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Hi bros. Your best bro Akabur is here. I'm alive. All is good. Have nothing of importance to report...

Working on Ep11. I plan to get more aggressive both with the story development and the girl's training sessions starting with this one. Well, we'll see how this will turn out I guess ^_^

Also SC34 reached 100k downloads on itch.io. I've been sneakily waiting for this to happen for a while now. Yay. ^_^ This doesn't mean anything of course, just a round number for me to look at. Thank you for all the support, guys.

Also I am still playing the Trails of Cold Steel. My experience with the game so far: "came for the buns, stayed for the funs". Originally the character design and setting piqued my interest but then... then the story happend. ToCS easily takes the second place on my "best games evar" list right now. Persona4 is still number one, but we'll see how it goes.

And that's it I think. Next sim story (illustrated by me :) is in the works, as soon as the coding guy and the background artist guy are done with their parts I will be able to release it. 

As for episode 11 it is still on the early stages... Early stages usually take the most effort out of me since I have to get into the grove again after releasing an episode, but as I pick up steam with every week it gets easier. I'm really looking forward to cranking up both the action and the sexiness in this one. Let's hope I will be able to pull it off (and in a timely manner too).

Thank you for all the support, guys. For your words of support, for you moneys of support. For everything. Love you all. Episode 11 is gonna rock! ^^




Congrats 100k, looking forward what you have store

DJ Quinn

Glad you're enjoying Trails of Cold Steel. Some advice if you plan on playing the sequels, I recommend playing the Trails in the Sky trilogy and the fan english patches of Trails of Zero and Trails of Azure at some point after Cold Steel 2. They're the stories of Liberl and Crossbell respectively and while Cold Steel 1 and 2 pretty much stand on their own as Erebonia's story, Cold Steel 3 and 4 (especially 4) bring in a fair amount of characters and story elements from the previous series. Side note, if you ever think that there's a lot of playable characters in a Cold Steel game, there's always even more in the next. There's like 25 of them by CS4 lol


That number is the sign to your hard and awesome work, keep safe!


No, you are brotaking.


Congradz on the 100k downloadz ^^ Cuz of your awesome work ;)

Trevor Bond

Woo! 100K! That's an awesome achievement! Keep up the amazing work. I'm looking forward to the future!


100k and growing. Your content is worth so much more imo.

DJ Quinn

Wait, have I made a comment like this here before? If so, sorry.


I'm hyped for another sim story. Wasn't expecting much from content not 100% masterminded by our illustrious ruler, but I really really enjoyed The Thing!

Simon Peaple

Duuuude! If you watch Sky One, that

Simon Peaple

is the greatest thing in the world


Good job ^^ Do your best


slowly slowly getting up to 99k and it stops for a bit and then suddenly its 101k. typical.


Привет! Я думаю что если бы ты делал и русский перевод, то донатов и скачек было бы больше .


I happy you enjoyed it. Next one will be shorter but it will have 3 different endings, so I am really hyped to see what you guys think of it :)


I googled "Sky One". It's a British broadcasting network. I think you need to live in Britain to watch that :)


Oh, you mean the gif. I juts found it on the web, I didn't do it myself or anything :)


to bad you playing this game in the wrong order ....... Trail of sky 1-2-3 then Cold steel 1-2-3 they all go together