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Good morning… well, where I am anyway.  As my afternoon looks like it’s going to be full instead of my morning as I expected, I decided to end this poll now, so I can take the rest of the morning writing. Hope you have enjoyed Bhaalson Remodel, FILFy and GDHWOM.  Although I have noted that none of those stories are getting as many reviews as I would have hoped to see.  Sad writer noises…


Anyway, here are the results of the poll:

In last place, Climbing Together.  It did okay with 1,488, but despite several of my largest donors voting for it, it didn’t get the carry over effect like the second place winner, which was…

Heroes of the High Seas.  With the addition of the half (1/2) carry over effect giving it 440 extra votes, Heroes brought in a total of 1,517. 

Now, I said I wouldn’t vote in this poll, and I won’t. But… yeah, when DA is in these polls they are getting kind of predictable LOL.  I have to wonder why.  I mean it even beats out King of Champions routinely when they are both in the same poll. I honestly didn’t think World of Warcraft was still that popular. I like it, but it is still surprising.  Anyway, the winner, Death’s Avenger, brought in 2,264 votes. 


This of course brings up a issue going forward.  Stallion is… well its crushing the Ranma poll.  Not going to end it early or anything, but I need to think about things going forward.  And Tomon, my man, is a editor for both DA and Stallion.  So it will be interesting to see if RL allows him to edit both.  I will try to get DA done quickly to help, but we will see.


Next month, since I will be updating FILFy, I will probably vote in this poll for a non-HP fic. Whichever has the best chance of winning, LOL, so HP will get two stories, Ranma one for certain, and maybe two, and also maybe I will be able to write some cute Izu/Momo moments.


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