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Another super quick "proof of life" post (it seems it's the only kind of posts I do lately OTL..).

Just finished drawing these two dudes. Now I need to ink and color them. After that there will be only a couple of really minor things left and I should be done with the "BHB" for a while.

My chronic neck pains are acting up lately so I have to deal with that as well, but I'm sure we all have our own problems and all kinds of things to stress about and whining about it will not make things any better. OTL...

The VanArts thing is slowly turning into a nightmare... Not the VanArts itself but the bureaucracy I have to deal with to get my visa. I never applied for a Canadian visa before so I don't know if it's just Canada or if the things got worse for russians in general when applying for a student visa. I have collected a ton of documents already, but it's never enough. Not only I need to have a tone of money on my bank account to get the visa, I also need a proof that it was there for at least 3 months. I also need to have all the documents in English (naturally) and all the currency in Canadian dollars (what? 0_0). I also need to prove (god knows how) that the money on my bank account do in fact belong to me and not to my rich grandmother who will take all the money back the moment I get the visa... Yes, sounds pretty crzy, but that's what a certified Canadian official, who's helping me with the documents told me. If that is not enough I need to write a damn memoir-essay about my life goals and my life in general. AND also for my mother and my father. Thank god, I am the only child, not married and have no kids, otherwise this shit would never end...

Yes, as you can see I feel very frustrated about the whole thing already, because I'm starting to think that I won't be able to get my visa in time... But, we'll see... All I can do is to do my best to make sure I at least do all I can on my side...

And finally to the good news: I will start working on something super awesome soon. Can't wait to discuss it with you, guys.

That is all. This post is already longer then it should've ever been.

You're the best, hugs and kisses!

A whole bunch of waifus is destined to come your way soon ^_^




He's alive, ALIVE ! Yeah, fuck that bureaucracy, I hope it will not cost you your dream, in every case, I and the others will be here to support you :) Also you continue to tease us with that secret project, it makes me super curious, I'm looking forward have that secret unveiled as much as the Nintendo NX :D And don't overwork yourself, take a break if your neck is in pain


Glad your alright hope the visa works out for you:)


Wish you all the best in your visa situation, neck situation, an well all your things, the new project sounds awesome and the waifu rain even better, great job and keep going


you could dress up as a girl and tell them you're transgender, maybe that can help speed up the process?


Holy SHIT! Does Canada think you're trying to move there forever or something?!? (Are you trying to move there permanently?) Keep hanging in the Akabur. In the end, perseverance and the power of your perverted fans will prevail! :D


I know that europe have become really harsh if you want a VISA and you're from Russia, but I don't know about Canada. I don't think they are part of the sanctions. An example is Diamond a professional Leauge of Legends Player couldn't return to professional play since he couldn't get his VISA renewed to enter Germany, even though he had a job and had played for many years.


He would get beaten up at the airport before he got a chance to leave -_-


Waifus! Waifus! Waifus!! :D

Vega Chaos

nice pics man cant wait sorry you have to deal with all that red tape bullshit


The Akabite Army will get you to that Van Arts thing even if we have to make a plane out of our naked bodies super-glued together with all of us constantly exhaling in order to create lift for the plane to fly! But first we would have to break some of the laws of physics... so it might be a while...


on second thought, i dont thing that would be the most efficient idea... so we'll be here for moral support at least XD


well after all the paper work your visa should come in the mail max 2 weeks later after all the documents are settled.. for the thing about money it sounds weird it has to be in Canadian currency.. because they could always just take whatever currency you have and translate how much that is with normal math.. anyway getting a visa is not easy but hey at least you dont have to take a test on who the first president was and stupid crap like that. Anyway good luck on your journey And cant wait to here what your going to work on next! Have a great day Aka san :)


I am also a only child.. when i was little i always wanted a sibling.. but now that im older im so glad i dont.. lmao fuck that shit


Aka don't worry, you're Russian and all Russians has a perk +100 defence against the bureaucracy. Activate this perk, stay strong and don't give up! Aside the jokes, I'm shocked really. I can imagine why Canadian government force foreign people to come through this shit. But they really overdo it (O_o) Regarding your neck, our human bodies is a fragile unstable thing and it's not cool. I seriously hope that we can live until the cybernetic future with cheap high-tech medicine and other cool robot stuff. And again, good luck to you and be patient. Peace!

