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So there I was, rockin’ on Magic of the Force on a day off, I had finished two romance portions and one of the three combat scenes (10,000 words all told) then decided to tackle the political side of things next. And in front of me was the land of DURRR… There I am, sitting there with my notes for the whole chapter laid out for me in my notebook, my DNS headset on my head, staring at the screen, and nothing. I was able to get the setting down, the characters talking, getting to know one another, but the moment they tried to get down to the nitty-gritty… ‘your mind has stopped responding. Would you like to restart the application?’ Ugh. 

So I decided to take a step back and work on a story outline a mentioned I might work on for you all to take a look at.  I have two others, one HP/Danmachi and one Ranma/Claymore I might work at when I run into further troubles. I don’t want to get into AGGC or Semblance, since I wouldn’t be able to get back out again as quickly as I can with these kinds of story outlines. This one though, is going to be a My Hero Academia and One Piece Crossover.

{And sorry for all of you who mentioned you wanted to see what I could do with Worm. Never got into it, sorry}

Heroes on the High Seas: The Rise of True Justice

Premise:  Annoyed and rather frustrated at his barely having enough time left to teach a single class after passing on One For All to young Midoriya, All Might decided to head to his friend, Professor David’s, artificial island the day directly after the incident at USJ. He brings along Midoriya, who, after walking around with Melissa, astonishingly still meet up with a few of his classmates since the island was having a major science exhibit, open to the public and several schools worldwide. Momo Yaorouzu had brought along Jirou Kyoka as her plus one, being there in the first place because her family are major contributors of the island. Eijiro Kirishima and Tsuyua Asui are also there, since their families were the island’s major food suppliers before it became self-sufficient and they had long standing invitations to visit. Iida is there because of his grades in his previous school as a special prize, as is Shoto Todoroki and a support school student named Hatsume Mei. 

Events from then on play out somewhat like they do in the Boku No Hero Academia movie. If you haven’t seen it yet, I don’t want to spoil it for you so please skip the next paragraph.

(Professor David, well aware of how One For All seems to be failing in his friend All Might, and wanting desperately to help the symbol of peace, is forced to enlist the aid of a group of terrorists to steal his own invention, a Quirk enhancing serum (I think, it’s been a few months since I saw the movie) after he is ordered to turn it over to the government for further study, helping the terrorists take over the island’s robotic security system. The terrorists don’t reckon on the kids though, who free the hostages and take the fight to the terrorists with the help of Melissa, David’s daughter and a Quirkless 17 year old genius. )

Without the full class there, the fights go differently, but the kids still win in the end although Izuku is again messed up because he can’t handle his new Quirk at all, not having gone through enough training with it yet.  This forces him to stay on at the island to heal up, along with the rest of the class, who were all injured in one form or another. Melissa stays with them, having been hurt as well, but also very curious about Izuku’s Quirk and how alike it is to ‘Uncle’ Might’s. She and Mei hit it off instantly, and the two of them spend all the time they aren’t with the others in the hospital together in the lab. After eventually getting cleared to leave the other kids join her there for a party during which she and Mei show off a few devices. One such device, a hyperdimensional wave motion engine (or hyperdrive engine) they had developed for space exploration is accidentally turned on by Jirou who sits on the controls. The next instant there’s a flash, a blinding light, and all the kids are… suddenly somewhere else, high above an ocean to be specific. After surviving the fall thanks to Izuku, Momo and Shoto, they realize none of their phones have signal, and have to answer the age-old question of ‘where the hell are we?’

Things this Fic will contain:

1. A totally revamped Boku movie: with my moving the timing forward for when the events of the movie take place in the Boku timeline, and removing so many of the cast, this should be obvious, but I will rewrite and rework the fights, the character interactions, practically everything about the movie. All the kids (they’re all 15 at the start of the series) will have time to shine, and, perhaps most importantly, Izuku and Melissa will have a heart to heart about being quirkless, and about how just because he has One For All he shouldn’t stop using his brain.

a. No Bakugo. Sorry for any of you who like mister explody hands, but he is not going to show up. I hate him. He is either gay and tsundere for Izuku, or just a fucking bully for a lot of the time in the anime/manga.

b. No Mineta. The little perverted prick should die in a fire.

