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Hello dudes. How is life? Well if my last week's post is anything to go by - no very awesome apparently. Seriously I didn't expect last week's poll to turn the comment section into a "whiners anonymous" board. It's all good though, seeing so many people feeling all kinds of down for all sort of reasons kind of does make me feel better.

That being said this was a good week for me personally. Nothing out of ordinary happened (good or bad) and it's a good thing on itself :) I managed to get a lot of work done and continue to really enjoy working on EP11. I know it will be a while before it's ready for the release but like I said, this time around I decided to not give a damn about the deadlines.

The idea is to release a well done and polished piece of content and to feel really happy with my self about it. And only after that do I plan to start counting days, realize it took me way to long and proceed to feel down about it. Until that moment though I plan to have fun.

Also during this week 3 new patrons have joined our little brigade of cultured men. Welcome aboard, dudes. Thank you for feeding me.

This concludes this week's post. Thank you for our support. Love you.

P.S. Almost forgot to attach this week's poll. This will be first ever a educational poll - will teach some japanese. This poll was designed for the true men of culture only so there is no question only choices.

Also did you know google translate app can translate things on the fly? You just point your phone's camera at it and it translates stuff. I spit on Google, but that particular tech is pretty amazing .

P.P.S. Also I decided to end this post with a philosophical block of text. (Feel free to ignore it) It did help "bring my blood pressure down" a bit though...

The Philosophical Block of Text:

There is a Taoist story of an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed.

“Maybe,” replied the old man.

The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy for what they called his “misfortune.”

“Maybe,” answered the farmer.

The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son's leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.

“Maybe,” said the farmer.





The fact you start putting philosophy mean you have totally embraced your role as the one that bright our Mondays, keep the great job


Commander! Krukov is a Traitor! DON‘T TRUST HIM!!!


Maybe thank you for whatever this post was about xD Can I have the tel number of the 2 girls? I want to become pen-pals ^^


writing this just to keep up in the conversation :3


I thought it was educational. Instead we get japanglish in katakana 🤣


I'm curious to what the source to the original picture above is?


If I'm correct... that looks like Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3?... I think... God... I need to play that game again...


欠 を 食べる


Trigger discipline fail.


This philosophical parable reminded me at some point. Perhaps it is precisely this attitude towards life that the farmer has the most correct. Who knows...


ロリコン well im messed up


Okay anyone know the source if the censored image looks like a very intellectually stimulating piece of art.


プッシーセックス. "ah i see you are all men of culture as well".

Trevor Bond

I know that old Taoist story from a friend of mine. It's a very reassuring one at times like these! And yeah, take as much time as you need. You know the trick though? Don't turn around and count the days later lol! Stay strong man!


Would have been happy if we had an イラマチオ option...

random Crow

I wish we could vote for multiple things :D 獣姦 is also missing *smirk*


I voted without checking the translations. It's more fun this way and, besides, I'm kind of a rebel like that.


I guess you're right. Gimme another few years and we'll start building churches. No, wait, not churches. Schools! Educational institutions! The Akabur University! No entrance exams only an IQ test. ^^


What are you going on about 外人さん? That's the correct (and only) way of spelling for those words.


I know たべる but what the heck is that first kanji? What is the meaning of the phrase?


Just a random internet pic. But I agree it is a thinking man's kind of photograph.


Heh... Thanks Trevor. You maybe onto something with your advice. Oh well for now I'll just concentrate on working on the next Ep and after I release it and see what you guys think of it I will decide whether or not I should count those days...


And just like that you taught me a new word both in English and Japanese.


Hey! Hey you! What is that 獣姦 thing? Some disgusting filth? Let me look it up! ... Oh. False alarm. Just another man of culture I see.