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And the Small Story Poll for December is now closed!!!

The results are:

In Fifth place was Fate Touched in Middle Earth. It brought in 267 over on Fanfic, but a little less than that here, putting it in the last place with only 581. Ouch. Still, I will keep it in the small story rotation for a few months just to see if we can garner more interest in it.

Anything Goes Game Changer scored 649 with only 171 coming from fanfic and thus came in fourth. I think this is a sign that interest in Sekirei is waning, since everyone can see were sort of entering the end game time. But I do want to finish this sometime in the next year, so I will need to think about ways to promote it.

In third place, alas, was Stallion of the line. Sorry folks, you’ll have to wait at least a month for the culmination of the Sky Island Arc. It brought in 276 from fanfic, which is a decent showing but only scored 837. Even if I had thrown my own 200 votes behind it, it would not have won, though it would have taken second place. 

And in that second place was Semblance of Hope with an astonishingly good showing here on Patreon (thanks everyone who voted for it, I’d like to write up some more Ranma/Pyrrha romance LOL) bringing in a total of 931 votes. But it only, again, brought in 127 votes over on fanfic, and that sank it as usual. Again, even if I had added in my own 200 it wouldn’t have won, but I am saving those for the teaser chapter poll.

The winner however, as if there was ever any doubt, is… FILFY Teacher!!! It brought in 351 over on fanfic, but won a total of 1246, blowing away the competition. So you lot will get to see the reactions of everyone to the Shiva revelation, lots of romance, and magic.  Although, given the size of the Heroes teaser, it will not be as much as i had wanted either.  Sorry folks, but that's the way it goes sometimes since that story is 57,000 words... It is now off to its second editor and should be posted this weekend.  Magic should be sent off to its editor at around the same time.



Moe, and if one counts all Ranma votes vs Harry votes, at least there we win. XD

Gilicze Laszlo Balazs

weeeellll.... poooh... sucks to be a Ranma only reader. I've already re-read most of your Ranma stories waiting for updates that seemingly never come. Oh well... At least there will be Making Waves. I'm not holding my breath for GDWHOM though, seems too optimistic to me at this point.


I know, I was hoping for this to be a Ranma dominated month, but I'm pretty strict about giving myself only 200 votes most months - unless I have specified otherwise for reasons. I didn't do so this month other than the hope that my Ranma fics would take center stage. Not enough to be actionable alas. But hey, at least there's also the teaser chapter.

Gilicze Laszlo Balazs

Yeah, there is that at least... It's just hard to be patient when your stories are THIS good. It's so hard to find long Ranma fics that are actually interesting, well written, don't butcher the english language and are updated properly. You are a rare breed of writer my friend and I am thankful for the work you put into your stories, and for the countless hours of entertainment you provide all of us readers. Thank You :D