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The start of a story, especially one like Sex In The Cards, is always difficult. I've been working to do it better for All Decked Out, and I felt it was time to start sharing!

As I complete character introductions I'll be posting them, so here's our first. There could still be changes and edits when I post the collected start to the story at the end of the month, but you've all been waiting very patiently and I felt it was time to show some progress!




Normally she wouldn’t have given the seemingly random spam text message a second look;

CONGRATULATIONS! In exchange for helping us test a new game, you’ve been offered free room and board at The Oasis, Las Vegas’ newest hotel and casino! Show this message to the front desk to begin your stay tonight!

But today wasn’t normal. Today she was…

...on the run from her legitimate business bosses.

...looking to scope out a new mark to ask for bids on.

...trying to keep up an image, but unable to afford it.

...just desperate to sleep in a real bed.

One by one the four lucky winners checked in at the front desk with the strange pair of women who appeared to be the general managers. The first to arrive was Cindi.

Cindi was just an inch short of six feet tall, but the thick soles of her combat boots made up the difference. As she entered the lobby she instinctively scanned it for places that could provide cover - for her or the woman who had likely been sent after her - and Cindi was not pleased. The hotel-casino was a mish-mash of styles, from Ancient Greek to Egyptian to Mayan, with ruins and statues spread all around.

But it was unlikely that anyone knew that the black-clad woman was here - not yet, at least - so she gripped tightly the handle of her long carrying case and checked in. Arriving in her room Cindi found it acceptable, with a large bed in the center, a bathroom off from the entryway, and tables and overstuffed chairs. She locked the door thoroughly, and leaned the small ironing board in the coat closet near the hinges.

Cindi immediately placed the large carrying case on the bed and closed all the blinds. She took a breath - and smelled the light dinge of three-days-on-the-run-in-the-same-outfit. Feeling like she could finally take a moment for some self care she unzipped the tight-fitting black top, undid her boots, and removed them along with her black lycra pants. She stood for a moment and stretched, wearing only the black cotton briefs and sports bra. Cindi then went into the bathroom.

Stripping off the underwear, she examined herself in the mirror. She hadn’t gotten shot making her escape from the failed mission, and traced the two scars on her lower abdomen she’d received five years ago, the moment she’d gained the trust of her now-former bosses.

The Rose had nearly taken her down that day. Now it was likely the same woman would try to do so again.

Cindi wasn’t going to let that happen.

And she certainly wasn’t going to be tracked by her smell. Cindi stepped into the shower and let the warm water wash over her C-cup breasts, down her slightly flat ass, and dribble along her athletic legs. She washed the red hair she’d kept in a pixie cut. She lathered her pale skin, the result of literally living in the shadows, and dried off without any other distraction.

With a towel wrapped around her tall form - which barely covered both her breasts and her crotch at the same time - Cindi stepped out of the bathroom and opened the case. A layer of clothing and magazines presented themselves, but all of that was fake. She tossed it aside to reveal the sniper rifle glinting underneath. She’d clean it shortly, but for now she needed to check what was underneath that - a small pistol and the concealed thigh holster.

She only had four bullets for it with her. Cindi would have to make them count, if needed.

Not that she had anything to hide the holster under right now. When things went south Cindi had needed to get out, and get out fast. And she only had time to grab one traveling case.

Cindi was happy with her choice, but now that she considered she’d have to actually attend whatever it was she’d volunteered for or else risk suspicion - or a visit to her room by someone - she realized she did indeed need to find another outfit for the evening.

As Cindi thought over her options she noticed a piece of paper and an orange envelope on a table nearby. Cindi didn’t recall seeing that earlier. Instantly she was on alert and looked to the door - everything was still latched and chained from the inside, and the ironing board hadn’t moved.

It wasn’t like Cindi to overlook a detail like that, but she shook her head and told herself it was from exhaustion. She went over to the table and picked up the papers.

Hello, and thanks for agreeing to test out our new game here at The Oasis!

Please join us in Conference Room 2B at 8pm promptly this evening!

Until then, feel free to explore our hotel, casino, restaurant, and other facilities! Your closet has been stocked with some items from our local fashion designers if you would like to dress up for the night! Please enjoy and return the items at the end of your stay!

Some pre-game prep!

If you would like to enjoy a special starting bonus for tonight’s game round, please dress according to the following; you must bare your navel!

You will also find an Orange Envelope with this note. Inside is a card that will establish either a limitation or a bonus to your gaming experience. Please bring it with you. You may open it when you arrive at 8pm tonight, or earlier if you would like to get an early understanding of its effects. The choice is yours!

I hope you enjoy your stay,

Lady R

Cindi placed down the letter and picked at the corners of the orange envelope. Limitation? Bonus? What did that mean?

Cindi did not have patience for games, and she dropped the envelope on the table. What she did need was new clothes. She went to the closet wardrobe across from the bed and opened it, finding a variety of dresses and other outfits hung up. She picked through them, and pulled out a long red silk dress that in any other circumstance Cindi absolutely would have worn.

The sentence on the card had stuck with her; for a starting bonus she had to bare her navel. Cindi kept telling herself that she wasn’t here for games, she had more serious concerns.

But...a win of any kind would feel very good right now. And if that meant getting a bonus at the start of the game…

Cindi put back the red dress and searched a little more. Soon she found a two-piece lace bare midriff dress, which consisted of a short-sleeved top and a short sexy skirt. It had been a long time since Cindi had showed this much skin.

Maybe it was time to change things up a bit. Be a little...unpredictable.

to be continued...


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