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February Large Story Poll

  • Horse For the Force: action, action, war and minds being changed. 136
  • A third Path: romance, world building, comedy, Harry making 'friends' and influencing people. 194
  • 2020-01-17
  • 330 votes
{'title': 'February Large Story Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Horse For the Force: action, action, war and minds being changed.', 'votes': 136}, {'text': "A third Path: romance, world building, comedy, Harry making 'friends' and influencing people.", 'votes': 194}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 17, 1, 44, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 330}



As I have said several times before, February sucks balls, so I would like to know precisely what large story to work on from the get-go. This is why I am putting up my large story poll for February now.

For those of you who have joined, welcome! As it says on my main patron page, if you donate a dollar, you get four votes in EACH poll. You cannot double down.  Once you vote,  I can then add weight to the choices when I download the poll results.

Anyway, the choices will be posted below. However, since I want to keep it as Ranma versus HP instead of HP versus HP given how I will be voting already for another HP story in another poll, the following will contain spoilers for the Horse for the Force chapter for January which has yet to be posted. I will try to keep them vague but you have been warned LOL.

Horse for the Force:  While Ranma and co. were busy elsewhere, the war has begun  in ways that the Republic did not expect. Peace talks are still on, or that is what many hope, only to be disabused of that notion.  A seismic shift in the Force hits, leaving lots of people wondering both what went wrong, and what went right. The War machine of the Confederacy grinds on, and Ranma and Shaak are forced to choose between saving the few or the many while their friends continue to learn how far the shadows have spread.

A Third Path to the Future: A Diamond’s wedding is interrupted by an entirely new group of pesky aliens. Harry and company wonder what to do, while also pushing forward their their own long term plans for Mars, the rest of the solar system, and Earth.  Harry and a portion of the World Guard decide they can’t just ignore a certain giant problem, and leave on one of their stolen battlecruisers to go have a talk with an Emperor. The Emperor realizes he’s not the biggest bird in the sky while Hedwig makes friends and enemies, before said giant problem is treated with.



Horse for the love of gods


Hopeful for Horse for the Force