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Sup, bros! How is everyone doing? Good? Well? Fantastic? Wait a second, why do I ask you  that here when I could create an actual poll questions like that? What a brilliant idea! Let's do it!

The Poll! Yes, here it goes! The question of this week's poll is: How Are You Doing Today?

About Ep11. I am approaching the storytelling a bit differently with this one. Trying to make it a bit more interactive by weaving in more choices into the narrative. So there will be plenty of, mostly inconsequential, choices that will (hopefully) allow you to have a more personalized experience with this episode. Allow you to roleplay a bit so to speak.

EXAMPLE 01. What I mean is, for example you need to ask a girl to do something. Normally I would just write the scene, but this time I am putting in 3 buttons as such:

-[ ASK ]-

-[ REASON ]-

-[ ORDER ]-

As a result the girl will still do what you tell her to, but how you go around making her do it, will be up to you.

The Result. Naturally having to write three different scenes where I would normally write only one demands extra time and effort. But sometimes it actually makes my life easier because if I have two working jokes or scenes that I think will work I don't have to choose only one anymore, I can put both of them in and let you decide. That sort of takes the responsibility off of my shoulders a bit.

EXAMLE 02. Another good example of this I want to show you:

- "Unless it's not."-

-"What's I.T.D.?"-

-"Get to the point!"-

Here you can continue the conversation or dig deeper for the lore or even skip the exposition entirely. Again, it means more work for me, but feels very liberating, since I don't feel like I am force-feeding the player 90% of the story. I'm just putting extra scenes out there for those who are interested.

So yeah, there will be a ton of choices in this one. And that will translate into the educational scenes as well of course. In other words there will be more stuff for you to choose from than the regular "Pull out/Don't pull out".

Well in any case, I am just sharing my thoughts here. Episode 11 will be interesting. ^_^ And that's it. Thank you for your support. Love you all. Nazdorovie!



It's always cool to see creator evolve and question his regular approach


You’re doing great, king, can’t wait to see another masterpiece No pressure tho


Awesome update, great job


Sounds great, keep up the good work Akabur! :)


Get part-time as QA on my job ... I need a drink ....

DJ Quinn

Boredom and depression in full swing, but otherwise alright.


I'm looking forward to the multiple choices, it could make second playtrough equally interesting as the first one. And multiple educational outcomes? Dream comes true 😏


I think you forgot the sarcasm option


i need a drink, and hopefully, i'll have it with friends in 2 days. To summs it up, I will not go to the university i rly wanted next year. Life sucks today


That picture cheered me up, where is it from?


Akabur: choice is matter! Bloody Baron: I need a drink... https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gcfmPu7NlNY/maxresdefault.jpg

Austin Hanson

Yawn.....Good morning. keep up the good work


That's a Fallout reference isn't it? Don't worry, I don't believe I am as disconnected from my core audience as that Bethesda guy who came up with that horrendous dialog wheel idea.

Trevor Bond

I mean, I have had WAY better days. BUT.... I made it through and only one shift to go before a day off. I'll take it and count my blessings lol! As for the episode.... I like this. Anything that lets me dig a little more into the setting I'm game with!


Heh, could be better. Asked a girl out, got turned down. Guess it's not time yet. BUT good to know you'll add more choices. I liked that option in PT, even though eventually Jasmine always obeyed.


Keep asking girls out. It's like throwing noodles on the kitchen wall. Some of them will stick, most will fall on the floor.


Both pictures are very funny! Your positive attitude is incendiary. We are doing greatl! Thanks.


Hope you’re doing good too my dude! I appreciate you and your work!


I doing alright. Staying sane, although I have been practicing social distancing well before COVID. 😆 I really like the new direction of the next episode, especially if the choices open up new ideas for the characters going forward 😛. I'm also getting Skyrim vibes here. 🙂 Will there be any character made choices that won't significantly alter the story (ex. Jasmine must choose her servant and her choice alters the scene slightly or April chooses what Turtle or Splinter will get a paizuri)? Anyway, always enjoying your stuff, AKABUR!


I have to deal with inconsiderate people at work ( retail) so could be better and could be worse. Also the bottom picture is from a game called command and conquer red alert 3 if anyone was wondering ( she is the Intel officer when you play as the Soviets)


"It's a bit sucky, but I manage." Doing a 5 weeks 6 days, 11 hours nightshift and its with possible extension of a week or two...... I'm so mentally tired of it.


Since we seem to share our answers... "I need a drink..." cause my gf of almost 2 1/2 years just left me.


I Need an other options:"today it's suck, like yesterday and the days before" 💩


I know the feeling. That being things could only get worse :)


Well, yeah. That's the idea. It's shaping out nicely so far, but I won't know for sure until I put the thing together and give it a test play-through. Fingers crossed.


Sorry to hear that. I honestly am. This was and continues to be a bizzare year. Many of my own plans got completely foiled because of everything what is going on in the world...


No idea. Before writing another post I usually spend about half an hour surfing the web, looking for cool pics I could use as a cover.


Hang in there, Trevor. We have got to keep pushing. I mean what else is there to do, right? -_-


"practicing social distancing well before COVID" - I know the feel. Skyrim vibes. LOL. That's would be setting your expectation a bit too high, don't you think? But speaking of RPG games, I am playing SWTOR a lot these could be some influences from their 3-choice dialog system. Also I must say I really like the idea of letting the girl decided what to do. Somehow it never crossed my mind before. I don't think you will see much of that in EP11 since I am done with the planing and finalizing the writing right now. But that idea sparked my interest. Maybe in the future episodes.


Dealing with people is the worst. Well, for me at least. I had a job like that long time ago. And it was hell. I ended up subtotaling my own performance and getting fired. I am not very good at dealing with too many people in one day.


Goddamn, dude. Hang in there. -_- Maybe drink more coffee for now to make it through, or something...


Oh yeah, break up are tough. It does turn into a new beginning eventually though. Usually after a break up I feel down for a bit. Then comes a phase when I really appreciate being single. But eventually of course I start to feel lonely again... It's a never-ending cycle...