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Let’s change the mood from a lot of furry characters, how about that? This time, instead of fluffy wolf or something like that, we got this alien instead, a basic alien from the textbook, but that’s what make an alien like this charming in its own way, right? I wonder if one day we finally found an alien and turned out not a single one looking like this textbook alien… Would be funny! But guess that’s the future thing, let future people handle it, it that ever happened, okay? LOL!!!

Anyway, back on main topic, the idea in this comic is simple, look like an alien group here going around from this to that planet and then shrunk and captured life form there for their experiment, calling those they captures as a sample, and they ended up at our planet one day, caught a few humans and animals and then left… Poor of them, right? But it becomes even worse! Because the alien that in charge for storing the shrunken samples they are captured is so careless! That alien wasn't not placing the sample containment well enough, it almost about to fall from the shelf and then one just night passed, it finally fall from the shelf and broke! And the one that broke is the one that humans are in! While you might think this is a good chance to escape, but remember, they got shrunk, they’re so tiny in this gigantic alien’s ship, they don’t even have a place to go, the alien ship already left the Earth! Where should they go then? Living in some air vent forever? Building a tiny air vent city or something?

Sadly, there’s no time to place for that such a fate as soon, another alien entered to check the sample and very angry to find that the sample box broke and those in there are now outside, this is a trouble, as they don’t want these samples to exposed the air outside the box, they wanting to keep the samples clean before doing an experiment, in other words, now these humans are no longer can be use in their experiment, they’re not clean anymore so there’s no point to recapture them back to another box… So, what to do? Let them go? Can’t do that, it will be too dirty with little people running around their ship, he’ll have to deal with it, here and now…

Poor shrunken humans there, they have no chance to escape or resist when the alien slowly approaching them and lifting his big alien foot, full intent to crush them, and just a few seconds later, the alien did really crushed them into pulp! Oh no! Just like that, one stepped on and gone… They’re too tiny for this big alien after all, everything ended right away just like that… To the alien however, now after that crushed, he have to deal with his feet now full of blood, ugh, never know those tiny things can cause this much blood, oh well, first, he’ll find the one that placed the sample box last night and punish them, then they’ll have to return to Earth to capture new sample, a lot of works to do, no time to wait, no time to wait! No time to think about what already gone, he should think about what to do next! Just like that, making the end of the story here, I felt a little bad for those people that got crushed but I guess at least it will be quicker than living in air vent until their life end I guess… And I also felt bad for the next human samples that they’ll catch to replace with these guys they just crushed… Hope the new sample is not one of you guys, just kidding! Just kidding! LOL! Hope you enjoy and to the alien, let’s see, good luck hunting? Wait, no, that’s wrong… Nah! Never mind! See you guys later!



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