2. An introduction to the world of One Piece: The kids will have to figure out they are a loooong way from home, and what better way to do that then have them walk into a fight between marines and pirates?

a. Since they fell into the sea, this will be a sea battle, which will possibly be between a random group of pirates and not some of the good sort either, and a group of marines. Or perhaps Gasparde and a marine vessel as he’s trying to get away with his new ship, the steam powered paddle wheel. Not certain since I have yet to decide on…

b. This story will start in a different sea than East Blue!!! Since I won’t be introducing many of the characters of the Straw Hat crew into the story for a good while, I can really explore the rest of the One Piece universe. At this time I’m thinking of either North Blue – since it’s supposedly the most technologically advanced of the seas, or letting them jump straight into the random crazy that is the Grand Line.

3. No Way home: Even with such major brains as Mei and Melissa, the kids will realize there’s no way to get home – they’d have to find where home is in relation to there they are now, and none of the stars are similar, so while there are obviously humans on this planet, it sure as heck isn’t earth. Without knowing where the starting point and the end point are, the best they could do is try to get home using random jumps, and that would be horribly dangerous.

a. This would cause a bit of angst at first. These are fifteen to seventeen (Melissa’s the oldest by two years) who have loving families and dreams back home, so they will not take the news they are stranded here well at first. Shoto will be the first to recover – “I never get to see my old man again…YES.”  

b. But it will be Izuku who keeps them together and thinking positively. After all, just because we’re in another world doesn’t mean we can’t follow our dreams. This will cause the others to rally around him even more than they would have otherwise.

c. To bring them even closer, he will tell them about his own pain – being taken from their world and no longer being able to follow in All Might’s footsteps to become the next symbol of peace. But this will only make him more determined, not less to be a hero.

4. Join the Navy: Since all of these kids are law-abiding sorts who want to be heroes, they will think there’s only one place for them to start their journey to become such, and that will be with the marines. And, since they will have helped capture several pirate ships and nearly all seemingly have Devil Fruit powers, they will be eagerly signed up on the spot.

a. Training!!! – Thanks to their powers, the group will be taken to Marine HQ for training, which will be shown in a series of flashbacks and take about six months to the characters involved.   This time is up to changes but given how much Cody and Helmeppo were able to improve, after six months Izuku and the others should be freaking bosses.

b. Haki for everyone. Literally the entire crew will learn how to utilize aspects of Haki, including Melissa. Froppy, Izuku, and Kirishima will be particularly good at Armor Haki, while the others will be more varied.

c. Garp as a rolemodel. Yes folks, you read that right. He is, after all, a hero to the marines, and is super powerful and while tough as hell, a great trainer too. Garp meanwhile will see this group of youngsters as the best and brightest of the next generation, a maybe as tools to right a few wrongs out there in the oceans.

d. Aokiji and Shoto. The two of them will bond over their ice powers, and Aokiji will force Izuku to realize that Shoto is not embracing his full Quirk. 

e. Mentor Tsuyu. The original scary granny will take Izuku and Momo under her wing and force them to start growing their minds more than they would otherwise. This means Izuku will no longer rely solely on One For All and will start using his analysis abilities, and Momo will be able to think on her feet far better.

f. Working with the Dr - Mei and Melissa’s knowledge will bring in the science divisions interest, though they won’t work for them exclusively, refusing to do so if it meant leaving their friends behind.

g. Shaping their own senses of justice. Since they come from a very different world, it will take time for the kids to realize how different this world is from their own, but they will eventually figure out the various camps in the marines and the different takes on the word Justice. And then they will later discover how little that world has to do with the actual way the government is run…

5. Captain Izuku and First Officer Momo. Since they all have powers but refuse to be separated – they would rather quit than be separated, and given their powers, the marines would have no issue with using them as a specialist attack crew, the new marines will be given their own ship, ranks etc. 

a. Steampunk ship. With Mei and Melissa involved in its creation this will not be your average marine vessel. And yes, I mean for there to be some actual ship-to-ship combat.

b. Science Officer Melissa and Chief Gunner Mei. Iida will be in charge of the engines, Froppy the frog in charge of repairs, Kirishima the bosun and Jirou the chief cook and communications officer

c. Thanks to Mei and Melissa, all of them will start to develop their own weapons and gear to go with their newly advanced combat styles. 