Maria Luna Celeste

I also wish you good luck and patience. Stress could be hurting your neck. Remember to relax when you can.


Hey, I get neck pains when I'm stressed too, but ibuprofen takes care of it. Once I stop feeling the pain, the neck relaxes and the pain goes away that day. Otherwise the pain lasts several days. Sauna also works. Do you do anything to treat it, or are you a stoic guy who just works through the pain?


Damn man, and I thought we had a crap ton of paperwork getting my Fiance to the USA from China. You should tell them all your money is in US dollars, worth more ;-P


Thank you, Dorago. As always you find the right words to cheer me up >:) And "mysterious project" announcement coming soon!^^


Chronic muscle pains can often be taken care of my working out and strengthening your body, medicaments usually just hide the problem. Live healthy, friend.


I think it's BS that complications like these reach into the aattempt at furthering you education which is so precious and not readily available to everyone. It's stupid that you have to go through so much. Keep the dream alive man I know you can make it!!!!


I can pretty much guarantee you its because you're Russian and that its due to Russia both arming and sending military forces to the separatist forces in Eastern Ukraine


Well I don't arm any forces... Should I just yell at the council dude: "It's because I'm russian, isn't it?! Shame on you, sir!" :)


I've never even been to Canada. All I want is those VanArts dudes to teach me how to draw awesome cartoon tits and asses... OTL...


Hm... Well, like I said, I'll give it my best shot... Collecting the documents seems tough at this point but maybe when I go to see the visa guy he will be like: "Another russian dude? Welcome to Canada, comrade!"


Yeah, me too... But having you guys give a damn about my situation is a big moral help tactfully. Thank you ^^


If the Akabite Army won't be able to do it, nobody ever will. But I probably shouldn't mention a plane-made-of-naked-bodies-glued-together to the visa guy.


Moral support is VERY important. Yes, moral support and money... :)


Well... If it get complicated you van always try this <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Nautilus_(SSN-571)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Nautilus_(SSN-571)</a>#Operation_Sunshine.C2.A0.E2.80.93_under_the_North_Pole .... You will just need a nuclear Submarine XDXD


Or trough The Bering Straits XD <a href="https://twitter.com/_1lucky/status/625371559008538624" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/_1lucky/status/625371559008538624</a>


You have to just cross the border illegally. The reason for the insane immigration laws is to prevent conservative voters from immigrating... They only want the very rich liberals, or utterly destitute socialists. No 'middle class' allowed. Same thing in the USA... But run across the border with nothing but the stinking rags on your back, and its free housing, free money, free education, free healthcare... And they are pushing to allow illegals to vote. It' took 6 years and $80,000 in fees to get my WIFE with an MBA in Business Management into the country the legal way, but it would be racist to deport a serial rapist / murderer. So i know your pain. Sorry man, the world is run by demons. Welcome to hell.


Yeah I hear you... And I know what you mean... Still I hope I won't have to go to extremes like that only to learn how to draw the tits better OTL...


I know, i know. I exercise and even do yoga on occasion... Sometimes it helps, some times not so much...


Yeah, pills have similar effect on me. But I've been taking them way to often lately. And do all in my power to treat it, because I really REALLY hate it. Exercising helps, but not always. My case is rather special...


Yes, I know. And I think that stress is indeed making my neck problems worse for me. I try to relax but it's hard to do without drugs, and I don't do drugs so... Dunno... *sigh* never mind me whining, my friend :) I'll be alright, thank you for your support. At least thanks to you guys I can keep on doing my thing, that's the only thing that makes me feel good.


Yeah, I totally agree. And I also am waiting for the some NANO-bot medicine pills that would heal everything...