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Oh no! Another pic where micro character going to suffer again! Even the last time we got some kind of happy one where micro don't hurt, I know, I know but this is how my work is, get used to it, okay? But if you want to see micro side happy, let me know and I'll try to do that more often, I think! LOL!!! 

Okay, we got a big rabbit guy and little guy between his fingers, look like he just caught this little man, the little man is trying his best to break free but the rabbit told him to give up, he'll be his toy no matter what... That's cruel... But the rabbit is right, the little man can't do anything now... And the rabbit is about to start some weird game with the little guy! Oh no!!! 

Now the little guy find himself stick by a tape at the rear part of the rabbit! His butt! Oh no! What the rabbit going to do and what is this game about!? Well, seems like it is some kind of dance and bump game where you dance along with the music and there will be a time where you have to bump your butt at the wall along with the music, there's a sign for that too, and seems like the score will depend on if you bump at the right time and able to bump on the mark or not, something like that... The rabbit might having fun but the little guy surely not fun at all! Not to mention each bump into a wall hurt him, poor micro guy...

Oh well, I guess the little guy can't escape so he just have to get used to the game and bear with it until the game is over, not sure how long this game will be but he should able to have a chance to escape after that... Or not? Hope he can withstand a lot of bumping action there... Oh and some smelly gas too... As a bonus , I think...

Let's cheer for the little guy for him to able to withstand this and able to escape later, okay? What? You cheer for the rabbit to get a high score record!? No! You're so evil! What? No one cheer for the rabbit but me? Hmm... Then I am talking to myself then, whatever!!! Haha! Hope you enjoy and see you again next time! Good luck until then, rabbit guy and little guy, enjoy your bumping music game! Hehe!



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