, Tenebrus and Corripio have been forced to work together by Toruk, tasked to see if they can discover a means in which to divine the location of the remaining athancs. These crystal shards contain the souls of Toruk’s children, birthed when he split his own soul to create them, who then rebelled against his rule, being far too similar in nature to their arrogant father to allow him to rule them. It was that battle that caused Toruk to retreat from the mainland to the Scharde Islands. And while they have been unable to discover the exact locations of the shards, through numerology, divination and other, esoteric means, they have discovered an anomaly

Two of the athanc are simply… missing. Entirely gone from history from the initial conflict which had the children of Toruk band together to through their father into the sea, there has been no sign of them. No sign they were eaten by the others, no sign they regressed back to their athanc. More bizarrely, there has been no sign of their impact on the magosphere, the latent lifeforce and magical energies of Caen. That should be frankly impossible, and they are worried about what it might mean. But there is knowledge of other dimensions, and so they decide to send out scouting parties to find any hints of the whereabouts of the dragons Chimera, the Formless One, and Shazkz, the Scalebalancer. 

This leads them to Earth just as Ranma comes back from another trip to Jusenkyo, with several other magically cursed people following after him…

Things this fic will contain:

1. Slow progression at first, speeding up later: I want to introduce Ranma characters, more Ranma hijinks, and play with the various adventures Ranma and Genma had before they arrived at Nerima for a bit, while adding in my own to add to his character and those of Rika and the others. This means I will introduce characters from HOTD slowly too, including an early introduction to Saeko and Rei as fellow martial artists.

2. Demon Hunter Nodoka: She is not going to show up immediately, but she will show up and then disappear from Ranma’s life somewhat like Genma. She will take Ranma on adventures of his own, and will become the way I introduce the supernatural and magic to Ranma, Rika and others.

a. Crazy Nodoka. And I mean really crazy. She will have no idea why Genma is so scared of her, nor any idea why Ranma can’t start giving her grandchildren at fourteen. She will push him to be manly with even Shizuka, which will not make her popular, to say the least, with either Shizuka or Rika.

b. Demon Hunter Clan. Not all of them will be crazy as Nodoka, or at least not in the same way. And a lot of them will also see the potential Ranma has, in very weird ways. And their clan will have a ancient connection to one of the athanc crystals that the Cryx are looking for.

3. Cousin Saeko: I decided that I wanted to give Saeko a leg up on both physical skills and the idea of magic being real. So she will be another member of the same demon clan as Nodoka, and Nodoka, her mother’s sister, will be one of her sword masters. She will be the great hope of the clan, their greatest student. And then she will have very conflicted feelings towards Ranma: happiness at having a rival, annoyance at how he has brought out the worst in Nodoka and can apparently read her like a book, and ahem, some very un-cousinly thoughts toward the purposefully oblivious Ranma. 

4. Redeemed Genma: Much like in AGGC, he will become much more serious about training himself and Ranma. He won’t ever get along with any women, but he will push Ranma to even greater heights. He will also be the one to end the agreement with Soun after seeing that his friend has not even created his own school, let alone trained a worthy heir. 

a. Genma and Amazons – given his attitude, he will not get alone at all with any of them, including Cologne. But he will still get Ranma some training, if in a very unusual manner. A manner which means Ranma will actually make a rival all on his own rather than have that rival come included free with a fiancé. And yes, he will still get that fiancé.  

b. Early Herb sighting - Ranma and Genma will actually be doing the smart thing after getting cursed and be looking around for a cure. This will lead to them meeting the Musk, and to Genma and Herb, and Ranma, meeting one another then meeting Herb’s father, and Ranma getting even more training. {Ranma: Seriously? Awesome!}

c. Ryu Kumon vs Ranma – As part of his redemption Genma will slightly retrace his steps to the other master who helped him figure out his two Sealed techniques. Because of that, Ryu will be taken in for a time, and his desire for revenge dealt with. But he’ll still be an asshole

d. Young Ukyo – Almost the same as above, but here, once more, Ranma will be putting his foot in it up to the knees. He won’t be getting a new fiancé, but instead a rival, who will be chasing after him almost as hard as Ryoga did in canon. Of course, when you follow in the wild horse’s path, unintended consequences abound…

5. Very different Curses: While I might keep Ranma’s curse the same, I am thinking of changing everyone else’s. Not only will they have different effects mentally, but they will be more magical in nature. And even Ranma’s curse might be different. Perhaps dog-girl Ranma, or Ranma the Lizard girl, coupled with Mousse the Duck-angel, and Shampoo the snow tiger. That kind of thing. After all, Chimera will have buried his athanc under the ground that will have become Jusenkyo and Chimera is all about merging stuff together…

a. A whole lot of curse-based hijinks – I normally don’t normally go into too much curse reaction based issues with Ranma, I’ve made him accept it and move on in almost every fic. In this one, not so much. And he won’t be the only one. Nearly everyone cursed will have issues with their curse and want to get rid of it. And those that don’t will still cause trouble for others in various ways.

6. Awesome Rika: This should be self-explanatory LOL. But Rika too will be getting some martial arts training. She and Ranma together will create Gun Fu. Think Grenadier anime and Rushuna (possible connection to the Tendos there) for Rika’s abilities, while Ranma will be a much more aerial style variant, with BIG handguns and the use of recoil to almost float and dance in midair. 

7. Teasing Shizuka: Shizuka will see Ranma not just as a young boy who needs a lot of education, but as a new plushy in a lot of ways. She will constantly be hugging him, squeezing him, and causing him to faint due to blood loss. This won’t make Ranma any more immune to the female form for a long while, but it will eventually have that effect… years into the story. Before that, Shizuka will have a lot of fun with the young boy.

