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Normally I would do a story where micro character facing bad trouble, making his life miserable and all... But! I think doing that too often can be too cruel to them so this time I'll going easy on them, making micro character not suffer, happy now, micros? LOL!!! But don't get used to this, I'll not doing this often so better have fun while you can! Story, start!!!

In this story, we got this big dog guy who just shrunk his human friend to the tiny size, it's a Micro May after all so he probably want his friend to be in this size, just for fun and for this month only, the little shrunken guy didn't mind much, he's not sure but say as long as the dog taking good care of him and the dog will grow him back later, that's fine... Of course that's what the dog will do! They're a good friend after all! But then... Before the fun time can even start... A third wheel came in!

This sabertooth guy seems to be a friend with this dog (Kind of...) but not the human so the human is a bit confused about who this guy is, but seems like sabertooth is never having tiny human to play with before and he is more than ready to take this little guy and play with him all the time! He just took it from the dog like nothing, how rude! The dog yelled that he's the one who shrunk that human and that human is his best friend, if anyone going to play and own this little man for this month, it have to be him but the sabertooth don't care and hug the little man close to his big pecs, saying he'll not give up on the little guy and will need force if the dog want this little one back! And then, the fighting over the little guy begin...

The little guy somehow able to get out of the two giants fighting each other and he landed safely nearby, watching the battle and can't help but think he's happy about this that two giant guys are fighting over him, he knew this is weird but he can't help but feel happy about it, is that weird? LOL!!! 

Not sure he'll win and get the little guy but hope they don't hurt much in the end, after all, this should be a silly happy comic, not a serious one so as long as they didn't hurt much, it should be fine and who know, maybe they'll be like, sharing little guy to each other? Haha! Would be nice since no one will get lonely this way! Anyway! Good luck, you two and you too, little guy! Enjoy Micro May!



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