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Today is the 16th, which means that it is time to close the Patron only poll. The small story poll will continue to the 22nd. I will also be posting the February large story poll soon. 

First, as everyone has no doubt seen, I have started to use Patreon’s poll posts rather than my own poll where you all had to tell me your choices. While there are still issues with this type of poll since I can download the results and look at it all at once, I can then weigh it faster. That is, match who has voted for what with their donations, 4 votes per dollar. This also should be a bit faster for all of you as well. 

With that said, here are the results of the poll: 

Sword Bow and Horse won with 2,190 total votes. Wow. Bhaalson Remodel came in at 1,700. I’m kind of surprised by this because I thought the HP fans would come out in force, but that’s cool. More Ranma in Middle-Ages type setting is always fun. 

This does mean that Bhaalson Remodel, since it hasn’t won in two months, will get my votes next month when it does battle against Making Waves.


Kariston Draconis

You can't see it, but internally I am doing the happy dance.


Woot! One of the rare Vanadis stories is getting an update!