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Alright, Ashelin's character doll is ready.

Like I mentioned in one of the videos before I already had her character doll (with all the emotions) already drawn for that ancient JAK XXX project that someone else was working on years ago.
Since the project never saw the light of day I figured I'll just take the doll and use it for this project... But it's been drawn a while back and looking at it now made me want to make some improvements. So I did just that ("After some fixes" version above). Fixed her face, cleavage, some other minor things very few people would even notice...

But she still didn't look quite right... Since my study trip got canceled (postponed) I have time on my hands so I decided to use that time to re-draw Ashelin from scratch.

This new version is much closer to the original in-game design.

I plan to spend second half of my working day to work on her facial expressions.

Thank you for all the support, guys! I WILL reply to every single one of your comments in time.




Looks great! Will there be more "gameplay" in your next game or will it still be kinda VN style? Keep up the good work and hope to see you soon out here in Canada!


And the new one has bigger boobs, all advantage, keep the good energy flowing


I have never been much of a commenter, but seeing your work ethic even after you have been thru in the last couple of weeks is really inspiring. The frequent updates are very nice too, they are like motivation for me :)! Keep up the good work!


That's so cool, I like the new one, looking forward to all the depravated thing you will make her go through :)


I have to agree that the new one looks better to me too. Her proportions just look more natural overall, and no I'm not just talking about her tits lol.


Wider, more natural hips, rounder head, more relaxed pose, bigger boobs and clearer foreshortening on shoulders and head. I dig the changes to the ammo belt thingies and the shoulder pads but I think my favorite change is that you cut out the fingers on her gloves. ^^ All in all - it was a great decision to go back and redo it.


Heh... Fingerless gloves is probably the major design change. She never wore fingerless gloves in the game, but I just couldn't help it. I think they look way better like that. Glad you agree with me :)


People keep bringing up the size of her tits? Are they really that much bigger? Heh, oh well :)


Thanks. And there will be some "gameplay" elements... Erm... It's hard to explain at this point. Just stay tuned it will become more clear as the game takes shape ^^


Excellent job Comrade. Having seen the entire Jax & Daxter series recently, I can affirm your new design looks very similar to her in-game model.


I like that her midriff is wider before going into her hips. Before she looked like she had no internal organs. I know that sounds stupid but I feel she's more attractive with a more proportioned middle.


Very nice


Yep, looks like she's been working out. Which is fine, waist was a little too narrow before as N says below. Looking forward to more sexy.


I like the one with the smaller chest and forehead. And I think her waist is too small on all three.


Super Kawaii!!!


Better new than the last post :D Awesome, as usual. Please, stop drawing so well, I'm tired of writing compliments :P I like her, and it makes me think I have to play the Jak Trilogy some day. Good work and godspeed :)


Well, it's been remastered for PS4 so you can do that easily. If you're low on free time you can play only Part II. It's really the best one of the 3 (IMHO). I wonder if I should play it myself... Could give me some ideas... I haven't touched that game in years...


No, I know what you mean... Her waist is just one of many problems that made me rework her from zero.

Nekro Bifteki

Great design and i like the change from "grumpy sexy chick" to "cool sexy chick", seems to fit her better.


Adore her. If your artist skills don't go down in history with the likes of Picasso and Michelangelo, i'm putting in a complaint. I'm a big big fan of your work and envy your ability. my drawings suck lol. Keep trying that visa, you deserve it. if at first you don't succeed, try and try again ;) ....sometimes in life, we have to fail and learn how to do better next time.


For some reason, I like the "after some fixes" version the most. It has an original feel to it, the colors are sharper and just seems to have so much more personality. But I was really crossed up between that one and the re-drawn one. Love that too though


Thank you for your motivational words, my friend. You're completely right. I shall not give up!


Yes, I know what you mean. The "completely re-drawn" version to me a long time to polish the line-work and the coloring... But it sometimes makes the final result a bit... stale... Like a bit too clean... But even though "after some fixes" has more "character" to it, it is still not refined in enough to my liking... Finding a proper balance between two is a tricky business...


Ha, Bob Rafei is a friend of mine. He grew up with my college roommate in New Jersey.