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Hi, bros. How is everyone doing? Your benevolent leader speaking. I brought you some merry news and (since you seemed to enjoy it so much last time) another pointless poll. 

New Patrons. But first I would like to say hi to like five new $1 patrons who pledged their allegiance last week. I rarely get new patrons anymore, I imagine our tightly-knit gang consists mostly of hardcore old-timers, so when suddenly several new people show up at once I feel like that old dude from Star Wars memes:

Next topic! I bring you another important poll. Just like the last week's one, this poll is absolutely meaningless so choose freely - your choices mean jack shit. The poll's question is: WHAT PLATFORM DO YOU USUALLY PLAY MY GAMES ON?

To other news. I am working on episode 11. This time around I decided not to stress about the deadline that much. This will most likely result in a longer development time, but I really want to just enjoy the process instead of rushing things. I've been rushing things for many episodes now and I feel like I am getting a bit tired. This doesn't mean the story will be slowing down though. Things will be getting steamy in Ep11 I assure you.

Guest story. And last but not least: New guest story will be dropping next Monday. "Blue Ball and Necromancy" written by Blacktrader and coded in by Hell Void. A short adventure story with 3 different endings. I really liked this one so I decided to brake my own rule and added some small new art assets to give every ending a bit more weight. So yeah, next Monday, mark your calendars folks :)

That's it. Whenever I start having too much fun writing a Post (like I do now) I usually end up wasting too much time looking for clever cover pictures and edgy gifs. I think my time will be better spent working on Ep11 and finalizing and testing the guest story. Thank you for your support, bros. I love you all dearly. Peace.



Awesome news, more content!


The CnC gif is still a good one

Amun Ra

Linux gang, the true 1%


Is there some hermione stuff coming ? 😛


Awesome and take your time no need to rush things


That glorious Drawing of Ashelin :D

Trevor Bond

Excellent! Been enjoying the side stories. And hey, when it comes to a choice between meeting an arbitrarily set deadline or having fun? HAVE FUN!


The biggest thing about projects like this is that you enjoy what you do. The more you enjoy it, the higher the quality (imo). As far as the poll is concerned, wish I owned a PC but stuck with doing everything on Android. Just glad I can experience your creations as it's hard to find anything worth while on Android.


I'm looking forward to whatever scenario puts Ashelin in her street meat uniform. Truly the pinnacle of clothing design.


Which Drug do you prefer more, Cocaine, Meth, or Akabur's Weekly posts? You decide!


Windows gang represent!

Durzo Shadowborn

Brave Linux users. Playing Akabur games at work.....and then there are the heathen Mac users.

Mitsy Marcella

Mac user here; While I can't play many lubricious titles I'd like to, at least Akabur graciously provides! Ashelin x Lara forever.


The silent majority of windows users stands strong.


To hold my computer on the toilet is a little ..ähhh difficult. So normaly computer and for special circumstances android :P.


Lara and April with Maslab. I hope the guy doesn't have a heart attack with whatever happens! : )


No plebeian mobile device for me, thank you very much. A battle station is the only true way to game ;P


Cool :)


Oh, i'm one of 2%.... Much love for publishing linux builds! ♥

sudam ouellet

need Windows and Linux multiple machines


I can play on any of these platforms, but prefer my Mac.


Can only play on android. I wish I can support you AKABUR but Im still a student with no earn whatsoever. I applaud the games that you make nude or not. I wish you the best of luck. P.S. Ashelin's line on one of the eps preview where she thanked the opportunity to stay relevant as an older video game character, that really moved me.


Hey akabur, 2 posts ago you said "I plan to get more aggressive both with the story development and the girl's training sessions..." When I read this I got really excited in a way I wasn't expecting, I didn't know it but I miss your "core" niche, the reason we all fell in love with you, your "trainers". So, am I interpreting this right? Will you be returning to your original style of getting to know the girl and focusing on slutfying her through ever more perverted assignments? Your last few episodes felt like "adventures", which are good, but they feel more like generic vn, not the same feeling as your staple, a "trainer". What are your thoughts on this?


And I'm just happy I am able to do multiple versions of the game like that.


Your comment gave me a mental picture of a shady guy selling my Monday Post on a corner of the street. ^^


I'm glad to know that there ARE actually some Linux user out there.


Don't worry about supporting me. Just play the games :) And yeah. I doubt Jak and it's characters ever coming back, so they could at least can live on with SC34 :)