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July 2024 HP Poll

  • Magic of the Force – warfare, world building, space combat, romance, character interaction, politics, awkward conversations abound 175
  • A Fate Touched in Middle Earth - romance, character interaction, world building, comedy, magical exploration, walking into a war 200
  • 2024-07-02
  • —2024-07-17
  • 375 votes
{'title': 'July 2024 HP Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Magic of the Force – warfare, world building, space combat, romance, character interaction, politics, awkward conversations abound', 'votes': 175}, {'text': 'A Fate Touched in Middle Earth - romance, character interaction, world building, comedy, magical exploration, walking into a war', 'votes': 200}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 17, 19, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 2, 19, 52, 46, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 375}


And now, the HP Poll, or rather, the poll of the betrayed fandoms... Seriously. Rings of Amazon is so bad and brutalizes Tolkien so horribly, but it’s just one season.  Everything Darth Mouse has done bar Rogue One and Andor is just trash.  It’s an honest tossup as to which has been done wrong worse.


Magic of the Force – HP/SW Crossover:  Harry continues his recovery and repairs begin on the Tyrant’s Bane. Aayla, Zule, and Padme attempt to have a discussion although it is often a second priority to work.  Aayla takes the time to investigate his quarters, finding much of interest for the future, but nothing incriminating or pointing towards the Sith at present. She and Anakin have a heart-to-heart.  The war continues as the Republic and CIS launch new offensives, one building n the success of a previous one, the other striking out into new territory under Thrawn. Thrawn ponders as battles begin, Sidious steps up his game in the Senate, while Padme deals with her newfound fame, remaining in Thyferra until the new government takes over.  Attention diverts to the Corellian front for the GDL, while Dominus meets with Grievous to speak about the future. A recovered Harry is pulled into a interesting personal discussion, with Padme in the driver’s seat, before meeting with Anakin and discussing his future both in the Order and as an individual.


Fate Touched in Middle Earth – HP/Tolkien crossover: Tauriel and Harry settle into their home by the lake and their lives within the kingdom of Erebor, settling into one place for a number of years.  Ten years on, however, the call to travel grows with an urgency that implies the hunt that Oromë hinted at to Tauriel. Outfitted with new armor, new tools and new weapons, Harry and Tauriel set out to the land of the Stonefoots, to make their way from there even further north, into the Forodwaith, presumably to hunt ice drakes before they can answer the Lesser Darkness’s call. Meanwhile, Saruman schemes in his tower and Bilbo wins a few events in the Shire.  Aragorn finds his training being upgraded much to his chagrin. The trip into the Stonefoot lands embroils Harry, his lady and their companions, Fili and a group of dwarves under him, in a war with the Easterlings, the Stonefoot refugees having understated how much trouble they were having.


This poll will end on the 17th.  I haven’t yet outlined the next chapter of magic fully, so I may need at least ten days to work on it, maybe more.  I again will not be voting in this.  I like both fics, and would like to continue either, but it has been a month longer since Fate has been up.  So it will get the quarter carry over effect.   


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