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Hello, bros. How is everyone doing? Does anyone still read my intros? I can't believe I wrote 133 of them already. If any of you did actually read at least half of them - you deserve a medal. Yes. You'll never get it though because world is cruel and unfair. Welcome to another Monday post... By the way, you're adopted.

Heh... Sorry, I don't know what has gotten into me. I am kidding of course. The world is not cruel or unfair. It's peachy and full of sunshine... You ARE adopted though.

The Stream. I hosted an inking stream on Picarto this week. If you missed it - the full video is on my youtube channel. I turned off the mic for this one and didn't interact with the chat all that much, which allowed me to be a bit more productive. I still want to thank everyone who showed up though. Thank you, bros. 

The Future of Gaming. Honestly I can't wait to *not* by a PS5. I hope I don't come of as spiteful when I say this. It's not about "teaching SONY a lesson" or any such nonsense. I just want to feel happy while playing games and I can't imagine that happening with PS5. (And I have a VERY vivid imagination.) Thankfully I have a long backlog of my Japanese games and my SWITCH to run them on. 

AOKANA. The game is out and I am playing it. And I absolutely love it (so far). God bless japan. I need to get more serious with my Japanese language learning so that one day I could shift to my japanese E-Shop account completely and live a happy life. 

ToCS2. Is freaking amazing. I play it whenever I have time/energy. And it will be probably the last game I play on my PS4. Well, I could give Cyberpunk a try, we'll see how it goes. In any case. ToCS is love. 

The list. In case anyone is curios (I no nobody does but I'm still gonna indulge myself) my current backlog of games to play / to complete looks like this:

- GalGun2
- Little Busters!
- Rune Factory 4
- Moero Chronicle H
- The Grisaia Trilogy
- Trails of Cold Steel 3
- Nekopara Vol.1-3
- Hatsune Miku
- Yu-No: A Girl Who Chants
- Gun Gun Pixies
- Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth
- If My Heart Had Wings
- Fairy Fencer F
- Valkyria Chronicles 4

And there are also some non-japanese games:
- Lost Horizon
- Everspace
- Riptide GP: Renegate

You see what I mean? I am pretty much set for life with all these great games (and so very little time to actually play them) and I am sure more will be released as the time goes on. I simply have no time to worry about all that mainstream gaming nonsense.

The work. I am done with the art assets. Can finally move on to the coding. This episode's development is progressing a bit slowly but it will be worth it, I promise. Thank you for your patience. 

It's alive? Oh, and apparently the animated corpse of KissAnime is still roaming the interweb. Not that I am complaining but it's a bit creepy that it's still around after the official announcement. (kissanime.vc) 

That is all the news for this week. Thank you for your support guys. You are the best. I love you all dearly, and to prove it let me present to you a magic photo of Hermione from professor Dumbledore's personal archives. You are welcome.


STREAM FROM AUGUST 19th (At x16 speed).



Hey where's my reading medal? Also check out 'Love Esquire' on Steam. Pretty fun production values on it!


Meanwhile for my 31st birthday...


Where did the hermione gif come from???




Awesome update and game list, coding time, time for you to go out go out into the world. Coding time, turn the lights up every boy and every girl


Hi Akabur. Thanks for keeping Monday post a thing. Read the text, watching the stream now... One question: What happens with the pictures when you inked them and scanned?

Sid Santos

Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth were my some of my favs of the last few years. Both had great stories (also some best girls). GalGun2 had me going around feeling like Orgazmo :D


"If My Heart Had Wings" - ENG localized version is awful and heavily censored, buy JP if you can.

Trevor Bond

Of course we read your intros! And watch the vids. Good work there! Can't wait to see the latest..... well, yes I can, I will have to, but I'm eager anyways lol. Glad you've got a ton of fun games to tide you! Seriously, what is with game companies lately? It's like they're trying to appease audiences that don't even buy video games in the first place, sheesh. I quit buying mainstream systems ages ago.... people give me their old ones free and I enjoy plenty of older games a lot more than more recent ones. And of course I have games like yours to keep me amused and rather deeply engaged in the lives of their characters! Keep up the good work!


Of course we read your intros. They are like that monday cup'o tea you drink after coming home after 12 hours of work. I gut it out all day, but when work's over, on my way home I am thinking "I am curious what family friendly content Akabur has posted today". No seriously though, I did think about it on my way home today. Also, don't waste time on Japanese, it's waste of time! I have tried for 3 years, got somewhat intermediate level (N3) and I call bullshit. Spending half a year working there, I call even more bullshit! Better learn some Russian, at least they are down to earth. И больше людей в мире говорит по русский чем по японский. Seriously, please don't do that! PS: What's the music in that video?


I truly enjoy playing Lost Horizon, but I have to be in the proper mood.


hmmm... anti-gravity shoes and girls in mini-skirts.. I think I can see where this game (Aokana) is going ^^


All is well. You are alive, My Monday reading is complete, the sun is shining and its valentines day here in china, Life is fucking awesome, Today you where part of that perfection. Rock on dude ;)


Happy birthday, Joseph ;) And welcome to the 30+ club, buddy (>_>)


I enjoyed the Nekopara series. And if you want to learn Japanese, play a game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/672430/Koe/


Thanks for the tip. I cheeked it out and it looks like a game I should definitely for the research purposes.


He-he. Thanks man. As usual I can always depend on you to leave an inspiring comment :)


Hi :) I keep some of the pics and throw away the rest. I know it sounds like a waste, but I am yet to come up with a solution to this problem. I tried sending those out to fans in the past but it took to much of my time.


Great. I'm really looking forward to playing all those games. Now only if I had the time. I got the normal ending in GalGun2 yesterday. Took me month's lol :)


OK, I am talking about SWITCH version here. If Japanese version has ENG support it should be identical to the English version, no?


Thanks Trevor, as usual. I don't think it's only the game companies. It's the entertainment industry as a whole. The seem to not care about providing entertainment anymore. Mainstream stuff absolutely sucks these days. If it's a popular product it's batter to steer clear of that stuff. -_-


Ha-ha. Thank you for your kind words, man. You comment is MY cup of tea :) I know exactly what you mean about the Japanese. I think I made it sound like I am thinking about learning it, but actually I spent 3+ years living in japan (long time ago), 1.5 of those years was in a language school and then a year in a college (senmon gakkou) and I still can read shit. That being said Japanese is one of the most difficult languages so it's only natural. Also since it's so difficult there are very few people who learned without loving Japanese culture. I used to get upset about it being next to impossible for a foreigner to get a Japanese citizenship, but now I actually appreciate it. Japan must stay pure to continue to produce good games and anime. Fuck the foreigners.