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POV : You're looking for your friend who went missing for a while after went to a birthday party of his friend you didn't know much, as time passed, you starting to worry, you thinking of calling a police but before you will do that, you decided to go and ask this birthday guy first, luckily you knew where that guy lives. Okay! Time to go and ask if he know where your friend went!

When you arrived there, you met with the guy, wow, he's big, and he... Didn't wear much, isn't he? Oh well, this is his house, you can choose to wear or not wear anything in his house as he want or not want to, right? (Tho you can't help but think if you going to welcome a visitor, at least dress yourself properly!!!) Anyway, you are about to ask about your friend when you noticed something on this guy's chest, it's... Your friend!? Huhhh!? Is your eyes working alright!?

You decided to ask the guy, both about what on his chest and your friend, he just told you it's a tattoo, huh, a tattoo of your friend? He getting a tattoo and decided to do this? How cute... As for about your friend, he don't know, he leave the party and that's the last time he saw your friend... Hmm, is that so, guess you really have to ask the police for the help then... Wait, you noticed that the tattoo that look like your friend is... Wiggling, you can't tell much but it really moved, you're so sure, even just a little! What is this...? Some kind of trick? Your eyes playing trick on you, you want to take a closer look but go closer to someone's chest is weird thing to do, right?

This guy noticed you can't stop looking at the tattoo and probably think you wondering if this tattoo is just a tattoo or something else, he offered you to... Try touching it!? Okay, this is getting weird and weirder! Touching some dude's chest right here and now!? Too weird!!! But you think you still can see the tattoo is moving a little bit like it was trying to tell you something, hmmm, maybe you should try touching it after all, I mean, nothing can go wrong if you just touch it, right? To check it is really just a tattoo, it's not like it is a trap that if you touch it, it will suck you in and turn you into another tattoo or something like that, right???

Guess you can't tell, better brave yourself and touch it! Or run away as fast as you can before this guy get himself another tattoo!!! Haha! Good luck!



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