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Let me apologize for this post beforehand. But (despite popular believe) I am only human and I just need to something this off my chest...

Remember when I said that they didn't even state the reason of my visa application denial. Well, they actually did. There was an additional page that I noticed just now when when I was tidying up my room.

And looking at those reasons really made me feel like... like...
Well, like this: http://i.giphy.com/d7ocRlySc8dxe.gif

No, just look at those reasons...

-Insufficient financial resources? Seriously? I never did any major investments in anything. No car no anything. The most expensive thing I ever bought for myself is my PS4 and my WACOM tablet... That's it! Meaning that I was saving the rest of the money you guys pledged to me. I honestly have enough to live in Canada for two years without working a day. And my tuition was paid almost in full... So how much money did they expect me to have? Seriously, that's just so weird...

-And my travel history? I lived in japan for several years. Was on student visa and later on a working visa. Never broke any immigration laws once. Not even a little bit. Same goes for U.S.A. So, what's the problem then? 0_o

-Purpose of visit? What's wrong with being accepted to VanArts? 0_0

-Financial status? Seriously?

Gr... Fine, whatever. This is the last time I should mention this visa nonsense, I promise...

I appreciate you guys letting me vent.
I'm done now.

Gotta get back to work.

Will post something game related very soon.

Until then...




I cant believe it. Man you are in your right to be mad, what do they want, to paste your financial accounts? this is really atrocious man, vent all you want


Dont you have receipts showing that you have paid most of the tuition?


Dude, I had ALL SORTS of reciters... Had bank statements and even my transaction history for the past 3 months... :(


Why aren't you appealing the decision?


Heh... You can't appeal visa denial. Well unless you plan to never get the visa ever again.


I have to agree, that all sounds pretty crazy to me. You have my sympathy.


Does anyone here have a twitter or Facebook? If so, go find the Canadian immigration authority profile and demand some answers. This is insane! This is a bigger shit show than the Rio Olympics!


That's really strange, maybe you should make an appointement with them and ask some direct answer as to why they are unhappy with those points, like the financial point, how much do they expect you to have to live in canada ? Anyway, no matter what happend, I will be here to support you with all my might :)


I don't think I should do this. The thing is, when you apply for VISA they tell you upfront that you can have the best chances possible and still not get the visa, or you can have really slim chances but get it. It all comes down to the decision of one man, and he does not have to explain himself to anyone. They have things like quotas, and if the guy already approved too many applications that month he will be failing the rest of them just because... That dude is also responsible for the people he approves, meaning that if too many of the people he approved will brake immigration laws or whatever he may get in trouble with his superiors... There is a lot of politics involved in this, and I'm nobody and my name is nothing... OTL...


Canada is very strict on visas, especially for people from eastern europe, nothing new. Their whole concern is you going there for an art school (which statistically doesnt offer a lot of employment possibilities) Overstaying your visa and staying to work there (thats why employiment prospects and situation are checked). Not saying thats what you would do but thats usually what happens and they dont take risks. Its weird that Canada is stricter than US on visas, you wouldnt expect that.


This is normal, man. Immigration visa in both Canada and USA are denied at the near 100% level... Only exceptions being the old and the independently wealthy. Just tried to bring my wifes mother and sister over for a month long visit... Her mother is over 65, so was approved immediately, her daughter who is early 30's lives same house, has a job, etc, was denied outright because she didn't have $50,000 on deposit in an inaccessible account which could only be restored in person. NO POOR PEOPLE ALLOWED. get it? The reasoning is sound, they don't want the entire world flooding into the nation overnight... Unless of course they can be counted on not to work and support themselves. People who will work and support themselves are less inclined to support a progressive, Marxist ideology. If they display criminal intent and cross the border illegally, and immediately want to go on the government dole, then they can be counted on to undermine the economy and bring about chaos, and they are welcomed with open arms... Because that is the goal of the current progressive governments. You also face additional scrutiny because your means of employment is going to be considered pornography, and therefore 'not' employment, as it were. I'd suggest you employ a immigration lawyer in Canada. Odds are high that the incorrect immigration status was applied for, or that there is a loophole which can be used for students negating the on deposit cash amounts typically reviewed. You should also expect to show, available for deposit in a Canadian bank, the full tuition for your entire term at school... + living expenses while you are there. Unless you can demonstrate a previous career using your trade in art as a means of support (e.g. art for a newspaper, or magazine, something traditional) , your current endeavors and income from it will not be considered employment.

