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Hello, guys. Hello my only true brethren!

It's been a while since I shared any news on anything, and I must apologize for that.

I, yet again softly slipped into that magical state of my mind when I shut out the world and ignore everything and everyone and just concentrate fully on my work. It tends to happen when I need to work on something particularly difficult... I keep working on "BHB" assets. Two new characters will be joining the cast and I needed them to look (fucking!) perfect. In moments like this I become acutely aware of my actual skill as an illustrator (it's still quite low T_T). Nonetheless I managed to prevail yet again.

And now I feel that I can take a short breather to communicate with my most precious akabites. :) So that's exactly what I'm doing now, before I return back to my "ignore everything and everyone" mode, which is still on stand by. I still have to work on a couple of more things before I am done with the whole "BHB" workload for the chapter 4.

As for the "VanArts", well the work continues, but it is still not clear whether or not I will be able to get my visa. To make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible I even hired a certified specialist from Vancouver who will be helping me out and advising me remotely... As soon as I have more news on this - I'll share them.

All and all I am pleased with the progress that's I've been making both with the work and with getting the visa... But we never know what the future holds so I try not to be too hopeful.

Well, that's about it. I'll try to keep the time gaps between the posts as short as possible. (Like I always do ^_^ )

Thank you for your support, guys... No, you know what, today let me thank you for something else. Thank you for being awesome. For being who you are.

A big part of you guys been supporting me in all kind ways for many years now... Thank you for that.

Your loyal servant (and unkind overlord) - AKABUR.




Thanks for the updates, looking forward this updates and your travel news


Thank you for being always so supportive, Ace. Thank you for keeping me going.

Vega Chaos

cant wait to see who the new characters will be thanks man


Our master and lord has spoken, all praise the news he give us. It's because of who you are, that I support you with all my might, thank to you to be sure a nice and talanted guy :) I'm looking forward to play BHB4 :D

Nemesis Valentine

Love readying about how you are, always like hearing you still alive and kicking ^^ And don't worry about VanArts it will work out I'm sure. You should go on a vacation and recharge those batteries of your before you burn your self out, seen it happen to many times to my friends at work. Don't want it to happen to you. I said it before but why not say it a 100 more times, take care of yourself. There is only one of you. And I think I speak for everyone when I say that you are OUR (kind) overlord and WE are your servants. Peace out!


I may be a new pup in the AkaUniverse but I will be here for the years to come :D All hail unkind Overlord Akabur!!!!!


probably the Hooded chicks that were going to move in... They are technically not newly introduced but at the same time we have yet to see their faces.. so Im pretty sure its them


Also you are welcome my friend.. its not easy to maintain the awesomeness that is me.. BUT of course.. Awesome attracts awesome so you should thank yourself as well ;)

Icy Panda

Glad to see everything is turning up milhouse for ya buddy :3


"In moments like this I become acutely aware of my actual skill as an illustrator (it's still quite low T_T)" > says the man who's 10 times more skilled than all of us united :D Don't look down on yourself, if VanArts chose you as their new trainee, it's because you're worth it. Best of luck with everything (BHB, secret stuff, VanArts, Visa, whatever) and take care of yourself :) Wishing you all the best o/


Good to know you're still alive. If you think your level of skill is still too low you have some very high expectations. I for one love your art now but if you can improve you will go from king to god. Looking forward to what you will bring us next. Good luck with VanArts.


dude, i would kill to be able to draw like you can. even my stick figures look aweful


Got your back Jack.

Paul Te

This looks very nice. Really looking forward to the next update of BHB


Cant wait to play it!!:)


Keep it up buddy always good to hear from you. Hopefully this visa thing works out. NO ONE CAN STOP THE CHOSEN ONE!!!


Cant wait Chapter 4 Cant wait Chapter 4 Cant wait Chapter 4


imagine an Overwatch Slave Trainer