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Hello, amazing Seekers! 🌟
We are SO happy to be back with another update on Soulgasm's development! After a few bumps on our way, we feel we have recovered, and our passionate team has been working non-stop to make this beautiful adventure come to life! We can't wait to share our latest and gorgeous progress, all thanks to you, my lovely seekers! Hence, and without further ado, let's dive in and discover the wonders that await us in this month's update!

🔧 Technical Update

We're making exciting progress in the technical department! Now that we can play through almost the entire game demo, our talented tech team is focusing on improving it so we can slowly get closer to the final game! Nothing too flashy, though, as this month was all about the back end, so let's get technical:

  • We have developed a fully functioning inventory and skill-unlocking system,
  • Improved the conversation tool to track relationships progression,
  • Improved our storyline manager - oh no, did we include the consequences of your actions? Yes, yes we did.
  • Super sex-skills received a rework to integrate with our characters' moves smoothly,
  • Ported the entire game to URP,
  • Added smooth transitions between scenes to tie it all together,
  • A new sex scene was added (!!!)
  • We added banging during banging. You'll see🚪 👀

📝 Writing

We continue adding extra writing to give the story's beginning a bit more depth! In the meantime, as we wait for all these dialogues to be finished, please enjoy a tiny snippet featuring another character from our demo. Keep your eyes peeled! 👁️👄👁️

🎨 Art

The art production is back in full swing! After a slight slowdown in June, we're now charging ahead at full speed. We're thrilled to have two talented sailors on board, joining the Captain as they collectively catch the wind in the sails of creativity. Together, we're navigating the artistic seas to bring you a visual experience that will leave you breathless!

Promise that we will bring a fresh batch of new art pretty soon! 🤞 Keep looking!

🧙‍♂️ Team update

And last but certainly not least! In June, Nova made her spicy debut within the Unity engine, and we are absolutely thrilled to welcome the incredible SilkyMilk as the voice behind Nova's character! The combination of SilkyMilk's talent and Nova's spirited persona promises to create an unforgettable experience for all of us! We can't wait to hear more of her captivating performance as Nova unfolds her story! ✨

🧠 Final Thoughts

With each passing month, the captivating world of Soulgasm steadily takes shape. We are immensely grateful for your unwavering support and boundless enthusiasm as we embark on this creative journey together. Your passion fuels our determination to create a gaming experience that will ignite sparks of joy and wonder within every player. ❤️

Although the road may have had its bumps, we are now picking up speed once again, forging ahead with renewed energy and excitement. Stay tuned for more thrilling updates as we venture further into the development of Soulgasm. The adventure awaits, and we are thrilled to have you by our side!

--Polly 💌


  • SilkyMilk joins the cast as Nova! ✨
  • Added fully functioning inventory and skill-unlocking system
  • Improved conversation tool to track relationship progression and consequences of your actions,
  • Ported the game to URP and added a bunch of visual upgrades,
  • Game Demo writing continues,
  • Game artwork resumes 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♂️!
  • Eris dialogue art in progress 👀
  • First playability tests started 😱




Nice To see that SilkyMilk will be voicing in this game. In all the animations and games i have heard her in, her perfomance was top tier for me. Excited to hear the VA's who will be joining the game.


Huzzah!! Love the Heros of Might and Magic reference too