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 Hi, bros. How is it going? 2020 has been a fun year so far, hasn't it? I hope everyone is doing well and stuff... Don't have much to say actually, apart from mentioning that this is Monday Post number 123. That is 2+ years of non-stop Monday Posting... (Haven't missed a single one!) That's both impressive... and depressing. Almost feel like I should get a life or something. But no, I don't think I would want to have it any other way.

The cesspool. I have 10K followers on twitter now. I've been secretly waiting for this to happen for a while... But as it happens the wait was too long and now that it finally happened I don't even care that much anymore. Don't even have any celebratory pics prepared or anything... 10K is a big number though... Maybe I should do a butt reveal or something.

The work. I'm sure you already know what I'll say: the work is being done. That's all. With this episode I am trying to spice things up a bit (mainly for my own sake) and add a few extra choices both to the dialogs and the educational CG scenes. I wonder if because of that the Ep will feel a bit on a shorter side. Well, will see. Also the guest story taking a bit longer to finish up then I hoped it would, but it's still coming. Soon :)

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel. Beat the game last week. Took me 127 hours. One hundred twenty seven hours bros... on a fucking anime game. I will be turning 40 years old in a few years., what the heck am I doing with my life? The worst part is: I love my stupid anime games to death T_T

ToCS's ending was simply magnificent by the way. I wasn't sure before but after beating the game I must say ToCS is my most favorite game ever at the moment. Persona4 has spectacular gameplay, but the ending was an incoherent mess. Well, anyway I already bought ToCS2 and can't wait to spend another hundred hours (probably 2 month of real time) in that world with my anime classmates. ^_^ 

SWTOR. I still play that every now and then. It's nice that the game is still around. I wonder how much longer will it last. I always experience this warm welcoming nostalgic feel when I boot it up. It was created back when western game developing companies actually had creative people working for them. Good old days ^^ I am on Starforge server. The name is "akabur". I play SWTOR as a single-player game but maybe we could do a HEROIC or two or something ^^

The Poll. Right, almost forgot: I am including a poll into this Monday Post. I just want to test this feature since I don't think I ever used it before. For this test run I am just making a popularity contest poll, just choose your favorite crew member.

And that is it. I love you all guys. I dunno... I just want to host a stream where I could sit for 6 hours and me a thot: do nothing and maybe share a beer with all of you. This was quite a journey wasn't it? ^_^ Well, stay safe and go play some anime games while I am working on another piece of family friendly content for you. Here is a gif from a bygone era of gaming that I miss dearly. 



Hermoine is great in the game but I miss/need the permanent big tits and ass potion. She’s not the same wo it!

Almoner Atticus

Hermione for the win! I'll second the potion for her idea, but also add boob and ass reduction potion as well....😋😁


Vote for Ashelin Praxis. I bribe you with my drawings ^_^


Great job, mate


Please no.... no butt reveal. I’m begging you. I like how the first two comments both love Hermonie, but one prefer big tits and ass and the other prefers small boobs and ass. Haha. Hermonie is awesome though. Take care Akabur. (No butt reveal plz.)


OK, sounds you had an awesome week, keep it good


Hermonie or jasmine pl0x


Damn I wish I would have one or two extra votes for Ashelin and Lola :/


L.O.L.A. and April are my favs :) Jasmine and Ashelin are also pretty well written though, so they'll probably share spot number 3.

Trevor Bond

L.O.L.A. is just so hilarious in her rivalry with April and her general passive aggressiveness lol! Gotta vote for the hologirl!


This is a tough call. Looking just at SC34 content I’m going with Ashelin here. Iris is probably my favorite of all the girls with Hermione as a close second.


Congratulations for that 10k, I really like your own character, even if I love April so much, so my vote goes to your Oc. Keep safe man!


Dude, is it midlife crisis time already? What you're doing with your life is: Making games that frickin' *tens of thousands* of people find entertaining. Do you realize how few people are capable of doing *anything*, anything at all, that could keep ten thousand people interested for a period of *years*?! Do you realize how few people could post random bullshit on a Monday and get dozens of strangers to actually *care*, and care enough to take their time to not only read but reply? You're doing great, m'man. Hang in there, and enjoy the ride. The only destination in life is a dark box, all that matters is the joy you find in the trip to it.


Or both. The Harry/Ginny/Hermione scene came close, but I'm still waiting on a good Akabur-drawn lesbian CG with Hermione in it.


Go L.O.L.A best girl in 2nd place we have hermione in 3rd we have asheline In the garbage we have jasmine


Had to vote Lola due to Lety's awesome cosplay.


Lola life

John Hall

L.O.L.A for me. I love her wicked sense of humour.


