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Hello, epic bros. I'm still around, business as usual here. How are you doing? Keeping safe I hope? 

Seriously though, is it Monday already? Even before the current situation in the world I used to often feel like time goes by way too quickly. But these days it seem to just swoosh past me at a speed of light 0_0

Coming Soon* So last week has been spent solely on assembling the scenes (and realizing that this character sprite needs tweaking or that drawing contains a minor mistake that needs fixing). All in all it was a productive week, but I still have a lot of work ahead of me... This week I hope to finish putting the scenes together and move on to sound and putting the flags and triggers in to make sure that the events won't launch out of order and such.

Trails Of Cold Steel is on pause for a moment. I still try to play for a few hours at least once a week to make sure I don't forget the controls and such. But for now another game stole my attention.

Stupid thing I did. I decided to give Zelda Breath of The Wild another try. The game came free with my Switch and I did try it before but it didn't suck me in so I just kind of ignored it until now. But several days ago I decided to try again, and about 2 hours in I finally understood what the hype was all about. So yeah, these days all I think about is that stupid game. And the worst part (or maybe the best, hard to say) is that I can see myself easily investing 200+ hours in it. Easily!

Worry not. I don't waste my life away playing games all day. Usually I play for about an hour in the afternoon and for about a couple hours before I go to bed. Although because stupid Zelda is so addicting I sometimes stay up a bit longer and it starts to mess with my sleeping schedule...  

The Writers Quests is over. (You can still contact me though: akaburfake2@yahoo.com). I received a lot of emails and it got pretty hectic quick. But it all settled down now and what we are left with is this: one guy finished writing his stuff and is coding it it. Another guy who wrote two interesting little stories that you will get a kick out of I think, but he has no interest in coding in his stuff so I managed to delegate it to another person and also there is another guy who also delivered a story I hope to use but it is still unclear if he will be coding the thing or if I will be delegating his stuff as well. In any case it's hard to predict what will all this lead to but I am looking forward to find out.

I think I'll just leave it at that for this weeks post. Thank you for your support and try to stay safe. Episode 10 is......... COMING SOON!*




Congratulations on the botw enjoy your Zelda waifu, and congratulations on the writer Quest, fantastic update


Sounds good! Keep safe too Akabur, really curious now about those Writers Quests, this episode is gonna be awesome! <3


I am so exited for this episode and i am really curious how will Lola react to Lola genie gonna lose his mind if they meet


The main thing is that the situation with the game Zelda Breath of The Wild does not go even further ... Leave enough time to relax)

Trevor Bond

Hey, glad you like the game. I mean it's kinda sucky to get a game and not enjoy it lol. Here's to you getting a healthy amount of sleep!


Zelda next character confirmed? :0

morris ridgeway

Thanks for the update. The gif is really funny, but the dude is way out there.


Dude, that fucking gif is hilarious, keep safe man.


Zelda waifu incoming!


Hey! Can't wait for the next update! (Dropped you a message on the writers' quest email. Hope I'm not too late).


Do you have a discord server?