Ainārs (Hoodz)

That is some grade A bullshit right there. I mean, I can appreciate having a certain level or standarts but this is just... thank you for sharing this with us, it's an eye opener to some extent.


Step 1 : Take all your denied shit to a specialized lawyer in your country, they know a lot about this and how to get accepted easier, well worth the money Step 2 : Try Again Step 3 : Get accepted this time Step 4 : Hug me and thank me later


I mean.. all I can say at this point is FUCK those guys.. nothing else comes to mind. that's bullshit


I agree with Roufas, I wouldn't accept it, you have a mostly paid tuition and you are a very successful artist, i'm confident that they settle for far worst when they accept visas.


The embassy is in Moscow... OTL... But even if it weren't that's not how things work, otherwise they would get buried under appeal request because every single person would demand an appeal...


Well the reason why they are being like this (since I live in Canada) is that there is a bunch of other immigrants who abuse our system and lie on their application form for their purpose of visit.


The immigration office just want to make sure that you can sustain yourself while you are studying in Canada


Two words for you, Eric Snowden. The US puts A LOT of pressure on its allies to make anything to do with Russia a painful experience. Or... <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOR38552MJA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOR38552MJA</a>


Bullshit, pure and simple bureaucratic BS.

Nemesis Valentine

Fuck them! You are too good for Canada! Come to Sweden instead, we have great courses and you can live with me. I can vouch for you! And you can talk about your life anytime, this is a part of you we love to hear about it. Complain, Rage or just rant all you want to us!

Ian H

Come to the UK and part take in the British culture of sitting around all day drink coke and ice tea and thinking about how damn hot the 6 weeks of sunshine a year we get before complain about school run etc....... Ok that my life but still


So what does this mean for your education? I'm really sorry to hear this is happening.


Absolutelly, it really is not anything personal for those people, their jobs is to deny as many people as possible should the opportunity arise. So if you put a comma in a place they don't think is right they will deny you. That is why consulting with a specialized lawyer can help you as they know where to put the commas and what the immigration people want to see and how exactly they want to see it. To you and everyone it would be common sense that you have enough money to sustain yourself in their country and I can understand Akabur's frustration, but to them the format in which you are presenting it might have been used by others to abuse their system and they don't find it reliable, or/and it could even be that they already have a pattern of "if subject Y presents their economies as X, deny immediatly" etc etc, they don't look into it too deeply and they want to have it as easy as possible for themselves. So don't lose hope yet.


Yeah, I know... My job and the way I'm making money is probably what could have caused concerns... But I thought that since I have enough savings to pay for tuition and to spend on rent and groceries my current job shouldn't matter that much... OTL...


*sigh* Why is this so difficult? T_T I was always under impression that my only problem with this will be the lack of money... How wrong I was... :(


Heh... Sounds like a decent enough plan. I shall consider this :)


I submitted a ton of financial documents to them proving that I have more then enough in saving to sustain myself during my time there... OTL...


Do you guys speak english there? I can't afford to learn another language, my head will explode... T_T


Dunno yet... I need to think about all this some more...


"Employment prospects in country of residence." Come on, that's just not fair.

