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I just realized that my youtube channel is full of "unlisted" videos from my early pateron days. I should probably release those to the public. 

And I am starting with this one... 

Goddamn, re-watching it now sure brought back some memories... I shall never take for granted all the positive changes that you guys brought into my life with your support. I already paid my 10% VanArts  tuition deposit for God's sake! I still can't fully believe it's actually happening... Two years ago my  situation was so different it's insane...

You guys... T_T


Akabur (heroically!!!) survives a (next door) gas explosion . (2 years ago)

I am alive and well. My apartment was not touched by the fire (apart from ruined wallpapers, door and ceiling in the corridor). The game will still be released on schedule. Schedule being: "Coming soon!". Bottom line is: "shit happens". Also everything smells of smoke now... :(



Man I remember that. Seems like it was yesterday. Don't cry, you know we are here for you.


Thanks to you, for two more years of good memories


Oh, I remember that :D And about van arts and all the support, let me tell you that you only got what you deserved :)


Although I'm sure we collectively can agree on playing our part, you can't forget that you yourself and the choices you've made in combination with a not so small skill, is the main reason for this change. Work on the /selfpat :D Glad to see a simple way of saying "thanks" that's not just empty words.


Damn, that was... shitty. Man I hope you already moved from this apartment. You did, right? Right?? In such moments I realize that even if you do everything you can to make your life good (and maybe someone's else life), there is always risk that some crazy neighbor or another random guy will do shit which will cause many problem to other people including you. And you almost never can predict it. I don't know what to say, man, it's awful. Really hate such things :( Hope you (and we all too) will take care of yourself and will not die because of someone's problems with absences of brains... Regarding the Van Arts, I sincerely glad for you. Beat this school, become more greater than you are now, and don't forget to enjoy some canadian omankos (I mean pussies) ;) Thank you for your art, games, emotions and interesting stories. Peace.


Come on man, now you're gonna make me cry!

Nemesis Valentine

I remember those days... my god I feel old now...


It's because you bring us legendary levels of fappage. Keep it up and the money will keep up ;P


u pushed you to do it. hehe and than dissappeard


Does Russia use mercaptan to give natural gas a distinctive odor?


Слушай, приятель. Давай по-чесноку, у тебя тот самый карикатурный славянский акцент, который можно встретить в фильмах типа Красной Жары со Шварцем. Твой набор слов и манера речи - полное говнище. Ты строишь из себя микро-селебрити вот этими своими видосами, пока остальные авторы на Патреон тупо въебывают доказывая лишний раз свою европейско/американскую капиталистическую сущность - их труд оплачен не зря. Ты, в свою очередь шлешь какие-то видосы счастья своим фанатам как лидер секты. Прекрати это делать и займись работой. И for chrissake, work on your speaking ingrish, slavboy.


Dude you really think that you can come to people and tell them what to do? Especially in a such critical manner? Especially in the internet? Why do you think someone should listen to you? You are boring.


Yes it does. I mean, the smell color are both there...


Sure thing. This is the only thing I'm good at anyways.


You should only cry the tears of joy. That shit-hole of a town is in the past now...


Of course I did. This was before I moved to Rostov. And yes, idiots tend to ruing everything for everyone :( And VanArts, Yes, I hope I will get the visa...


Thanks. That's true. I do my part but it is only because guys like you chose to do "their's". Currently this is a prefect symbiotic relationship :)


Maybe... Made there are quite a few people out there who also deserve good things but never get them. I am very lucky...