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Reuben Filimaua

Its not really oppression like the Republic. Its discrimination in a different form. The 86 are either being smothered by pity or are being feared as monsters. Either way they're not being treated equally cos of it. The 86 made the choice to go back to the battlefield, and so they view them as crazy or bloodthirsty monsters cos if it. I don't think the military genuinely wants to do it, but sending the 86 out to fight is realistically the best option of success simply cos of how good they are. Its too much on their conscience, so they justify it to themselves by saying "we gave them an option of a peaceful life. They're the ones crazy enough to go back to the battlefield." That's the difference between them and the Republic. The Republic intentionally sent them out to die for the albas. The Empire on the other hand don't want to, but have no other best option to ensure survival.


I know im late been loving these reactions, Re zero is one of the best written animes out there but this show is also really great for different reasons, glad yall are loving it!