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How is it going bros? Good? Great! I'm alive and well too. No polls this time. So far we did learn though that many people like Hermione, use Windows and own a Nintendo SWITCH. At this point I am having a hard time coming up with new poll questions. If you have any bright ideas- feel free to share them in the comment section.

Episode 11 will be a special one. I know I've been saying this a lot lately: Ep8 was special because it was the first SimRoom story and had multiple endings, Ep9 was special because it had many illustrations that weren't necessarily full screen CGs and ep10 was special because it took place in the PT universe. But here we are again and Ep11 will be special too.

Coming soon* The main change with working on Ep11 for me is the way I decided to approach working on it. For quite a while now I've been concentrating heavily on spitting on new episodes as quickly as I can (without making too many compromises). I thought releasing updates in a timely manner would feel good, and it did to an extent, but over time I started to feel like I am rushing things a bit too much. So my design philosophy for for Ep11 is to take things a bit slower and actually have some fun with it, and add choices and graphical assets that are not absolutely essential but would be just fun to work on for me personally.

Worry not. Over the years I've gotten fairly good at planning out a project scale ahead of time to make sure it doesn't get over-bloated with too many ideas. Everything mentioned above should result in a slightly better shaped out story with a few more extra choices a few more jokes that lend a bit better and a few more scenes that will make the educational scenes a bit more exiting. That's all I have to say for this post. Love you all. Off to the lab now.




Every episode is a special snowflake XD now seriously sounds great


Welcome to SC34. where EVERY episode is special!


Ok thats it! I am heading off invading kapitalist Europe with Twinblades and Hammertanks and Recruits! Goodbye Commander!


The lab is in space, isn't it?

Trevor Bond

Excellent! I like when people work on things the way they want to in the goal of making it the best they can. The sense of humor of the series is always welcome and I do love when you toss in a couple extras!


Poll question 1: Which AKABUR game you like the most? Magic Shop Princess Trainer Witch Trainer The Mating Season Star Channel 34 Poll Question 2: What you like more in AKABUR games? Story Drawing Sound effect 4th wall jokes Poll Question 3: Do you like AKABUR streams? Will you come to watch if he stream again? Yes Oh! Yes Absolutely! Yes


Awesome! Like others are saying, I can read the positivity with your approach for ep11. When a creator that I like is happy, I am happy, and usually very happy with the content that results from said happiness! PLUS, another special add-on for sustaining the fan base was the sim room stories. Having that extra content should satisfy more fans and help relieve some of the pressure you might feel from the more demanding followers.


I don't care how much I have to wait. Now I know SC34 has the BEST GIRL, I can die in peace.


wow akabur. great moves. keep it up! not loosing the joy in your work is the most important thing. we all know quality needs time. and damn you deliver.


Sexy bitch strip dance whipping slave criticize forced subjugation diablo girls do not put any harm on the good-doer in the new version Overlord files slave neck eyip to lust


Dammit, dude. I got excited there for a second hoping you provided me with actual poll questions I could use. T_T


Please don't just causally divulge top secret information.


No, it's your words of support is what is always welcome, Trevor. Thanks, man.


Yeah, do feel really hyped about seeing how it will turn out. Thank you for the support :) Yeah, I hope to expand the sim room of course :)


Heh. Yes. Honestly I can hardly believe myself it actually happened.