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Hi bros! How is everyone doing? Fantastic? Great? Wonderful? Having the best day ever? The best week ever maybe? Or the best month/year ever??! What a coincidence: ME TOO!!! Everything is great and wonderful and I am looking towards the future wondering what wonderful surprises life has in stock for us all! Surely it will be something amazing!

No I did not take any drugs before sitting down to write this post. Well I did drink some coffee but I don't think it counts. In fact I KNOW it does not count because it was a damn good coffee but I barely feel any effects of it. Damn, even the coffee is not what it used to be... Back in my day a cup of coffee would give you an alert state, shaky hands and hard pp.

Ignore the intro. I couldn't figure out how to start the post so I though maybe I should make it a bit less depressing then usual, just for the heck of it :)

The polls! The results of the poll from two weeks ago shook the very foundation of the world as we know it. Apparently Hermione is the number one girl. Honestly I refuse to believe it. 

The poll from last week revealed to us that most people play my games on Windows PC. Personally I found that revelation very pleasing since I was worried that everyone just switched to Android long time ago. Personally I'm glad that's not that case.

More polls. Since polls provide us a certain degree of interactivity I think I should continue to include them into my Monday Posts. No matter how nonsensical the questions in the poll itself may be.

Almost forgot. The new guest story: "Blue Balls and Necromancy" is out. I updated the files on itch.io so just go there and download the version 10.03 of the game. Don't expect too much, this is just a fun little story to give you something to chew on while I work on Ep11. 

And that's it. Thank you for you support. I hope this will be a decent week for everyone. Stay strong, stay safe but more importantly: stay cool and keep playing my games. Hugs and kisses <3

QUESTION IF THE WEEK: Do you own a NINTENDO Switch? (Just out of curiosity.)



Awesome update, being optimist is not bad, great way to start a week


Voted on "I DO NOT own a Nintendo Switch" number of votes for that shows up: 69. Nice.


I still have to buy Luigi's Mansion 3


Yeah, but I'm so tired of waiting for SMTV, Metroid Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3 news :( Also, I hope they drop Mother/Earthbound on switch.


I also refuse to believe Hermione is best girl, because Ashelin is life. It must be the work of trolls. Or maybe Russian bots. Probably both.


Akabur you are going to make me play Red Alert 3 Again!

Sid Santos

Ashelin has that space militarized look that gets me all giddy, my guess is most of your patrons are Potter fans who grew up during peak popularity. Or school girl fetish is strong. No kink shame here.


As a person who chose Hermione as their favorite, I DON'T refuse to believe it, I just feel like she has a larger range of interaction than the other girls, Jasmine is very one note, Ashelin is great but she's fairly underutilized, I like April and Lara, but they're both new so they don't have a lot of material to their name. Hermione has an entire game to her name (Which gives her a headstart) and she's not Jasmine.


Even leaving aside the portrayal by a smokin'-hot actress, Hermione has the advantage of having a much larger amount of back story both in the source material and in your own work. Plus, I mean, schoolgirl-- can't go wrong with that. Personally I'll keep voting for her in every poll until the day comes that you bless the world with an Akabur-quality original CG of her in a g/g scene.


Doesn't hurt that Hermione was played by a certain actress that deserves angry grudge sex.


Dude that GIF scene was just the best. Played the game last night and it feels so perfect. Over-acting is peak actor performance, change my mind.

Trevor Bond

Ooooh, this looks fun! Thank you! Glad you started out a little more upbeat. It helps people BE upbeat sometimes. And of course.... Tim Curry. Being amazing. That always helps! Stay sane and have fun my friend!


Still dont get why Hermione is popular, there are much better ones out there.


Hi! I just want to note you that you interpretate your pools incorrectly. Generally with popularity of the characters . The OS one is fine [Linux please] You dumped all characters in the same group. It give big error. If you put them in subgroups it would give you better numbers. I suggest just exclude Germione from the pool. She distort the results. .... I got that I can't explain it well . Just think about about list of Russian pool with and without Putin. The diff is drastic. It's very interesting that Ashelin get 23! I first have knew about her from you. Let's skip Hermion. Lara Croft have BIG brand. April O Neil so so known. Jasmin is known Dysney princess. It's interesting to see Jasmin so low. Again we can't tell if it's true even if you do "most hatefull" character. It can be done only if you split characters by groups . I think it would really helpfull would be rating pools. But probably patreon doesn't support them. Ok. Conclusion. 1. hermione is big distort. Look her Wikipedia page have more views then all rest combined. Half of them don't have even page 2. Ashelin have huge success! 3. Lola also! for your own brand character it's very good! 4. LC, ONeil, and Jasmin are gray horses. They show moderate low results. 5 It would be interesting to who go all votes without the Hermion Pools are complicated . It can confuse you a lot


I wanted to buy a Nintendo Switch, but never ended up doing that since I don't have the money anymore to buy one. Currently completely broke so maybe in a few years.


huh the switch votes are about 50/50, that's rather surprising ... If I were to get one it would be exclusively for Pokémon and as it stands, sword &amp; shield is not even finished yet and they are doing DLC... mmehhh


&gt;Ashelin is great but she's fairly underutilized So what you're saying is... more Ashelin please.


The New guest story is really hot. especially the paizuri ending!


Yeah Pokemon would also be the only reason I'd get it. But since I couldn't take all my previous pokemon with me to the newest games I decided not to buy the game, nor the platform.


The guest story is really good. Keep the author near you :P.


Anyone else have a problem with full screen under windows? Whenever I alt+enter, I am so zoomed in that I only see about a third of the picture. Can anyone help?


Can't find "Blue Balls and Necromancy" do you have a better (more narrowed down) link?


Just search for "Akabur" and select "Star Channel 34", since "Blue Balls and Necromancy" is a guest story _within_ SC34 ;-)


Seriously tho... can't forgive what they have did with a coffee...


Thank you for your infinite and never ending support, man. T_T


Go buy an anime game instead. That would a real man of culture would do.


Well at least there is something to look forward to. Cyberpunk will is the only game I am waiting on on my PS4 and I sure as heck not buying PS5.


We will never be getting games like that, so you may as well :) Say hi to all the girls from me. I love it when the call me "commander". :)


To each his own I guess. But yeah, I was surprised to see so many Hermione choices.


Yeah... I completely missed out on PS3 generation because of the same problem. never played any Mass Effect or Dragon Age 1-2 because of that. I mean I could play all these games now of course but I completely missed them when they were released originally. All I had back then was my PSP. ^^


I'm glad you liked it. I though the story was fun so I decided to spent some time on illustrating it. Glad you enjoyed it :) The whole paizuri ending took the most time :)


Yeah, a common problem from what I hear. Has something to do with WIN10 zoom option.


Yes. Me too. I was absolutely disgusted by that... Wait, what are you talking about 0_o