6. Different Arcs: I would like to let my imagination fly without being hampered by needing to keep to the canon route through the Grand Line, which would mean a lot of different adventures for this crew of marines than the Strawhat pirates.

a. Rookie hunting. I think I would probably use them to deal with or at least fight a lot of the rookie superstars from canon, culminating in a fight against Eustass Kidd.

b. The above would lead to them possibly recruiting a certain doctor and a few of his crew. Uncertain. Either this or 7C below.

7. The exception to the different arcs concept would be the Alabasta Arc. They would discover evidence of the Baroque Works and head there, defeating Crocodile and his crew but NOT befriending Vivi, since she’s stationed out with the Bounty Hunters and wouldn’t even here about this. 

a. This would in turn mean that the young marine would meet Robin, but none of them are so quick to judge others (except Froppy maybe) that they would turn her in. Instead, they agree to hide her among them, guarding both her and against her in case she really is a threat to the world – but that last, none of them believe, having already begun to doubt the way the world is run. – On the other hand, perhaps Robin would no longer be the only one to be able to read ponyglyphs… oopps…

b. Chopper might join them as well. The marines would arrive on Drum Island and have a throw down with the Blackbeard pirates as they try to ravage the island, beating them and the king, but being forced to let Blackbeard (just Blackbeard) escape, thanks to the king’s attacking them for not being willing to turn over his kingdom to him after he ran away. Chopper would join them then when he and Doctorine discover that they don’t have a medical officer and they are all following their dream of becoming heroes, something he could emphasize with.  

c. Maybe Nami? I don’t know about that one. Could go either way, but it would have severe repercussions for the story and for the Straw Hats obviously.

8. Troubles with the Higher ups. In their adherence to what they see as True Justice eventually Izuku and his crew will have made a lot of waves and some the higher ups aren’t happy about, but Izuku and co. won’t quit, because they will learn from Robin about the Tenryuubito, and the government will have sent CP9 after them for possibly harboring Nico Robin.

a. How’s that for a resignation! – Izuku and his crew will figure out the best and most public way to both ridicule the World Government, the Tenryuubito and tender their resignation in such a way so as to severely hurt the government’s standing around the world.

b. Showdown at Marijoa. Izuku and his crew would have to fight their way out past their old teachers after tossing those teacher’s sophistry in their faces. This would not be easy. 

c. Fractured Marines. A lot of the low level marines will have issues with knowing what their institution has tacitly allowed, and will stage small revolts here and there around the world once it is discovered.  this forces the Higher ups and the government to become even more dictatorial.

d. In case it has not been clear by this point, the main enemies in this fic would be the marines and the government.  They would not just be people to avoid as they are in canon One Piece.

9. Eventual Pirates/Revolutionaries. Kind of Self-explanatory. They won’t join the Revolutionaries though, not liking their methods. Nor will they be pirates since they won’t do piratical things. But they will be labeled as such, and have to deal with it, becoming the Vigilante Crew.  

10. New World Exploration: YES. Just so much looking forward to this. This would of course lead to new rivals, new fights and a lot of combat/humor/world creation goodness.

11. Devil Fruit Melissa. Eventually she will be given or earn a Devil Fruit of some kind, just not certain which. The Sand-Sand fruit has been done before of course LOL.

12. Pairings would be: Other than Izuku/Momo I don’t know. I like Melissa, but I don’t think I could sustain anything more than a trio in this fic, and I would rather like to pair him with the older woman that is Robin. I also see Robin as being adventuresome enough to be part of a threesome, with Momo being reluctant but eventually willing. Froppy would be paired with Kirishima, and Jirou with either Law or Iida. Not certain. I am certain that the romance side of things would be small at first, and filled with lots of blushing going on, while later on their dates would be very… unique. All these kids are already unique as it is after all, and regular romance might not interest them all that much.

Anyway, hope you all liked that and if you like either of these worlds please tell me what you think.



Love the idea, hope to see it one day ! :)


I am interested in this.


Have you seen the actual concept chapter(s)? I think the tag system here is really slow and bothersome so felt I should ask.