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So, my allergies are back. And... IT PISSES ME OFF TO NO END!!! I know this is not really a serious thing to complain about, but DEAR GOD it just infuriates me with how much it discomforts my life right now. Apparently it's a common thing around these parts during this time of year and I am experiencing it for the first time because I've only lived here for a few years. 

First it was my nose, I went to the doctor -- got the pills. Then it was my eyes -- I went to the doctor got the eyedrops, now it's my FUCKING throat! ...and I am going to see the doctor tomorrow.

The flower that's causing this was apparently brought here from North America for research during the CCCP era. Only it had no natural predators here (whatever the hell that means for a flower) and now it's fucking everywhere, and when it blooms about 70% of the local population suffer allergy symptoms. WELL THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HEAR ABOUT THIS SHIT!

This is so annoying... -_- The meds dull the symptoms but don't make them go away completely. Supposedly this should stop in the middle of September when the stupid flower stops ejaculating it's stupid pollen on everyone. *Sigh*... Oh well, just talking about it made me feel a bit better. Like 1% better -_-

New guest story. (SC34 Ver. 10.04) It's called The Space Elf's booty. It's both written and coded by  Blacktrader (blacktrader7@hotmail.com). This was the first story  Blacktrader  wrote for me back when I only started this whole guest story thing. So it's pretty short. Also it doesn't have any new art assets. In other words don't expect much. I already updated the itch.io files if you are interested though. (Android version will be uploaded in a few days).

The work. Until the allergies turned me into a whiny little bitch I've been doing a lot of progress with Episode 11. It's really shaping up nicely, but I still have a lot of work to do. I think I am about 1/3 through with the coding. If the doc gives me some decent potions tomorrow I hope to double down on the work during this week.

The games. I am slowly making my way through ToCS2. I gotta say I miss the military academy setting. But Ymir does star to feel like home little by little. Hot springs, snowboarding - it's nice ^_^ 

Is this love? The term WIFU gets thrown around a lot, by me as well, but I don't think I ever meant it anything for me personally. I don't think I ever liked a fictional character to a degree where I would start to idolize them. (Big reveal: I've been a fake weeb up until now). I but I think it finally happened, I left the normie camp and there is no turning back now. I think I am in love with instructor Sara. There! I said it!

Sara was my favorite in the first game, but it was all fun and games. I were never serious. But here, in ToCS2 when she showed up in the story for the first time I was just grinning like an idiot. And when she referenced a promise I made to her at the bonfire during the first game - I knew it was love. <3

I am also playing a bit of Nexomon. It's a fun game. I never played a pokemon(-like) game before, but I like this one. 

See you next week -_-




Awesome update, yes allergies are terrible, keep it up.


Wash your sheets a lot, shower before bed or if you go outside, change your clothes if you go outside, wipe down your walls with a wet cloth, get a vaporizer - the pollen will attach to the water molecules and fall to the floor then sweep/wash the floor. Pollen hooks onto clothes and gets into your bed. After that, you’ll have control


Dont rush your work. Health first.


For as weeb and otaku as I am, I have yet to find the one who will make me into a Waifu lover. Congratulations on your transition from 3D to 2D though, where all the women are better. I’m waiting for Not-Pokemon to come to the Xbone, weird it got released everywhere except the Xbox One but it will be coming out shortly. I wasn’t that interested until I saw it had a few Gardevoir-like creatures. The only reason I even play Pokemon anymore. Sorry about the flowers, at least it’s not COVID pollen.


Allergies are terrible. And it always seems something imported is the culprit. During peak season I do two different pills morning and night and a nasal spray and it just lessens the symptoms.


Yes, allergies are unsettling and definitely does not focus on something. Anyway, any health problems interfere with the entire work process. Get well!


Take care, mate!


Allergy shots. They're worth the pain.

Trevor Bond

Oh yeah, invasive flower species suck. Purple Loostrife or whatever it's called used to make my head feel like a balloon full of misery until we exterminated it in my old home region (a forest fire helped!). My sympathies! Now I get similar reactions to a certain breed of tree. SIGH. Glad to hear you're not letting it get in the way of inding your waifu though! Have a great week, man!

morris ridgeway

Sorry about the plant. Does it have yellow flowers and grow into a tree like structure?


Forgot to expect this today, what a pleasant surprise!


did i miss something because i can't find an Itch.Io account for you Akabur?


There is no truth in flesh,only betrayal There is no strength in flesh,only weakness There is no Constancy in flesh,only decay There is no certainty in flesh but death

Sid Santos

Tough luck being a flower bukkake victim. Hope you feel less bad now.


Никсар попробуй


Flower bukkake victim? You've just managed to make my allergies more disgusting. Somehow. Congratulations.


The allergic reactions will pass, but that gif shall remain on the internet forever.

Austin Hanson

Ah i’m glad for the new content. And I just realize something. I believe the jasmine that is in star channel 34 came from your original magic shop game. Because of the fact that the princess trainer do universe and the regular Aladdin/magic shop universe are separate If “you know who” has indeed snuck on the ship with Genie I believe she’s either going to realize that Jasmine is not the Jasmine from her universe.


Allow me to offer an American remedy for those suffering from allergies. Get some local honey, eat on toast or girl however you like it. The bees make it from pollen so it will help build your immunities. It's not a quick fix but next year you suffer much less.


No spoilers please some us are waiting for the android version


Definitely try some intra-nasal corticosteroids! Usually far more effective then antihistamines. Should be able to get them over the counter in most countries - usually dose is 1 spray each nostril twice a day for a week, then as required. Dont do it too long otherwise can cause nosebleeds. its highly effective in controlling allergic symptoms - defs recommend


Thank you for the advice, man. My doctor said pretty much the same. And honestly since I started doing that things did get better. (Well I am also taking pills so that is probably the part of it too :)


I know what you mean. I also am very picky when it comes to my imaginary love interests. Not-Pokemon is a great game by the way. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, and not only because of your Gardevoi fetish. ^^


Well, I think if you are prepared it could be way less annoying. It caught me completely off guard so I had to safer a bit :)


Yeah, no allergy can stop me from spending some quality time with my anime girls. Anyway I feel much better these days. Thank you for your words of support, Trevor.


I don't know. I honestly don't care since I can't do anything about it anyways. The pills and some precaution measures helped though - I feel much better now :)


If there is one thing you can count on in this world that is me making a post on Monday :)


Noted. Thank you for the advice. I do feel better these days so it's all good for now.