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I suddenly realized it was the 31st and was like, "I can't remember if I posted anything to patreon at all for the last two months..."  This was just gonna be a throw away sketch, but I honestly feel like I could use it in the comic, so I might.  I guess we can count this a preview content depending on what I end up doing.  

Here's a personal story as a bonus:  Many years ago a girl at a party came on to me very strongly.  There was a lot of backstory that I will keep to myself for now, but she was extremely drunk.  She was in no state of mind to be making choices and I put my foot down, which broke her heart in the moment.  That sadness turned to shame, or anger, the next day and she didn't speak to me again for... over 20 years.  She spoke to me next at my grandmother's funeral.  My guess it that we both feel like we dodged a bullet as far as that potential relationship is concerned now, but at the time....  I'm almost 50 and my chances at having any kind of relationship are basically gone.  That might have been my only chance at having anything like a "normal" life and family of my own.  So I feel like when someone takes the right path and doesn't take advantage of a person we should pause and reflect on what the potential weight of that choice might be.  We are very often punished for doing the right thing while evil men prosper.  In the last 6 or so months I've had that illustrated to me enough times that I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the one in the wrong about being decent.  Yet, every time I'm presented with a moral quandary something in me makes me choose the righteous path.  You continue to be good because it's right, not because you expect a reward.  Even if you'd really like one. 




I saw the post image and I almost spilled my coffee :D

John Chidester

Yeah, our society is kinda fucked up like that! There's a lot that goes into it, but I think one of the biggest factors is the fanatical individualist capitalism our economy runs on. It rewards taking advantage of others and results in sociopathic behavior being the key to professional success. CEOs almost exclusively look at everyone around them as resources to be used rather than as human beings. When the professional stage is set this way in a society which mostly defines people by their work those behaviors and structures are going to be mirrored in social settings as well.

Bill Saunders

Always stick to your morals. Always.

Perfesser Bear

I was involved in a weird situation long ago that I regret every day. Our daughter is 38 now. I really didn't get to see her grow up.