8. Shido-shit getting schooled: In canon, Shido was somehow able to hold Rei back in a show to her father that the man’s family was vulnerable. Instead of taking it and rolling over like a little bitch though, Rei’s father will double down, getting his new friend the SAT officer Rika in charge, and between them, Rika and Ranma will be showing the Shido family that ‘hey you’re not the biggest fish’. This will make Rei a friend in Ranma and a role model in Rika for life. As for Shido, he will continually make trouble for Rei right up until the zombies arrive, by which point Ranma will have had enough and he will simply kill the would-be cultist when he sees how he acts.

9. Cryx versus modern world: The zombie virus – yes it will be a magically induced and spread virus – will be only the beginning. The nukes will still be launched, but there will be a few OC moments as the worlds navies recover from first the zombies, then the madness of their leaders ordering nuke launches.  They will then find themselves facing the Cryxian navy, and their ground forces, which will have come out either in Australia or some other island nation first before spreading out quickly. Not certain where. Regardless, while Ranma and company are getting a hang on living in a zombie apocalypse, the world’s remaining militaries will be trying to deal with everything else on the side. Not certain how much of that I’ll show, but I am leaning toward world building, as always LOL.

a. Zombies and more - the zombies will just be the first wave. While their navy is holding off the human navies in this new world, their Lich Lords will use magic to summon the rest of their military through, and to also create new abominations, which will spread throughout the world. This includes new diseases, the dead rising from the graves {goodbye Europe, China, Russia, large portions of the Americas and a lot of other places} and creating outposts the Cryxians can expand from the world over, letting their influence spread faster and of course…

b. Ranma versus Cryxian warmachines - There it is. The real reason I wanted to use Cryx. Ranma versus Warjacks. HELL YES!!! – Ranma going toe to toe with giant creatures who can dish out as much punishment as he can, and even those who are stronger and too tough for him to handle in a straight up fight. Worse for Ranma, some of their monsters will be able to drain life energy, making ki more like candy to them than a threat. This will make Ranma have to use traps and tricks and magic to fight them. 

c. Ranma the Devil Hunter and Chaos magic user - He won’t be able to use magic like a mage or wizard, but a gunmage? Yeah… that’ll do. LOL.

d. Steampunk goodness - With magic coming into the world via the rift Cryx opened, and the utter collapse of the worlds energy grids and infrastructure, it will fall to the locals to rebuild, and they will do so in new, innovative directions.

10. Pairing: Ranma/Rei/Saya/maybe a few more including at least one, somewhat young but incredibly powerful Witch on the Cryxian side, whose indoctrination won’t last against Ranma’s abilities. 

a. Rei and Ranma will be getting together slowly, after Rei and Takashi have a falling out, that has little to do with Rei and Shido and his shit, since most of that won’t be happening. But it seemed to me in canon that Takashi was sort of taking his and Rei’s promise for granted, not really putting forth any effort to be with her, understand or even woo her, just seeming to think they would shift from friend to lovers without any real steps taken. Could just be me, but that’s what I’ll go for. Their ‘breakup’ will be drawn out, but amicable eventually.  

b. Saya the steampunk/engineering genius – this is kind of obvious, but it has to be said. I used Yuuki as a gearhead in my other fic, but Saya works just as well. And am I the only one who thinks the sight of her tinkering on a giant mech in coveralls, her hair tied up and a smudge of soot on her cheek is sexy? Their connection will only really begin when the world comes to an end, but will become deep for all of that.

c. Deneghra – born the sister of Victoria Haley, she was captured in a Cryx raid and eventually became the personal apprentice of a Cryxian Lich Lord. Before that happens here though she will be sent through to sow discord among the human populations, and eventually meet Ranma on the battlefield, where, well, the good guy seducing the bad girl back to the side of good is always fun, and is a trope I haven’t used since Miriya in my Macross crossover.

d. The rest are up in the air. Maybe Kasumi, maybe Saeko but I don’t think so on the last one. Not Nabiki, not Akane (duh) maybe Shampoo, Maybe Victoria Haley, if I want ot expand into the world where Cryx originated. We’ll see.

And that is it at this point. See what I mean when I say my muse sometimes throws up really odd, yet possibly awesome ideas? There we go. Tell me what you all think, but just remember, again, that this is not going to be a fic I will come back to for a good long while. I just wanted to share this with all of you.


Nicholas Coleman

Looking forward to reading it! Also after seeing the Deathjack picture all I can think is that it's a Skaven power armor or robot! The skaven being from warhammer fantasy, knowing nothing of Cryx I wonder if they took any inspiration from warhammer or vise versa.


I prefer fics that attempt to inject sanity into the overblown anime madness. Except for one idea I'd live to see try. I know you're dislike for Naruto is well documented, but have you thought of throwing an adult Ranma in there, have him raise naruto and sasuke, and generally beat the crap out everyone that has it coming?


Wrote an omake where he was stuck in a fem naruto’s head due to Urdu being a bitch. Beyond that no, wouldn’t touch naruto with a ten foot pole.


Skaven came first I’m pretty sure lol. But the cryx are more like nagash than anything else.

Nicholas Coleman

And after looking at their game models they look like an unholy blend of all the worst things in warhammer fantasy and 40k not including the orc/ork or elven/eldar derivatives

Nicholas Coleman

Most prominently a cross between necron and tyranid which is a combination that should just not be made for the safety of the universe