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At the gym, this rhino guy is working out so hard today just like other day, everyone here already get used seeing him like that, This rhino guy is care nothing more than keeping his body in a good shape as he is now, if not, he’ll have a hard time sleeping, he’s the type of that guy, full of himself and don’t want to see himself in a bad way but here come the most dangerous part, when this rhino working out, he’ll later getting hungry, too hungry, as he said after a propel workout, he’ll needed a propel meal to balance things around and when he said a propel meal, if you are thinking about a balance dish full of all the necessary nutrients, sorry, wrong! He aimed to eat something more than that! And you about to find out what is that!

After he finished with today’s workout routine, he now ready for today’s propel meal, and just as if it is on cue, some random rabbit guy just walking pass by, he probably not come here really often as other people in this gym knew to not to get close to this rhino when he working out because… Well, the rhino will eat them, yeah, that’s the proper meal for him, working out draining him a lot of energy after all and to get that amount of energy back, he have to eat something bigger, like, another person, for example! Sadly this rabbit just happened to be there and unaware of the dangerous of this rhino’s presence, the rhino quickly grabbed the rabbit, pulled the rabbit into his mouth and just like that, one gulp and now the poor rabbit is fully trapping in his belly, waiting to be digest and give the rhino his energy back… Oh no!!!

But is this really necessary!? Eating a whole guy is wrong! And not to mention isn’t he care about his body shape? If the rhino eating someone, he’ll have to walk around with large belly hanging around, he doesn’t want that, right? Well, actually yeah but that’s not the problem, it just a temporary thing, he needed to eat this much but fear not, he is sure that he’ll get back in shape in not time, and after he saying that, his digestive system starting to working hard on the poor little rabbit, it working too fast, just a few minutes and he’s gone, fully gone, not even a single bones left, and with that, outside, the rhino is already back in his good shape, burped out with big smile of his satisfied, poor rabbit, if only you keeping up on the news with other people, he’ll know not to wandering around this rhino when he working out and he’ll never ending up like this…

Guess it’s too late to feel bad now, at least the rabbit now becomes part of this good-looking rhino, at least it’s not that bad, hope the rhino keep doing his things without fail so his body will stay the same and never become wrong, that probably what the rabbit hoping for right now, you hear? In that case, good luck on your routine, rhino! And the rabbit, let’s hope this rhino stay this good, okay? Even if he has to eat more people, well, to be fair, the rabbit is not the first one, how about we count the spirit of those that got eaten by this rhino? Probably too much to count… LOL! That’s it for the story, hope you enjoy and I’ll see you again real soon!



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