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Hello guys.

This is just another quick "proof of life" post.

I am alive and well and continue to work on the "BHB" related things.

VanArts is still "coming soon"... No visa yet... Collecting all sort of papers for the embassy...

And please don't forget that you can sometimes find me live on https://picarto.tv/akabur

That is all. Back to the lab now! :)

(P.S. In the video above I say the same things I just wrote in this post.)



Uploaded by Akabur on 2016-06-13.



Staying alive, it s good having news from you, great going ^^

Vega Chaos

lol good to hear from you man always to hear your voice


it was nice to spend some times with you :)


Glad to see you are alive and well! Also, holy shit I never knew how much trouble it was to get a damn student visa! You keep hanging in there Akabur, and we'll keep sending you emotional and financial support! FREE AKABUR!


Glad to see you again dude! All this visa-preparing stuff... Do you feel it? You almost crossed the line. And then will begin the new chapter of your life. All your life will divide into "before" and "after". Good luck to handle it ;)


I do not feel it, comrade. T_T Getting the visa is such an epic quest :(


Me nether... Getting U.S. visa was way easier... Or maybe it's not the country, but the rules just different now... It's been close to 10 years after all...


For proof of life stuff in the future you should totally teach us some words in your native language :D


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