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Reuben Filimaua

I don't think Lena's uncle Jerome was talking about the 86 as more of a threat to be kept out. He seems the type who's become cynical and disillusioned with his own nation. He knows they're terrible, racist and oppressive. He's aware of it all. Its not that he still wants to keep the 86 out. He just believes that the Republic deserves whats coming to them. He doesn't believe the 86 will help, and he's right to think that. Why would they help them after everything the Republic has done. Its self hatred and a lack of will to change the status quo. Lena's dream of changing this status quo and bringing true peace and equality is indeed near impossible. However... it will always remain a hopeless dream if you don't at least TRY to change things. I hope 86 goes a realistic route where even after all the conflict against the Legion has ended, the tensions between races are still there. Lena ain't gonna change the world in her own lifetime, its just not realistic. It'll take decades, maybe centuries. But I hope she ends her story at a place where she's content and proud of all the work she's done towards that goal. By the end of her story, I sincerely believe that goal will feel more possible and reachable.