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Good Day/Evening or whatever it is where you are ladies and gentlemen. It is now the Fifteenth, the work on Making Waves, a much shorter chapter than normal, is done, and I have gotten it back from it’s first editor, and should finish that and send it off to the next one sometime tomorrow morning (local time) and it is now time to end the polls and announce the winners. 

First the large story poll, since it is going to be the story I’ll be starting today. The winner was… Magic of the Force!!!  YES, ladies and gentlemen, the HP/SW story won out for the first time in months.  The votes were decently close, with Magic bringing in 1,684 votes, with 302 coming from over on fanfic. Horse for the Force came in second obviously, with 1,582, only a 114 of which came from over on fanfic. That is the second time it’s done very badly over there I have to say. Odd and what sunk it this time.

Second in priority is the small story poll. Here we also have a major upset, thanks in large part to my editors throwing their votes behind it along with my own, AGGC beat out FILFy.  For those who don’t know, I give extra votes out to editors for my stories, which they add to the votes they already have. This time they both voted for the same story. 

The scores for this poll were, from least to greatest:

GDHWHOM: 556, 176 of which came from fanfic. I think the lack of obvious harem building has turned off the masses, or perhaps the fact that FILFy offers more lemons and world building both? 

Stallion: 897, 185 coming from Fanfic. Here it has been clear all along that people either love or hate One Piece, and many can’t separate the hatred of the characters to try and get into Stallion. Despite that, it still has a very good following, just not enough to catapult it from middle of the pack.

FILFy: 1,534, 364 of which came from fanfic. I honestly can’t remember a time since this story was introduced that it didn’t score second or first place in its poll.  I’m glad since it’s a favorite of mine too.

AGGC: 1622, of which only 102 came from fanfic. I think now people are honestly hoping I can finish this story and move on to other works, which I am hoping to do in the next three chapters or so.

And this vote will be a step in that direction, letting me to take one more step closer to finalizing AGGC!

And last, but not least…oh wait, yeah actually given my priorities, it kind of is least, ouch. Um… anyway, the last poll to be finalized is the patron only poll.

This was in a way the closest of the polls, since I couldn’t tell which would win right up until the last ten voters. 

In fourth place, Bhaalson Remodel with 626. Boo is very much saddened by this, and Minsc is wondering if he should shatter the kneecaps of villainy in order to force more votes their way.

With 985 votes Sword Bow and Horse came in third place. Several of you had good things to say about this fic, which makes me happy, since I love the Vanadis world, it’s practically a blank slate outside the characters, and that makes it fun. But not this time, alas.

Fate Touched in Middle Earth came in second, with an extremely respectful 1,045. I put my own votes down on this, because I too was in a Tolkien mood. Alas, it was not to be, because…

Semblance of Hope came in first!! It brought in 1198 and took home the crown. Since on top of being in a Tolkien mood I am in a redhead and romance mood, this suits me fine LOL.

There you have it, boys and girls. First to be updated (beyond MW) will be Magic of the Force. After that, Anything Goes Game Changer. And last, Semblance of Hope. I figure if I can finish Magic by the 22nd I should have a good chance of finishing both AGGC and SoH


Diego D'Andrea

Personally I think that Filfy has one of the best characterizations of the characters together with Third, even better than the latter, it has an exceptional rhythm and Rias. On FF my second vote goes to Gods and Devils ... I really like the Ranma of that story and I'm curious about Kasumi's sacred gear. I have read all the other fics except Stallion and Semblance, for the first I don't like One Piece, so I could read it sooner or later. I'll never read the second one! I hate RWBY with passion.


Erm, can i ask why? I mean, I hate RWBY after the second season, but I rather like the characters and much of the world. I do agree with your point about the characterizations in FILFy.

Diego D'Andrea

I was forced to see her first season from a friend of mine. the style of the animation and the colors are the thing that gave me the most trouble together with the Ruby characterization.

Treant Balewood

After AGGC finishes i intend to start voting towards GDHWHOM I quite like it