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And our next contestant has checked in!



The next to arrive was a woman known as Akari. Like Cindi, the five-foot-five woman also scoped out the lobby to The Oasis as she entered. Her reasons also weren’t above board, but certainly not the life-or-death kind that Cindi had. No, Akari was looking for weaknesses; decor not properly fastened, windows that could be climbed through, security cameras with insecure wiring.

It was a benefit to Akari to collect any information she could in order to offer up her services for bidding. Those services were not intended for the places she researched, but to competitors who would appreciate if ‘accidents’ could befall their business rivals. When Akari saw the alert on her phone, she figured it was as good an excuse as any to do some research.

Checked in, Akari immediately began examining her room. The furniture, the piping, the wiring. It all appeared to have been done with quality, but even quality could be sabotaged. Walking around and examining the space Akari noticed the orange envelope and picked it up first, popping open the flap and pulling out a playing card with a solid orange back.

Holding it up Akari read the block text;

Always On: your pussy is the horniest and wettest it has ever been.

“What have I gotten myself into?” Akari smiled. The thrill of casing a new prospect had always been something of a turn on, and the petite woman wasn’t surprised to feel her lower lips warm up. She squirmed in her body deliciously. This was going to be a fun place to disassemble.

She needed to see more of it. But she wanted to know more about what she was getting into. Akari picked up the note to see if there was some context for the perverted little card she’d received. It read identically to Cindi’s - although of course Akari didn’t know that - except for one line;

If you would like to enjoy a special starting bonus for tonight’s game round, please dress according to the following; you must wear the knee-high latex heels in your wardrobe!

“Interesting…a dress code,” Akari mused to herself. She had arrived in a business jacket, knee-length pencil skirt, blouse, and modest heels. She went over to the wardrobe and opened it, finding inside the items she presumed it was referring to. Picking them up she found that the heels must have been at least five inches high! The latex was thin and stiff and very shiny.

“Kinky…” Akari grinned. Her pussy was really warm now. This was going to be quite the adventure. She’d brought the perfect dress to have it in.

Akari stripped down, pausing to slowly remove her panties. They were actually damp, something the young woman had barely experienced once before. She put a hand to her slit and could feel how moist and hot it was. She actually giggled, feeling like she was eighteen again and thinking about undermining a big strong male CEO’s power.

Inside the shower Akari lathered over her scant A cups, which the padding of her dress would pump up to look like bulging Bs. She ran her fingers across her nice ass which the tight dress would perfectly show off. She touched up her slim legs with her razor, as well as the heart-shaped bush she always kept neatly trimmed.

You never knew what it would take to get behind a locked door. Sometimes you needed to let someone push you up against it.

Out of the shower Akari found that no matter how many times she ran her towel across her pussy it would immediately moisten. Granted, she was feeling very horny, but she’d never before stepped out of a showered and so quickly smelled like she needed to get back in. She’d heard of some hotels and amusement parks playing with the oxygen levels in their vents to manipulate how guests felt. She wondered if The Oasis was doing something similar, perhaps with pheromones.

A mechanism pumping chemicals into the air system could be very interesting to screw with.

Akari had intended to wear a black thong beneath the red v-neck backless club dress she picked out. But given how wet she was feeling between the legs, and how saucy that card indicated the evening’s trial game may be, Akari decided to do without them. She slipped the dress on over her head, wiggling her body as she shimmied into the material.

As she did so, Akari’s thighs bumped and squeezed, further inflaming her nether lips. She pulled the hem over her rump and adjusted her tits in the built-in push-up, and then did her hair and make-up - ignoring the burning need in her loins.

Finished in the bathroom, Akari padded over to the end of the bed where she’d unceremoniously dropped the heels. Not wanting to create a wet spot on the back of her dress, she hiked the hem up over her round rear and sat bare-ass on the comforter. She picked up the heels and rolled up the latex, finding that they were easier to pull on than Akari was expecting. In short order the shiny black material was snapped into place right up to her knee. The latex was so tight around her feet that Akari could see the contours of her toes, as if they had been vacuum-sealed.

Akari stood up and wobbled for a moment atop the absurd heels. It wasn’t her first time in shoes like this, but it always took a moment to adjust. Finding her center of gravity Akari took a few confident steps before stopping when she spotted herself in the mirror - her dress was still pulled up, her pussy glistening wetly in the light. Akari shook her head in disbelief that she could forget, and pulled the hem down to its proper place, just under where the curve of her ass met her thighs.

There was time before Akari would have to be at the assigned conference room for the game, so she grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Before she reached it Akari gritted her teeth and took a deep breath. Her womanhood was really juicy right now, and so...needy. Akari was afraid she could start dripping down her legs!

Thinking fast she grabbed a few washrags from the bathroom and shoved them in her purse, and the sexy saboteur finally left the room to look around the hotel for its weaknesses.

to be continued...


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