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Okay everyone once more it is time to bring a poll to a close. In this case, it is the Patron Only Teaser Chapter Poll.

The Scores were, in third place, Horse Finding Heaven. HFH brought in 788, sorry Kasumi fans. 

Coming in second place was Climbing Together. Despite my having mentioned this story most of all in discussions before this, Shampoo seems to still be a bit of annoyance to many. Still it came in second with 922

Yet with 1,170 votes the winner was an Aunt’s Touch. I think people voted for it because Highschool of the Dead has very few good fics in it, either crossover or single fandom. That and the eventual ecchi nature of this story will be quite large.  

So, Fate and RL willing you all will be seeing a teaser chapter for this by New Year's Eve.



Yup. Was my reasoning in the vote anyways.


Well at least it's a Ranma story in VimesenthusiastTM quality! Sad about Kasumi and Shampoo story thought!