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Hello, bros. It is I - your spiritual leader. And it is *that* day of the week again. Time for another one of my famous Monday Posts. Ready! Set! Go!!! Wheeeeeeeee!

KukkoroDays. Finished the game. I gotta say out of the three (NinNinDays, TroubleDays) this was the best one. The story was still pretty bland but way better then the previous games. And the art was simply magical ^_^ Now I am waiting for AOKANA. My body is ready.

PQube Asia. I love it how in their promotional posts the publisher doesn't even mention the PS4 version of AOKANA anymore. That realization made my day, XD

The Big News. I decided to bite the bullet and get married in HM:Light of Hope. Only took me about 50 hours to get to that point. I have a strange fondness for that game. (Please don't recommend Stardew Valley, I know it exists.)

The work. Had some health issues during this week. Turned out to be just a very strong allergy. Went to see the doctor, had some pills prescribed and now feel great again, but my productivity still took a slight hit and now I am all sulky about it. 

The Art Assets. Spent these last few weeks drawing (pencil->ink->scan->color). Still have some work to do. But hope to be done by next Monday. Will keep you posted.

That's it.  Episode 11 of SC34 will change the face of the game industry forever. Thank you for your support. (No, seriously, thank you.)




Man you are seriously popular, just played another game with your name mentioned and a cameo of "Akaber" apparently, the way you draw tits is an inspiration to us all....


Congrats hope you have a great wedding, a shame kissanime, but called my attention you only mention it on the subject


I like the drawing of April ;-)


Hello Akabur. I think I remember Kissanime, but was it an anime sharing site?


Nice costume for April ^^ Can't wait to see it in game o0


I'm a HM addict (I own about a dozen of the games) and can't do Stardew Valley. It doesn't compare.

Sid Santos

I'm an OG of HM from the SNES games, has your choice in HM waifus changed over the years? I know mine has.

Trevor Bond

A, a Harvest Moon player. Good to see you're a man of taste!


https://www.kissanime.vc/ seems to be working fine :)


This last gif you used was from the best game "Command & Conquer: Red alert 2" Good times!


My birthday was on Monday


"Akaber", huh? I don't think I ever seen my name butchered in that particular way before, but in a parody/comedy way I does make sense :) I'm glad you like my work man. There will be plenty of cool drawings in the next episode. ^_^


The wedding was OK. This was my first Harvest Moon game, but only after the wedding a learned that this was not actually the real harvest Moon game and this game is actually considered trash. But I dunno, I sinked almost 50 hour into it and I had fun. Anyway, thank you for always being around man. It's somehow very reassuring :)


hey man, allergies happen. They suck but don't beat yourself up about it. I am sure the episode will turn out great and if you need an additional week then so be it


Then you will LOVE the finished version along with the story and multiple choices. I can't wait to share next Ep with you guys ^_^


It was an Anime Streaming site. It had a huge selection of shows. I did use it every now and then...


Sweet. I am not an expert on HM games but I feel the same way. Recently I learned that Light Of Hope is not a real HM game and supposedly real ones are even more fun. I bought the Miniral Town remake on Switch but I regret it because the art style and the portraits are not working for me. Thankfully I decided to give Rune Factory 4 a try and I love it. :)


April is gonna be getting some serious character development in this one. ^^


Dude, I never played a proper HM game. And sucks since I absolutely love this type of games and I am only realizing it now T_T I am playing Rune Factory 4 right now...


Yeah. I watched a short documentary on how they filmed some of the scenes. That chick completely stole the show. XD


On year closer to the sweet release of death right? Congrats.


I don't mind allergies, as long as you have proper meds to treat that stuff it's causing zero troubles :) Thank you for your words of support. Next episode is gonna be epic indeed ^^


Can't wait to see the update


I wanted to ask, what prompted all this venture? I've been playing these games of yours for years. What keeps your mind fresh with it all?


That's the only thing I know how to do I think. The thought of ever stopping doing this scares me...


Well, it does for me as well. Do more with April and Lara and the fortune teller please :)