10k in Twitter, eat Pineapple Pizza reveal ^^ No I am kidding, post some tiddies =P


Wait a minute... WHY ISN'T THE BEST GIRL IN THIS POLL ? If I can't vote for *her*, I won't vote at all ! *pouts* (jk, I voted anyway)

Durzo Shadowborn

Ashelin is best girl, Jasmine is bottom bitch. Really wanting Iris and Ashelin to bond over their hatred of Jas and team up against her! Hermione I'm waiting for a mind wipe reversal or something.

Durzo Shadowborn

Also looking forward to Iris calling Jas "Jasper" again and the crew getting in on it! (Like Swarley on HIMYM)

Kim Åkerman

Lola or Ashelin, they're both great.


I can't believe you're asking me to choose one. Can't.... I lack the ability to can. Lola from princess trainer isn't on the list. You're forcing my hand.


I hesitated betwin Ashelin and Lara, but i'll vote for Ashelin, Lara didn't get enough scene to rivalise :p


hard to cxhoose jasmine or hermoine but hermoine wins for me


My girl Jasmine isn't getting the votes... I mean it's a tough choice, as I love all of them, but this one hurts a bit.


ashelin is my girl in this one mainly because there is not enough rule34 content of her and this one is the best.


Tough call. Current favorites are Ash, April and Lara.. April got my vote because of her recent display of *humor* in public ;)


Congrats on the 10k milestone! A good reason to celebrate and (let your girls) show some butt.


Hermione still has a little space in my heart, April's story line is hilarious, also enjoyed the Season game, Ashelin has the freshness of a character I wouldn't have heard of otherwise, for which Praise the Great Akabur, Hallowed Be Thy Name , but I'd say here, in the current way depicted Lola Is number 1


The moment LOLA gets a synthetic body to possess, I will be happy to show her how much she is my favorite. Total Waifu.


Ashelin will always be number 1 in my book


I hope we get to have more interactions with L.O.L.A.. I really like her character and personality. anyways, happy week akabur!


Hermione for sure! Witch trainer 100% BTW who is the girl on this gif in the end of the post!? Need to know for research purposes only ;


Personally I'd say Ashelin for just my own taste in Snuu Snuu, but I got to give it to the witchy waifu for her glorious degradation in WT.


I'm honestly surprised best girl Ashelin isn't winning.

morris ridgeway

I voted for one, but I love them all.


April is my only love


Hermione and Asheline for me


Yeah I love April too, wish Vernon would have an opportunity with her, you know, to train her into how to be a better reporter... =)


Love for L.O.L.A.! I always want to show her the love and attention she wants, but sadly never gets. Youd think Genie would jump at that chance given shes a sexy holo girl. :c Best holo waifu! 💙🥰

Mitsy Marcella

Hermione's great, April and Lola's feud is spicy, but nothing tops it more than the Ashelin x Lara stuff, they are the highlight of the storylines so far.


How about stopping sc34 and directly move on to WT2 ?


I dont know if it is already reported but when I try to open the 3rd CG(the one with April) it jump to the 9th one.(the one with the twins and Hermione)


Jasmine is my favourite and I'd love to see that team up!


What heathens Princess Jasmine is the best!


Hermione and Ashelin, but i have to choose only one((

Jon P

Hermionie (and all of them really) are epic, but April's dairy farm scenes were just hot & hilarious & perfect.


Finally. Some love for Jamine. I was about to start thinking everyone just straight up hate her by now. Glad to see it's not that case. At least to some extent...


I hear that you are looking for a story? Um, can I join the fun? Where should I contact you and which kind of story do you desire?


If you don't vote for L.O.L.A, sorry to say but you are objectively incorrect and drastically lack culture


I didn't put *her* in there because I knew everyone would just choose *her*. That's not fair to the rest.


Hermione! Cuz I have a crush on Emma Watson since Harry Potter and prisoner of Azkaban when she... you know... matured :)


If all goes as planned L.O.L.A. will participate in the next episode. And hopefully I will eventually get to proper "educational" scenes with her -_-


Don't worry Lola's "educational" scenes are in the plans. At this point when it comes to L.O.L.A. we've been blue balled for a bit too long, so I feel like I must get it right...


Story-line... You flatter me good sir. They barely had any development so far, I know. I hope to fix that soon. Thank you for your patience.


Yeah, that's a bug. It will be fixed with next update. -_-


More dairy related stuff with her is in the plans. I'm glad you like it so far :)


All of us started to see Hermione as a woman when she reached the legal age and not a fracture of a second earlier.


XD ^_^ I hear ya. I was about to do the butt reveal, but since you're against it, there will be none. You take full responsibility. And yes that "big butt please. No small butt please." conversation was funny.


What can I say, the key to happiness is a woman with big tits and ass. I double down, every character would be improved with the HUGE tits and ass potion!! ( . )( . )


lara not getting much love https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/693484623057125377/723607743990333480/Instagram_rarefrens2_66697540_117321565982056_4016199236810021283_n.png