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Ya'll really liked Lock last month, and since the developer is floating around the community, I figured this could be a unique chance to try an interview for the new channel. So I'm opening up the suggestion box:

If you could ask 800pixelgorilla (the developer of Lock) a question, what would it be?



How did the idea of Lock come to be? Were you inspired by other games? What made you make the games in Dreams? Should someone new in game creation try Dreams out or should they start with another tool instead?

Arunachalam Alagappan

Maybe I am just a greedy guy here. Why didn't you make this a standalone game and sell it separately. You probably started messing around in Dreams to make a small game. But once you realised this was going to be proper full fledged puzzle game, did you think of quitting Dreams and making it in a different engine. 10 dollars for this game on Steam and Console stores would be an easy buy for a lot of us.


Loved the game. As someone who keeps thinking "I would like to make a puzzle game one day" - what your advise would be to someone like me? Making good puzzles are hard. How do you get your mind there?


When next game? Also, any plans of re-releasing LOCK as a standalone? Similarly to what Forgotten City did recently? Dreams is such a niche platform and I want more people to play this game and I want other indie games to be influenced by it.


What's next for you? Another Dreams game, a standalone game? Or are you not interested in creating more games at the moment? :)


What's your perfect sunday like? ;)

Kristine Harbek

I second this question. Tips on making puzzle games, and especially on typing the puzzles to a story in a satisfying way.


playing this game somehow makes me think "oh i could make a videogame" and also think "i could never make anything this clever" how hard was this to make and what would you say to someone who wants to try to make something like this?

Lopes Doria

What was the hardest part of making LOCK?

Paul L

What lessons did you learn from the development process of LOCK? Were there any early ideas/puzzles that didn't make it into the final game? If you had infinite time and resources, what kind of game would you make? Why is LOCK so cool?


I'd love to know more about the process of designing a puzzle, do you start with the epiphany and work backwards from there? Is it a process of coming up with some good functional puzzles and then working out a way to connect them in a satisfying way or something completely different? For me nothing keeps me engaged in a game as much as those moments of "Oh wow! That’s clever!" especially if the revelations are in plain sight all the way through. Straddling the line between too obscure and too obvious must be extremely difficult especially as puzzle complexity is very subjective!

Declan O'Neill

Do you see Dreams as a viable tool for people looking to enter Game Development or is it better at simply raising interest in the profession.


I second wanting to know about the puzzle design process. I particularly love the bits where different puzzles connect together. Like the moments when previous solutions combine to spell out a message, or the whole room shapes reveal.

Elle W

what was your favorite puzzle and favorite narrative part of making lock?