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Hello, guys. I just got the proofread and edited texts from Lyk, so we are good to go!

Here is "Episode 07" of magic shop. Also known as ver.1.03 :)

Download it, and have fun. This is just a short little story, only one combination that is all.

And for the past several days I've been working on the CGs and character dolls for "Broken Heart Bordello". It will take me some time to finish all of them, but as soon as that is done I will be getting to working on... erm... Well, actually there something (exciting!) I want to discuss with you guys, about next thing I plan to work on, but let's put off that conversation for later. Right now, juts download the "MS 1.03", play the new combination and have fun. ^^

Also if all goes well, we should have the android version in couple of days!

Your humble servant, Akabur.

P.S. Don't forget to report bugs and typos as usual. Screenshot is always appreciated.

WIN: https://mega.nz/#!HUgyWSaD!9jju19QZQykqo9cUtz7K-II_np63oKOyjG9Ej8GBxv8

WIN MIRROR:  luteola.net/Magic_Shop_1.03-win.zip

MAC: https://mega.nz/#!DJpigRBL!ELd4ieO33QLbl0zMiHGsRReDARb6WwyfMR8bzxkr9eg

LINUX:  https://mega.nz/#!yQxQXaCY!c3SSRuhBH85bG5tq5lRZGtmGe6xAt6TDZ8caJ47vN8Q

Also don't forget that we have a forum: http://akabur.com/forum/index.php/topic,5.0.html




Sir, can we play this game on the android?? i hope u can makes this that can played on the android as well as we playing on the PC..


Download link for android version is in the front page of my website.


Where the Android version


Omg, so cute


Many thanks, I'll be playing it as soon as I can. Rest for a while, you deserve it ;)


What no Linux build again?


Cool, a nice update, sadly no sure if I could play it before the weekend, but looking forward it.


You are my HERO, not the one I deserve, but the one I need, I can't wait to go back home to play it :D


There you go: <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!yQxQXaCY!c3SSRuhBH85bG5tq5lRZGtmGe6xAt6TDZ8caJ47vN8Q


Fantastic, thanks man! Haha, looking forward to the conversation about the next thing you're planning to working on.


"your humble servant" FUCK outta here with that bullshit, you are the KING the MAN the PIMP of all pimps, the Overlord.. and WE are you humble supporters/towns people


oh and cant wait to hear the exciting news :D


Aka you rock!!


Hi! I'm kinda new here and wanna know if it means there are episode 6, 5 etc... downloadable or just an update?

Nemesis Valentine

Awesome Akabur, this is just want I wanted today. I'm uploading it to my own website (that is empty like my soul) for people who don't like the mega site. I know I had some problems with it before. And its the windows edition only, might do the linux if people want it. Here is the link, you can spread it around if you want: luteola.net/Magic_Shop_1.03-win.zip


"Well, actually there something (exciting!)" You dirty little tease




SWEET , Is there a hidden treasure in the last one yet ? I missed Lara Croft , I hope she makes a come back in some of your futre stuff with April

Ainārs (Hoodz)

*Rustles with excitement* Sweet ! Thank you, Akabur ^^


Nah, not really... This one is pretty straight forward.


I can't even tell what's new, I feel bad.


Awesome! Thanks Akabur


I was able to play it, it was short but very funny I liked it, I too need a fuck bike :D


It's been a while since I played the last. What's the new combo?


That was a pretty fun combination, nice and short, the way most of them should be. *Thumbs up*


i kinda like how jasmine isn't reduced to anything so far... just shit talking all the way through


Our god has provided ....we are quenched....for the moment :)


Mr. Akabur! All these releases - you are spoiling us! :P Once again, you did awesome work - short and sweet! Thank you so much! And your humor factor, I'm glad to say, is ever increasing!


It's a bit suspicious... Akabur usually don't release new versions of his games so fast. Confess what you've done with real Akabur, you criminal! Aside the jokes, thank you dude :) Now I feel that I must watch "Tron"...


It might just be one new combination, but it is a whole little sidestory with the ability to change "sizes". Well done. Keep up the good work.


I loved the Genie's Tron outfit, made me lol hard :D well played, Akabur, well played.


RedUnit10 I've been going through some of my old HentaiUnited uploads today... Noticed old comments from you and was like: "RedUnit10?" 0_0 You've been supporting me for such a long time dude... 0_0 Thank you... OTL..


Heh... Yeah, well, "Princess Trainer" did not happen in this one.


Yeah, I had to re-watch when I was writing for this combination :)


Super again, youre a top Artist and Creative Genie


Where should we send the typos we find? There is a lovely "are you squiring you harlot" (instead of squirting) in the "good jasmine vs bad jasmine" scene, just after you decide to aim for the face of the bad one... Cannot add screenshots here!


Loved the bike! :D

Alex P.

SPOILER ALERT. &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; "I'm nothing but freeware !" That was hilarious and make me laugh a lot. Also, very cool designs. :)


Anyone has test on MAC version? My dont work on magic shop =/


I can't download from mega... and the windows zip file is missing the archive file


Typo: when you take the "always right" path in the dungeon, at a certain point there is a "who's opinion" instead of a "whose opinion" while you speak about Alladin.


Can someone help me? The Mega download for windows is screwy and the mirror download says there's nothing in the folder or something


I was just wondering if the magic shop on <a href="http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=25146" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showthread.php?t=25146</a> is the latest i have seen the game on other sites that u can download from &amp; they r just garbage dont even work

Jerome Fournier

Yeah i am having the same problem, says the file is not valid or something.


I am really excited, but the .rpa file keeps failing on me. Am I extracting it wrong?


.rpa files? You only need to extract the RAR archive, that's all.


My website's front page. Go there for up to date things.


where can i get the game on 2019 really loving both trainer games and id like to try this to


Humm, I can't for the life of me get the windows version of this to work. It downloads as a .zip file and when I try to extract, it appears to be empty.


having difficulty with magic shop download for win. But CS34 is fantastic. cant wait for the updates with Hermione


i try to get Episode 7 but i click on the link it is Empty




It says the RAR file is damaged so I can't play


Amazing ...


It says it is missing no matter which one I download and extract it from


For those of you getting the "damage file" error, try downloading from the mega link. i downloaded for the mirror and got the same error, but i tried downloading from the mega link, and it downloaded and extracted just fine :)


Queria saber qual é a atualização mais recente do SC 34 pois sempre estar saindo sozinho na parte da Lola fazendo entrevista com a Jasmin...e também a da Magic shop!