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Hello, guys.

I am alive and well, I hope all of you are doing alright as well.

I've been hinting at my next project for quite some time now, so here is another hint for you: my next project is gonna be this awesome game that's gonna be pretty damn awesome! Well, there you have it... Heh :)

Alright, jokes aside, my plan originally was to continue to work on "Magic Shop", but even while I was still working on the "TRON" combination I already knew that I will be putting "MS" on hold again as soon as "Episode 7" is released. I don't like to leave things unfinished, but at the same time I'm old enough to know how unpredictable and fragile everything in life is, and that if I have a chance to work on something awesome right now, I need to use that opportunity while I still have it.

This new project of mine was in development for quite some time now actually. I did a shit ton of planning, but wasn't able to get to working on it 100% up until recently. Well, now "Magic Shop. Episode 7" is out, I am done with the "BHB" workload and can finally dedicate all my time to this new project.

I know you want to hear some details, but it's a bit too early for that. I will probably tease you with bits and pieces of info in the future posts though. But I can tell you this: one of my main goals for this project is to make sure I can release it episodically, so you won't have to wait another year for the next release.




Omg did i finally comment before Ace??? :D


Oh I didn't got a notification you had posted, if didn't had checked patreon I would not have seen thit O_O Well, I like that girl's uniform, looking forward for more information :)


looking forward to it.


Ace, where are you man ? D: Joke aside : I'm pretty pumped up too about your new project and I obviously look forward for news about it in the next weeks/months :D Keep it up and godspeed BroWaifu o/


I see a lot of new texts to proof-read in my future.


Pretty cool, is a pretty nice idea and have lots of potential, looking forward it ^^


Ace was late and I still couldnt beat him first to comment T-T anyway excited about the new project cant wait to hear more :D


Yeah, I know. I didn't receive a notification about DAHR's last post nor Xaljio's... Patreon is being weird again.


Well, your are my main and only editor-chief so yeah. Brace yourself!

Paul Te

Starship Inanna/Mass Effect game with Akabur art? Oh boy. This could be monumental.


Please, don't do the same Thing with the Episodical Release like the once so loved Valve. In the end, we would have to wait for more then 10 years for your last Release... But still, can't wait for your New Game!


Neat.... I bet The new project is saving The word from annihilation... Uh... Or maybe a porn movie with you as The main protagonist... Cheers Pal... Glad to see you doing fine


I demand to be a crazy space viking merchant that sells breast growth items! Lol, But seriously, its nice to see you are working on something cool. In part because I get to play it at some point, but mostly because creating stuff makes you happy. I bet you would go insane if you stopped ^^


OMG the awesome game that's gonna be pretty damn awesome! i knew it ;)


Wow, I can't even imagine what is this about. But I'm intrigued anyway :)


Is it terrible that I was hoping for Honor Harrington? I can deal with ST/B5 tho.


You torment me with delicious promises of the future. Sounds exciting I can only imagine how his could play out. Keep it up buddy!!!


I have no Idea what you are making but I wholeheartedly approve.


Sorry for offtopic but don't abandon SU guys (T_T) I can send you my liver but don't do it pleeaaase!


Cheers Akabur makes a new project


Can't wait for BHB and anything new you are working on . Found myself looking at some of your old TNMT stuff .


do you plan on picking back up jak xxx after/ during this project


Jack XXX was/is comission based and not written by akabur, so you kinda need to ask the guy who writes and comissions it for that I think.


Will Magic shop ever become a free game or at least be purchasable?


All my games are free, buddy. Just go to akabur.com - all the download links are on the front page.


I don't even know what that means 0_0... But somehow I feel that you are right.


One simply does not demand to to be a crazy space viking merchant that sells breast growth items. And yes, you are more right then you know: I WOULD probably go insane if I stopped working.


Yeah, I will release a bit more info soon... probably...


Any news about Momcest Trainer? it was a great game from what I saw in the demo.


and one more, does Witch Trainer finished already? is it 1.52? coz I thought some of the content still on development (or not complete). like teaching Hermione from drinking a potion you bought from Severus, and Newspaper thingie.. Thanks. Great Job as always


I know, I know... But in this particular case I feel like episodical release should be the way to go... Well, there is only way to find out for sure... ^^