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Patreon Nominations: August 25th

Patreon Vote: August 27th

Ico Finale: August 30th

Next Patreon Series Premiere: September 1st

Each stage generally happens around midday Pacific.



Wow already, guess i didn't realize how short Ico was. Also i guess paper Mario was also just kinda long?

Lopes Doria

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's been a long time since the last time we had two patreon votes in the same month. It's nice to have shorter games every once in a while.

Stephen Maxwell

Only downside of such a fast turnaround: No time for me to up my pledge and nominate Full Bore, as the last vote inspired me to do. Here's hoping short interesting games keep winning in general, though!


I'm conflicted. Half of me wants him to keep playing short and interesting games like Ico. The other half wants him to play Earthbound/Mother 3. The duality of man.

Gritty Gaming

I shall sacrifice my nomination to keep the dream alive! *(For this round anyway).

Gritty Gaming

Yep, I have quite a few games that fit both categories that I have wanted to see a decent let's play of instead of play myself/for nostalgia, but no decent let's plays exist on youtube. Here's to hoping some get done by Keith instead.

Gritty Gaming

Glad ICO won though to complete that cycle of games from the Shadow of Colossus guys.


i have never actually nominated a game, how do i do that?


I'm still new to this tier and I've been wondering about something, how do you handle duplicate nominations? Does the second person to nominate the same game get a chance to nominate a different one? Or do you count it as an extra vote / ignore it? Or has this just never happened before?


At the end of the day the "solutions" range from complex to unfair (one person essentially gets to have two games nominated?), and then when you look back at the original problem you realize there never really was one. People wanted to nominate game, game was nominated.


True I suppose. One slight problem I'm seeing is that it might influence some people's thinking, for example: "I'd really like to see a playthrough of X, but that game has been popular in the last few polls, so it's very likely someone else is gonna nominate it. So I'll nominate Y instead." If everyone thinks that, it could happen that nobody actually ends up nominating X, despite multiple people wanting it. I've seen Phoenix Wright appear and disappear over the last few polls despite doing well with the votes, so I at least sort of suspect that might be happening. The only solution I could think of would be to let everyone list multiple titles and only taking the top one of every person, unless it already has been nominated, in which case you go down the list. But I realize that may be more hassle than it's worth, I'm not sure how big of a problem it even actually is.


I was the one nominated Phoenix Wright: Justice For All for a few different voting sessions. I stopped because I didn't think people would want to vote for a longer-length game right after TTYD. I'll probably nominate it again next vote though since I really enjoyed the first playthrough of Phoenix Wright that Keith did.