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Greetings, fellow Seekers! 🤩
   We're back with another update on the development of Soulgasm. As we continue to pour our hearts and souls into the beautiful world of Soulgasm, we're thrilled to share the latest progress with you, my gorgeous ones! So without further ado, let's get to it!!

🔧 Technical Update

   What a better way to start our update than with a major milestone in our development journey: the game is becoming clickable!! All thanks to the efforts of our talented development team. With placeholder assets in place, we're making significant strides towards creating a fully functional demo experience. We're also hard at work writing and testing the code for the demo minigames, bringing them one step closer to reality.

   The gameplay is slowly taking shape, and we can't wait to let you dive in! 😍

📝 Writing

   The power of words is coming alive within Soulgasm as we forge ahead with our writing endeavors. The demo dialogues are progressing smoothly, and so we're shifting our focus towards writing the intricate details of the games and events within the game, ensuring every aspect aligns with the captivating story we're creating. To give you a glimpse of what's to come, here's a snippet of dialogue from the upcoming demo 👀

🎨 Art

   Our talented group of artists are working tirelessly on multiple fronts, infusing life and beauty into the game. We're polishing the game's intro sequence, ensuring it sets the tone for the grand adventure that awaits players.

   Additionally, we're sketching up visual novel dialogue bits that will transport you deeper into the story, allowing you to forge meaningful connections with the characters 🤩

   In the meantime, Nova is getting some extra attention from the Captain and we shall see her in action really soon! 👀

   But that's not all! We're in the process of creating a fantasy-like tarot card minigame for Soulgasm, and we'd love your creative input. We have a few card slots waiting to be filled with funky and imaginative designs. Share your ideas in the comments! Help us shape this enchanting aspect of the game! ✨🃏🧙‍♂️

🧠 Final Thoughts

   With every passing month, the world of Soulgasm takes more and more shape. As we continue to navigate this creative journey, we're grateful for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Together, we are creating a gaming experience that will ignite the sparks of joy and wonder within each player ❤

Stay tuned for more updates, as we venture further in the development Soulgasm. The adventure awaits!

--Polly 💌


  • Game backend slowly getting together,
  • Game Demo dialogues almost ready,
  • Writing for the minigames and events in progress,
  • Minigames code in testing,
  • Game locations paintings in progress,
  • Eris dialogue art in progress,
  • Game intro art in progress,
  • Game visual novel art bits started!




The warmth is definitely spreading in my groin after reading that script. 😳 Glad to see we've finally entered the click stage of development! 🍾 Being on the Capt.n's patreon I already got a close look at things to come with Nova and I CANNOT WAIT. 🥵🍈🍈 I would love to give some input for Tarot Cards! Idk if you're using the actual cards, but in case you are let me take a stab at this: The Fool - A cute jester girl giving a "performance" for a royal court The Magician - Moruga using her magic to pleasure herself with her enchanted toys. The Highpriestess - A holy woman giving into primal lust with some orcs. The Empress - Eris doing a nice spread on a bed, only dressed with jewelry and gold to show off her high status. The Emperor - A king on his thrown, being serviced by one of his servants. The Hierophant - A priest being tempted by courtesans. The Lovers - A couple having sweet, passionate sex. The Chariot - A woman drives a chariot as someone takes her from behind. Strength - The female barbarian npc lifts a lucky man (or woman) and give them head while she's standing. The Hermit - Just some guy in a cave jerking off. Wheel of Fortune - Nova wraps her arms over the wheel of one of her machines behind her as a man has their way with her. Justice - A Paladin catching a rogue, dispensing their own form of "justice". The Hanged Man - Man or woman strung up in rope and leather for some bondage fun. Death - Man dies having sex with a succubus. Temperance - A woman spots a couple having sex in an alley and does her best to resist pleasuring herself while watching...or even joining them for that matter! The Devil - An Incubus sitting on a throne surrounded by his sex slave elves, both men and women. The Tower - The tallest npc character stands...well tall as she is given head. The Star - constellation resembling some sexy time. The Moon - A werewolf playing with their food...or possible mate. The Sun - Sexy fire elementals dancing like flames on each other. Judgement - An unsatisfied lover judging their partner poorly. The World - Just a good ol' fashion orgy with all the different races of the world! I'm not sure this is what you were asking for but I hope you can pull some ideas off of them!


I love them all!! Yet if I would have to choose my favorite, that would be The Jester! (So predictable innit? 😂😂😂)


I mean if she HAPPENS to be a blue tiefling that's just purely coincidence! 👀😉😙