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It's time to vote!  The nominating supporters have generated the new list, and you now have about 48 hours to send in your votes.  Remember: you can vote for multiple games that interest you.  I've also included links to trailers so you can learn about the games you don't already know.  There is a section that explains how blind each playthrough would be for those to which that is important.

Just fill out the form here: https://forms.gle/ZQeHRSASXptkC6cx7

Thank you for your continued support!



Ohhhhhh I would be SO hecking hype for Pikmin!!


I've been backing TTYD for so long I don't even know what to do with myself now!

Orion Alathorn

ooh, we got some good games on the ballot this time around, I think I'll be happy with a good bunch of them and hope that Keith likes whatever he plays lol

Gritty Gaming

Whoever put the longest Journey on there, I love you.

Kristine Harbek

Same. I don't know if I've ever seen a decent LP of it, and I adore that game. (Though I'm Norwegian and so is the game, so I'm biased.)

Kristine Harbek

This is my first time voting since I switched to firefox, and apparently google forms don't display properly in it? Had to swap to chrome to be able to submit.


Yay I actually managed to check the Patreon app in time to vote on one of these! Vote ico

Paul L

I hope The Painscreek Killings and The Forgotten City make it into the Indie/Puzzle slot at some point if they don't win the Patron vote. I love these types of games and think Keith excels at them. Great batch of games this time!


We should have more indie presented in our democratic vote :)


Great list of games to choose from :)

Stephen Maxwell

Oh no, whoever was nominating Full Bore stopped! I'm seriously tempted to up my donation and start nominating it myself, just on some weird principle, though it'd be a total waste. It's such a good fit for Keith's channel (It's a really charming indie action-puzzler!) but has such a boring-sounding name (It's a pun: the story is about boars and mining). And indies rarely win this vote against games everyone already knows and loves. But... my favorite part of these votes was always checking that box for Full Bore, it was a satisfying ritual of defiance. So maybe I'll take up the doomed mantle of nominating it.

Hester Toll

I wonder how it's going to work if The Forgotten City wins, since it tells LPers not to cover it.