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Our third lucky player has arrived at The Oasis!



Cassidy was the third player to arrive, and she walked into the lobby fully expecting everyone to know who she was. Much to her dissatisfaction - and concern - no one appeared to notice her. That didn’t stop her from doing a duck-face pucker into her phone and posting a new image to her feed, captioned; i am arrived @oasis! Lkng fwd 2 exclusive invited stay!

As she rolled her suitcase across the lobby tiles a few eyes did swing Cassidy’s way, mostlike because of the strappy black heels, black microskirt, and low hanging loose sleeveless top. It was obvious that her big D breasts were natural as they bounced around atop the shelf bra. Cassidy’s tits threatened to bounce out of her top, and a nipple had slipped into view here and there.

But that was Cassidy’s intent. It was how she’d planned most of her life, ever since becoming the youngest professional cheerleader on the Texas national football team at seventeen.

And then, the day after her eighteenth birthday, that video of her and the quarterback having sex “leaked.” The controversy over whether or not she’d been of age at the time ruined his career - even though she had turned eighteen by then Cassidy allowed the mystery to linger and the media furor catapulted her into the national attention. 

For three years the busty blonde had managed to make a career out of social media influencing and various reality television series. But her star had begun to fall, and Cassidy had sunk much of her money into producing thirteen episodes of a vanity project - which the network had just cancelled and shelved the remaining eleven unaired ones.

Following that announcement she’d lost fifty-seven followers from her feed.

Cassidy needed a win right now, and a free stay in a swanky hotel was a good start.

Checked in and actually happy with her room Cassidy pushed her suitcase towards the closest and flopped onto the bed. She took out her phone, arranged her hair around her, and put a hand to her right breast as if she was playing with the nipple. She held up the phone and took another selfie; njoying a moment 2 myself in this fbls rm!

That done Cassidy sat up and did tweak her nipple, smiling and wiggling. She loved free stuff, and at the moment she let herself enjoy the fortuitousness of the offer.

Wondering what the test game entailed, it was then that Cassidy saw the note and orange envelope on the nearby table. Picking it up the note it read the same as her competitors’, save for one line;

If you would like to enjoy a special starting bonus for tonight’s game round, please dress according to the following; the bunny tail thong in your dresser drawer!

Cassidy laughed and slid open the nearby drawer. Inside was indeed a white string thong, with a fluffy white rabbit’s tail stitched to the rear of the elastic. She held it up amused.

It wasn’t think kinkiest thing she’d been asked to wear to an event. And it wouldn’t even be all that noticeable in the outfit she planned.

Curious about what was in the envelope, Cassidy opened it and read the text;

Cum From Afar: When someone orgasms while thinking of you, you will also orgasm.

“Huh…” Cassidy muttered. That one was a little crassly blunt for her. She dropped the card on the table with the note, picked up her phone, and went to the bathroom. Inside she slid open the shower door, pulled one shoulder strap of her shirt down, and took a very flirty selfie, captioned; going 2 get clean...or dirty? ;)

Putting the phone aside Cassidy stripped down and got in the stall. She wanted to enjoy the relaxation of the hot water, and with a slow and gradual pace lathered up her full tits, which overflowed her palms. Moving downwards she traced the few lines of her abs that Cassidy still retained from her actual cheerleading days. Beyond that was her ass, nicely firm and round but nowhere near as impressive as her chest.

Cassidy was about to start on her long and toned legs when she felt some heat bloom between them. Her pussy was tingling, and before Cassidy could fully understand what was happening she was moaning while her muscles locked up in orgasm. 

As the unexpected crash of pleasure passed Cassidy spit out the shower water that had sprayed into her opened mouth. She gasped, leaning against the tile in her afterglow as she tried to understand what had happened.

Her tits weren’t sensitive enough to bring her to climax like that, and she hadn’t gotten anywhere near her pussy with her own hands yet.

Why had she so suddenly…?

Confused, but not yet concerned, by what had just gripped her Cassidy quickly finished in the shower, carefully washing away the little sheen of her self-made wetness. She wrapped herself in a towel, her five-foot-seven-form covered nicely by it. Out of the bathroom she opened her suitcase and retrieved her white pump sneakers and the cheerleaders outfit she’d had commission; the screen printed crop top reading TEXAS, the matching pleated skirt, striped headband, wristbands, and socks were all just legally different from her old Texas team outfit that she could wear it whenever she liked.

Tonight seemed like a good time to break out the hits.

Cassidy slipped on the bunny tail thong and wiggled it over her ass. She took a moment to pet the little cotton fluff tail and laughed. In swift order the rest of her outfit was on, the pleated skirt ending an inch above the bottom curve of her ass, and the crop top designed to squeeze her breasts up and out of the low cut.

Make-up and hair done, Cassidy examined herself in the mirror. She pulled out her phone and snapped a pic of her reflection, adding with it to her feed; ready 4 the BIG GAME!!!

Happy with her look Cassidy bounded out of the room and into the hallway, thinking she’d find some dinner. She’d gotten a few steps towards the elevator when another tingle gripped her loins. Cassidy stopped and groaned, bending over and squeezing her thighs together. Her body shivered as another phantom orgasm washed over her. Needing some sort of physical input she grabbed a breast through the material of her top, and bit her lip to keep from crying out any louder than she already had.

Cassidy’s legs were weak and she struggled to stand up as her afterglow released control of her muscles back to her. The faux-cheerleader could smell her post-cum musk, and could feel how the thong had become sticky with her fluids. She held her head as she finally stood straight, and heard a giggle down the hall from her.

Zipping her head towards the sound Cassidy didn’t even know which room door it was she had heard close. Who had seen her crumple up like that? Had they taken a picture of her? Did they know who she was? Had they tagged her?

Stumbling towards the elevator Cassidy checked her feed. If she had been identified no one had posted anything yet. She closed her eyes and let out a long sigh of relief, but was startled by the ding of the elevator. Getting, Cassidy examined herself in the buffed metal walls. She adjusted her top, fixed her hair, and admired the sexy sheen of sweat which had broken out across so much of her visible skin. That looked quite acceptable.

Another deep breath and Cassidy put her mind in motion - what was causing these random orgasms? Were they random? Maybe it had something to do with that card.

When she got to the lobby Cassidy was going to demand some answers.

to be continued...


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