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Okay guys and gals, it is time to announce my priorities going forward in July. For those wondering, I have ATP back from one editor and will be sending it out to Michael Duggan later today. Making Waves combat portions are also written, now I just need to go back and do everything else LOL. 

Here are the results of the priorities poll: Option 2 only took in 80 votes, ouch.  Option 1 did much better but still came in third with 276. Option 4 beat that with 324. But it was Option 3 which won the day at 470. and 

This means I will prioritize the large story, followed by the small story, then the winner from the patron only poll. I am going to make a small change there, thought, and am removing the idea of comparing the winner of the patron only poll to the second place winner of the small story poll. Unless the difference is overwhelming, I will just go with the winner of the patron only poll, nice and simple. The reasoning is I’ve had time to try and guess how long each of the chapter will be, and all the chapters of the stories in the patron only poll seem to be coming out a bit shorter than the others.

In other news I had a few announcements: 

First an announcement specific to FILFy. It is coming up to the time where I’ll have to decide what to do about the gods of other pantheons that were there in DxD canon. I won’t say much here, but if you know anything about the original, real world versions of the pantheons in question: Hindu, Olympian, Shinto, Buddha and Zoroastrian (Persian) and have ideas, message me and we can talk about if they are workable or not. I have plans for Lugh, who is supposed to be around, and Balor, but that is all I will say here, and I won’t be including the Asgardians. I have it on good authority that the way they were included in the original DxD is beyond insulting, and I’ve delved into them more than enough there to not want to do so again. Not that I couldn’t but fixing what DxD did to them would be a huge project on its own. 

The second announcement has to do with August. I will be out of the country for the first two weeks of August and won’t have much in the way of an internet connection along with little time over those two weeks to write. The first means I won’t be able to check up on anything much here, the second means I won’t be up to writing as much in terms of total words as I would otherwise. Therefore, I will be doing two things: I will not be working on a large story chapter in August, and I will be posting the August small story and patron only polls here in the last week of July, to give me an idea going forward. I will be working on Making Waves and One of the two patron only stories before that, and afterward, the two winners of the small story and patron only polls. This way I can reward my patrons and also post something over on Fanfic.

On top of those announcements, I had a question I wanted to ask you all: Would you be interested in seeing my writing branch out? By this I mean, would any of you be interested in seeing story concepts/teaser ideas built around other male protagonists than Ranma and Harry Potter? I was thinking of Deku from Hero Academia and Bell Cranel from Danmachi, with the possible edition of Goblin Slayer from the series of the same name. I am not interested in Naruto (I hate nearly every adult in that story, with a special hatred directed towards his so-called teachers beyond Iruka), Code Geass (too Machiavellian for my tastes), or that anime with the guy who was obsessed with drills, can’t remember the name.  If you have any suggestions, tell me here in your comments and I will tell you what I think of them or just don’t know them/have no interest in them. Also note that this is about story ideas, not actual stories. I am not going to start any new projects, not even here on patreon, until AGGC and Semblance of Hope are done, at the very least.


Jordan Lopez

I've been meaning to give my votes on new protagonists for you to use. I'm a rather new watcher of the Buffy the vampire slayer show. Im not that big on buffy or her love for dead bodies aka angel, but I love Xander. He seems like the type of guy you would write. Not a genius but not stupid ether. Willing to get his hands dirty if it is to protect his friends, even if his love life sucks. I'm glad you bring up deku. The boy is basically spider-man and batman. A great mind, and drive for his dreams to save others like all heros. My biggest gripe with the story has always been deku's lack of fight training when he learned he had no quirk. Then again having your only real parent disregard your dream because you got no powers would kill my drive too lol. This next one is a favorite of mine, and I'm shocked no one has mentioned it that I know of. We need you to write a more mature Percy Jackson story. It's another story I feel where we know about the myths and it's all hinted at in the books, but glossed over. How harsh, and adult the world Percy joined as a half blood. Plus the heroes of Olympus sequel series dumped on Percy to make the new characters look good. Ranting aside, Percy is a great character and the world is fantastic. I'd love to see you dive into it maybe give us an actual under the sea mission with thalia and annabeth. It would be nice to see how poseidon is alot more fair in his treatment of his extended family unlike Zeus or Athena, who we all know has some type of romance interest I'm Poseidon. Anyway Percy has killed to save his family and while he us very powerful no one is truly all powerful in there universe. Plus maybe you can do justice by calypso. Idk how you feel about this one but I'd like to see your spin on Peter Parker Spider-man. I may get flack for saying this but while I dislike the one more day event I'm glad peter and mj got split up I like peter with women who can help him with his mission in life or at least can defend themselves. I'm a big fan of blackcat and peter. The reason I question if you would use peter or not because of how you had him and Harry interact in ATP. Still Peter is a great character with alot of potential that I feel marvel stays wasting. His powers are both science based and mystical, yet peter never learns magic. What type of geeky nerd wouldn't even try to learn magic waaaahh.... I can't think of other new protagonist at the moment but I'm sure there are alot for you to choose from but I'd really love to see what you could do with these guys here especially Xander and Percy. Sorry for my scattered thoughts

Adam Ouellette

Just want to add that Poseidon raped Medusa in Athena's Temple when she ran there to pray for protection from him and that caused Athena to curse Medusa due to her 'desecrating' her Temple. Just saying.

Jordan Lopez

What can I say, your point is correct. The Greek gods are terrible people who did terrible things. Not even going to argue about differing myths and stories.