Ian H

Only thing u need int he uk is to prove you got money and you need a work visa dont lie say your a online content creator that it visa applcation is fine if you do through the embassy or gov.uk direct . Oh and stay away from london it like 10x more then it needs to be


Question: Do they know about your Patreon income? It should more than satisfy the requirements, but unless they know about it... Honestly, considering the second section with all the check marks, I have to wonder if they lost or were never sent a whole section of the application - All but family ties and travel history should have been answered by an acceptance letter to a school. Sorry that you're having this issue, and I'm no expert or know the whole situation, but it certainly sounds like someone screwed up, either the immigration officer in Canada, or whoever you had helping you with paperwork. Because at the very least, "purpose of visit" would absolutely be covered by a school acceptance, and the fact that was checked off should be sending alarm bells off about something having gone wrong. I don't know who you had helping you, but you hear a lot about "agents" who are nothing more than scam artists. Perhaps you can find a way to contact Immigration Canada directly? Or contact the International Student desk at VanArts? To bring up the issues. I wouldn't say it's easy to get into Canada, but it certainly isn't difficult either. According to <a href="http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/index.asp" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/index.asp</a> you easily meet the requirements for most of those crossed off items, and VanArts is on the designated learning institution list (O19331363352), so someone fucked up. I'm not necessarily saying you should have absolutely gotten accepted, I don't know enough, but that refusal doesn't look right at all. Check: <a href="https://www.vanarts.com/admissions/international-students/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.vanarts.com/admissions/international-students/</a> if you haven't already I genuinely think they didn't reject you so much as received an incomplete application.


i'm an american, and i can walk into the country no problem (once upon a time i didn't even need a passport). people regularly immigrate into canada from the US at a moment's notice to hide out for a few decades. them wanting to keep out people who might abuse their system is a very logical reason, very believable too, unless you think too hard about it. people that lie on their application form can be kicked out easily, it is done in many countries around the world quite regularly. heck here in the US half our illegal immigrants are people who got here on visas and stayed, yet no one complains about them (they complain about the other half). you got denied due to politics, either global politics, or some petty politics so some pint sized bureaucrat can feel important and spin it into a good image. neither will keep you out if you keep plugging away at it, and it will happen sooner rather than later if you can figure out how to make things fit into whatever politics they want.


tl;dr: They don't consider patreon a platform that is financially stable enough. That said if you have a large amount of savings you could probably meet most of their requirements if you can provide proof of being able to sustain yourself with it over the course of your stay. if you also want to provide proof of only staying for vanarts you could for example show them proof of a return ticket, a place to stay for the duration. Thats probably the most important part aside from financial security.


Kill the Maestro. Kill them all.


То что ты имеешь собственность в стране проживания - для них очень весомый фактор что не попытаешься остаться у них. Человек у которого нет собственности, по их мнению, может попытаться такое провернуть с гораздо большей вероятностью. Ну и с работой то же самое. Не работающим официально тоже шибко не доверяют. Вероятнее всего оба этих фактора оказались решающими. По работе приходилось сталкиваться с подобной ситуацией неоднократно. А с учётом плохих отношений России и США... В общем шанс был, но совсем небольшой. Я бы сказал порядка 10% или менее.


here's how real criminals get to stay in canada: <a href="http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/trail/etc/fake.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/trail/etc/fake.html</a> the visa thing is bulshit in today's world. if they ever fix visas for today's world i'd hope it becomes cake to get them (relative to now).


I just gotta say that i'm really impressed how many of us are really investing in your future sensei. I think that if we could we would let you ride on our backs to Canada and nothing would stop us for anything. All the love to you and all your patreons :-)


Okay, I just read this message thrice. And the more I read it, the more I'm getting pissed about it. This is unbelievable. You've been refused a visa for no valuable reason, because you're a self-made man, a hard worker and a talented artist ? Bullshit. This is insane. I really want to kick some asses atm. I'm pissed, powerless and very disappointed about all of this. I'm repeating myself but I do think you're one of the most talented artists I've met in my whole life (and I really mean it). Your skills are improving the more you draw, You're getting better each day. To me, refusing your visa is just like cutting your arms off, they're telling you you don't deserve to be what you meant to be. Who are they to judge ? I'm so pissed at them. I wish I could do something to help you :'( Stay strong, we're all on your side, wishing you the best for the times to come. Godspeed and cheers, BroWaifu. You'll need it !

