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Hi, bros. How is everyone doing? How is everything going/ Welcome to Monday Post #135. Feeling old yet?

No news. Really have nothing to report at this time. It was a busy week but I have nothing to show for it yet. Did a lot of coding and some light re-writes and finalizing of some scenes. The plan is to spend this week doing a lot of coding an importing art assets into the game and all that. Hopefully in the next Monday Post I will have something substantial to talk about. 

Choices. Since I need to fill this post with something let me talk some more about what I am doing differently in this episode. In Ep11 there will be a lot of choices that will (hopefully) give you the power to steer the scenes the way you personally prefer. What I mean is, usually when I write a scene I just let the events unfold. This time around I am writing this slight deviations and sort of letting the player make the final creative choice.

For example you will have the chance to be mean (or kind) to certain characters. You will have the choice to ask for more info or skip the exposition if that's what you want. And of course that is doubly so for the educational scenes with the girls.

I dunno... It all looks great in my head, by we won't know for sure if it works the way it should until you guys have a go at it and tell me what you think. Also needless to say that this extra choices thing doubles my writing workload, but I think it will be worth it in the end.

I think I will wrap this post up here. Thank you for your support. Love you all. Hugs and kisses.

"That's all for today. Go away now."




Looking awesome, that goodbye was so drunk that I love it, thanks for the update and keep the great job


Seems to be another great Episode.


"Go away now."? Do you watch Critical Drinker on Youtube?

Sid Santos

One of my favorite choices in a visual novel at the moment was from Ethereal Enigma. A girl catches you staring instead of choosing to look away and be all shy I choose "Assert Your Dominance" and never broke eye contact.


Sounds good, looking forward to it! Good to see Lola's and Iris' names pop up in the choice, a promising start :D


A lot of people will probably disagree, but I actually kind of like that most choices in your game are just cosmetic (no difference at all, or maybe the character you are talking to reacts slightly differently). I'm a completionist at heart, and every time I see a branch I save a file so I can go back. Since most RenPy and Unity games have a minimal save interface, you can't easily attach comments, so it's a real pain in the ass to go back and find them and explore the other options. Basically, I figure I'm paying for content (writing, art, H-scenes, whatever) and I want to see and enjoy it all. I'd rather a linear scene have more panels than a short scene have more branches. It's the same amount of entertainment but less effort to watch.

Hego Damask

Are you fan of Critical Drinker on youtube? That quote sounds familiar 😏


It's important to do things you need to do.

Trevor Bond

I like that you're offering the choices to tilt and tip the story some (I will ABSOLUTELY be reading all the exposition), it's very considerate of you! Little 'quality of life' considerations are always welcome. Thanks! Also, I see you are also a Critical Drinker fan! Excellent! He is a good source of writing insight. So.... we're going to get to pick on Lola again this episode? lol! I kid, she's one of my favorite characters.


"No news" is also news 😉, at least everyone can see your efforts. Have a productive week!


“Monday post has ended. What are you still doing here?”


I have a suggestion for another character to visit and be corrup... i mean to have fun. How about Korra the female avatar. I wonder what or how she could bend.


It does sound like a meaningful choice a true man of culture would appreciate. No seriously, a choice like that the definition of role-play. I'll keep it in mind.


I know what you mean. I also sometime dislike making choices that basically lock you out of the content. This is a topic that could really be discussed in length... Let's do this, you play EP11 and tell me in detail what you thought of the choices and how you think thing could be improved in the future.


I am surprised so many of you got the Critical Drinker reference. Although maybe I shouldn't be surprised, I guess we all think alike here and like similar things (to an extent :) Also that's L.O.L.A so yeah you will be able to pick on her a bit or be nice to her.


Korra from Avatar? Hm... I think you are a hundred's person to suggest her to me. But I have no interest in that character personally so I won't be able to do her justice. Sorry.


Yes I can see that Korra might not be a person's cup of tea. Though the relief characters I liked was Mrs. Peel from the Avenger, Samantha in BEWITCHED, and Sabrina the witch.


These girls I had to google to see who they are. Here is the thing: when you create a racing game you need people who know a lot about racing to work on it, same for game a game about tanks or trains - you name it. I need to be very familiar with a character to work with them. I can't just "google what is a tank" and get to working. I have a long list of characters that I am considering to work with in the future but the ones you names I am just not familiar with them enough. Sorry.