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Well, here it is, the Q&A video as promised.

 Thank you guys for all the questions.

VIDEO: https://youtu.be/97TOz2VQZWo


(No title)



YAY \o/ Thank you for answering my silly question :D


About Witch trainer, the game was very welcome by your fans, I'm one of those fans, I don't know for the other, but I can garantee you, it will be very welcome by me :)


Awesome, all in for your take over the Earth Federation, amazing video


Come on Akabur, everyone knows the Ravagers will invade in 2017! You only have one year to get your campaign for Earth President together!


omg xD thanks for answering both my questions the reaction to the "whats your favorite color" question was priceless, thanks again.. About the backside visual I just meant in sex scenes... so that way you draw it once. and you wont have to draw a costume and double the work.. Heres a good example. In Something Unlimited where you talk to roulette and you ask her to "dance" she just shakes her ass in your face. so something similar to that..I just like seeing ass..


P.S your witch trainer game was the shit.. people was just mad because it was a tad grindy and had a tincy bit more chibi scenes than normal ones... but hey like you said it took them a while before they realized your genius. it was a fantastic game and would be a phenomenal one if remastered/Gold editioned


anyway everything has flaws but that game was fucking bomb i dont give two shits what anyone think Witch trainer is fucking BAE and one of the best games Ive ever played god dammit I fucking cried at the motherfucking end the feels were hard core...I keep making comments before finishing the video but god damn FUCK all the people who sent you hate mail.. they just jealous assholes.


Witch Trainer is actually a fun game.I think all the people who hated the game hated it not because of game itself but because there was a lot of content that did not make it into the game. This is also the reason why a lot of people want a gold edition of the game because we want to see the phoenix event , we want teach hermione and do all the other stuff that did not make it into the game.


Dude For 2 months I been looking for good adult games that are not straight to the point kind of game, There is no effort now adays with these games, there are some that have potential but they are never finished, At least you gave us something that was 70% of as much as you could put in with time, but it was a completed game. I fell in love with this game because you had to earn your way to the pussy. Thats right, I read all the books and saw that the pussy and anal was the last 2, so i was determined to grind my way to hermione's pussy. And see how hermione slowly but surely starts to "enjoy" herself when she is with genie, that gives me the encouragement to keep playing, thats the real gameplay that i want. Being denied by hermione because she isn't ready or not into it "yet" only makes me want to work harder...and also makes my dick harder too. Those haters just want to play meet and fuck games, screw those guys, they dont deserve your work at all akabur. Out of all the negative feed back there are some really good feed back. Heck your game is so good people have modded the game to continue where you left off cause its that good. Thats the best sign that this must be taken into consideration for a true reboot for witch trainer. Also how about that coloring book though, I would like to color a lola :D


Heh... Thank you for your kind words, my friend. #^_^# As for the coloring book, well I'll keep the idea in mind. Who know maybe one day I will in fact release one 0_0


Well, whatever, it's all ancient history now. I will be most definitely returning to Hermione one way or another so it's all good :)


I hear you. I will definitely give this whole thing more thought.


I better hurry up then... You guys better be ready to vote!


Thank you Dorago. Hearing encouraging things like that is important to me. So thank you, for all the support, my friend.


Thank you for answering my questions about comissions dude. Compromises sucks but you're right, this thing is not avoidable sometimes... And thanks for funny video, I started my day with it :) As for the Witch Trainer I too have some words about it. The Witch trainer is the first Akabur's game I played ever. I saw your artwork before and enjoyed it, but WT is the game that turned me into a crazy and loyal Akabur's fan. I had a lot of problems in my life when I accidentaly found this game. But this one helped me to calm down and distract from dark thoughts. Sometimes such simple thing can really help to start to clean shit around. I trully thank you for that and I can do it all day. p.s. "Of course I will put out" made me laugh as a horse XDDDD

Jai-Dee Worth

I'll add to Danlorn's acclaim: Started WT only last weekend. HOOKED...and now a patreon of yours.


I know exactly what you mean. Distractions are sometimes crucial for our survival. I am honored and always feel very happy when people tell me that my work became one of those distractions for them and helped them make it through the rough patch :)


Thank you for answering my questions. I get how annoying those "when" and "if" questions must be.


Thanks for the video. I know you got a ton of questions about WT. That first sprite I saw of Hermione is what made me want to support you. Loved the vid. :)