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A recorded this video several days ago (before I received the visa refusal letter), so ignore all the talks about me going away to St.Petersburg. Also since I am not hard pressed against time anymore I will probably put the "watch the show" button in the final release... Probably... 

Thank you for your support!^^


Update part 02. (Game info).

Uploaded by Akabur on 2016-08-02.



Before I watch the video I have to say Im the first comment!!!! YESSS FINALLY MY DREAMS HAVE BECOME REALITY EDIT: okay cool man.. the game is super promising and Looks awesome. I can understand your vision for the game and how you will progress with it. seems awesome dude and your fanbase trusts anything you do so no worries there keep up the good work. always nice hearing from you:D

Vega Chaos

looking good man cant wait is it just me or does this remind ppl of kingdom hearts but you get to bang them instead​


Thanks for the update, put the button if you feel like,no pressure


Damn, dude! That looks awesome! The amount of features, and the style you're going with on this...it's pretty damn impressive. I have my full confidence in your vision. Keep at it, bro!

Ainārs (Hoodz)

The game is looking fun, and the thing that always sells it for me is your wonderful artwork. Just like Shadman, or other artists, you have a particular look to your art and it's always a joy to look at it. Can't wait to try it out ^^


Thanks for the update Akabur, and haha nice little Easter Egg(?) with Starship Troopers as one of the "ads" <a href="http://i.imgur.com/ZzflMtT.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/ZzflMtT.jpg</a> (I think it was this image, otherwise my eyes are playing tricks on me, hehe)


Damn, this is looking great, as usual. Like Ace said, no rush, put the button if you like, don't rush it :D Keep it up, BroWaifu. Good luck and godspeed o/


I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite game not found on the Citadel.


I'm just hoping to see Carmelita Montoya Fox at some point :D


Wow! This looks awesome, dude! Akabur's sci-fi / intergalactic brothel? Hell yeah! I'll take two, please! :) Plus, you had me at the Starship Troopers references - one of the best movies of my adolescent years!


Thank you, James! Your words of encouragements is the all motivation I need!


I don't see why not. I will need to play the game first though... It's been on my "to play" least for years...


Mine also. I plan to put at least couple of Starship Troopers recruitment posters among the ads :)

celty gezzel smith

we trust in your vision cuz your vision is PERFECT


Will the girls interact with the player like in PT and WT (where you can have private scenes with them)?


Once you have a title for the game, I'll be sure to make a thread in your forums for everyone to talk about it.


Wow! OK I know that this is still kind of early in the game's development so, if I may, I would like to submit some ideas/suggestions.#1: Would you consider making some of the ladies you hire come from that Marvel game you were playing, such as Janet Van Dyne or maybe Spider-Gwen? If not the characters themselves, then maybe some costume changes for the some of the ladies (Lola in a Spider-Gwen costume for example)?


#2: Just a thought, but you could have the "Mobile Infantry" ad link to a brief scene with 4-5 generic men and women in a communal shower. Kinda like in the movie. With a "broken link" labeled "Would you like to know more?". Just a couple of suggestions/ideas for you to consider. Good luck my friend and don't let the Visa thing keep you down. After all, you still have the support of all of us patrons to help you through the bad times and to help celebrate the good times!


Nice idea, a mix of characters of different universes would be great.


Looks great! I'm looking foward to it XD


It looks great Akabur. Does the game have a name yet?


i'm sorry you didn't get your visa. it probably has to do with the saber rattling that russia is doing right now, i get why they denied it. i think it sucks, and was hoping it didn't spill over into the lives of the citizens. if i am right then keep plugging away at trying to get the visa, persistence even allowed some people to get visas during the cold war (if USSR didn't outright kill the people first, but i don't think it is anything like that now). over time they will realize you aren't some sort of spy, and that you aren't going away, and that will net you your visa. i could be wrong though and maybe they are trying to squeeze you for some kick backs, that situation is far less predictable as what you should do.


Sort of... But not exactly in the same way it was with "PT".


Noted... I didn't give the ads much thought yet but you should expect a ton of Easter eggs and pop culture references... ^^


*Sigh*... Maybe... Who knows what is really going on? But you maybe onto something about trying again and again... That is a very familiar to me approach, maybe I indeed should apply it here as well :)


i dont know. i think this game making thing is just a front and that Akabur is really a top spy for mother russia. No but really, sucks that you didnt get the visa Akabur. I hope you get it if you try again.


Wow, that's really interesting, I'm looking forward to see more of the game, it looks cool so fare :)