Vega Chaos

Show them you mean business by amassing your great army at the border that will get them to change their mind we march!


This visa issue could be made into an intriguing Magic Shop episode. Have Genie grind through meaningless tasks for hours, and then leave the player with an unsatisfying ending. :) Sorry for your troubles, keep pushing and it will happen.

Didi Solomon

Well, those visa guys are just total donkey balls! Did you try going to a Canadian embassy and actually just talking it out with them? I still can't believe that they think someone with full tuition almost paid might be a risk. Fuck those moose fuckers! Find a nice art and animation school here in the states!


Sorry you couldn't get in buddy. Can you not contest the decision and get it overturned with the evidence you clearly have to the contrary of their evaluation?


I'm just now checking out your patreon. I don't know where you're originally from, but people are pretty uptight about immigration these days. Especially here in the US with assholes like Donald Trump firing up all the rednecks.


I'm really sorry, Akabur. I was going to Vanarts this year and I was really excited to meet you. You were actually the person that brought the school to my attention. I hope that you try to reapply for the March school year.


A friend of mine had some trouble with canadian visa too. He had too prove by some papers he must return to his country (France) to get this fucking paper . Maybe it's a double problem , because they want a prove you didnt stay in canada for too much time and and they also want a prove that you have much stable money to pay the school (even if you have a patreon job!). Anyways this is so stupid : ( , i hope the best for you , you deserve it!


I know. So weird. I wonder if it could be possible they in fact misplaced all my freaking supporting documents, because that how it feels like... My application got rejected super fast, too.


Hm... Maybe you're right... Thank you for the words of encouragement.


Dude, I did all that, I swear. Don't want to go into details but I did do all that, and provided documents like that... T_T


I know! You guys are awesome. Seeing how many people give a damn about this problem of mine, made the whole thing 10 times easier to bear! ^^


Yes. As soon as I exhaust all the other options, we are doing this!


No way... I don't want to relive the experience like this &gt;_


I'm from russia... There is no way of telling whether or not my country of birth was the problem though...


Are you serious? Dude, that would be awesome!! ^_^ You make sure you study well, buddy. Or maybe you'll grow to hate it eventually for some reason. Let me know if you will - having an inside scoop from a student could be very beneficial. Yes! You shall be out undercover spy at VanArts from now on!


Aint there someone you can talk to or call? I thought Canada had a pretty lax visa system, so it sounds like some newbie got your file and got overzealous. Don't stop trying! This is important to you so keep pursuing all leads!


Man, I'm just catching up and I see THIS... I know it's a bit late, but I'm really sorry and angry they treated you like that. If you ever find a school in Czech Republic you'd like to attend, just say so and I'll do my best to help (yeah as if there's something interesting here XD). Anyways, hope you're doing fine now, stay well!

Michael woods

well you can get help. I live in Toronto and my brother in law had the same thing happen to him I'll ask what he did to get cleared. BTW shame it wasn't easy for you would appreciate having you here. Also why here I'm sure there are plenty of great places to go besides Canada.


Well, you know my email. Feel free to drop a letter if any useful info comes up... People keep suggesting hiring a Canadian immigration a layer... I wonder if that's really a thing that is applicable to my situation.

Michael woods

That is exactly what my brother in law did. Fair warning this can take some time. I don't know the situation your in or if it is the best option. But what I can do is ask around a bit.... In case you haven't already looked this site up yet which I'm sure you have. <a href="http://www.cic.gc.ca" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.cic.gc.ca</a> Or try <a href="https://thevisa.ca/denied-entry-to-canada/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thevisa.ca/denied-entry-to-canada/</a> If I find out more will email you. PS. Vancouver is one of the most expensive places to live here make sure you account for your expenses there. Good luck hope it goes well.

Michael woods

Also to people who say Canada is being crappy about this... I can say Canada couldn't care less about what they do there. it has nothing to do with immigration/border . We just took in a lot refugees cause we're nice like that. So please keep opinion on the low and show Akabur some support.