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First things first. Have you seen the absolutely amazing mural ALX (patreon.com/alxr34) dropped on us very recently? If you haven't yet you should correct that misstep as soon as possible. I can't share any direct links here because that stupendously awesome piece of illustration contains... Well, it contains everything that is good and right with this world. Anyway, look it up, it's  absolutely amazing. But of course my opinion is a bias one since I appear in it as well, and not alone but with a whole harem of familiar faces. 

Next news. I fully completed a game called Tokyo School Life. Been playing it on my switch on and off for quite some time. The game took me 15 hours to unlock all the endings. I know nobody cares but you can't tell you heart not to love, and I loved that game. 

Also I am back to playing Trails of Cold Steel with occasional outburst of Zelda. And I did try to play Skyrim on my Switch only to realize that I can't stand it. Somehow I didn't notice that before but it's full of... weird stuff. In the first town there is a woman that often comes up to me and says how strong and independent she is, there is a girl running around talking about giving a bloody lip to men, women and old people. It's like some sort of mad world 0_0 Was it always like that? I guess I used to be way more innocent and somehow never noticed any of it before.  

That being said I do appreciate the fact that the game let me murder the poor woman-- Urm, I mean the strong independent woman, in cold blood, then go to prison for like half a minute, then re-spawn near her corpse. Where I proceeded to steal all her valuables, including her clothes and after that spent way too much time dragging her corpse around town and arranging it in odd positions like some nightmarish mummy doll. Yeah, forget what I said, Skyrim is great. But I think I'll stick to my weebo Japanese games, filled with positive vibes, tits and characters who actually behave like human beings.   

Elevator pitch! If you don't  know what that is... look it up ^^ In any case I understand now that studio executives not nervelessly are being dicks when they demand your ideas to be presented in a timely fashion. They are just a very busy people. I just got in email from a dude saying: "This is more of an idea for a mini game than a story..." followed with a description of some complex "mini" game. And I don't have time to even read through it, I reply with short: "Can't do mini games, need linear story. Sorry." And then I move on to the next dozen of new emails. I do that because otherwise I will be stuck with these letters forever. So yeah, when presenting your ideas it's very important to spark the listener's interest with the first few words or it could never go farther then that, no matter how good it is. -_-

The Thing. Let me present to you our first ever guest story. (You can find it in the Sim-Room) Written by Loose Cannon. This is a short and completely linear story. I already sneakily updated the game files on itch.io so if you feel like it - you know what to do. Don't expect too much though, this story runs on the art assets that are already in the game, meaning that you won't see any CGs or new costumes - just text. Also naturally this one is added to the game permanently so you can always play later, when you download the next version of the game, when Episode 10 drops.

Coming When? Coming Soon. I am almost done putting the scenes together for Episode 10.  If all goes well I could release it next Monday even. But I've been doing this long enough to know that things NEVER go according to plan so a more realistic estimate for the release of Ep.10 would be two weeks from now. Even though now that I said it out loud I probably jinxed that date as well... Oh, well, I just want you to now that next episode is coming soon and we have out first guest story to entertain you in the meantime :)

That is it. I think I better get back to work now. Love you all. <3



Ilya Stavitsky

Can you provide at least some reference to this ALX? Key words for search?


Glad seeing you inspired, lots of good content here, many thanks


When I saw Alx's picture, I was amazed by the quality, the insane amount of details he put in... Butt then, I saw the magnificence of your booth, and all came through : it's wonderful. I just miss Lola, it feels so odd not to see her there with you, doing her regular brat stuff. Nonetheless, it's always nice to see your work pleasing other creators :)


Funky stuff in the short story.


Coming Soon huh? 😏

Sid Santos

So the stuff by Loose Cannon will be loose cannon????


I played Dragon Age Origins just recently (in fact, I re-play it every two years at least). I still find it a wonderful experience. Absolutly love it. Yes, Skyrim is a bit weird. I remember when I last tried it (several years back now) I did not finish it. But also, I remember it playing twice at least, and it was good for 100+ hours. Everything has it's time, I guess, and it's no longer Skyrim''s...


&gt; Skyrim Dude you play it wrong :D This game can be much better if you install some sex mods ;) &gt; the release of Ep.10 would be two weeks from now (*_*) YAY! Btw, could you please name some good VNs (not necessarily h-games) to play on PC? Just some good stuff according to your taste (^^)


thanks for the shout out my friend ^^


It's a truly magnificent piece of art, and the first time I heard of you and your work, so I'm also thankful for AKABUR spreading the word.


Skyrim- Loverslab best mods sexlab framework Devious line of mods =Best Skyrim


If you like Skyrim then I recommend the outer worlds which is basically fallout in space


Holy shit...The new Thing story is hella entertaining.


A story based off the movie "The Thing" and no tentacle art? "You gotta be fucking kidding..."


I was just about to tell you about an artist that just made a "where's Wally/Waldo" and put almost EVERY character and I mean every character in it, including you lol, you're like the poster boy for every inspiring adult artist on patreon....

Trevor Bond

Interesting, interesting.... I shall be poking around on The Thing! Also yes, Skyrim is weird, but so much amusement to be had there... although I can't hang around town, it's so strange there, I'd rather be out and about taking an axe to bears.


So next Monday it is


Yeah. Me too. I was staring at it for a while thinking to myslef: "What heck? How did he managed to do create this awesomeness?!" 0_0 And yeah, Lola is missing. But I was really happy to see the rest of the girls there :)


I couldn't agree more about "everything has it's time" remark... I have quite a few great games that I had no way to play back when they were released... It's been years, and now I do can play them. But I don't think I will actually -_- And I did play Dragon Age Origins a little bit back in the day. It was amazing. Golden Age of BioWare -_-


The problem with the mods is that when I start using them I never know when to stop. I always feel like a better mod is just around the corner, and spend hours upon hours installing and uninstalling mods instead of playing the game -_- Actually I don't play VN's on PC. It could be just me but accessibility can make a break a game for me. There are plenty of amazing VN's on PC, but I usually play the ones I have on my Switch. As for PC, I dunno... "The Fruit of Grisaia" is a great VN that could be a bit intimidating because of hour long it is and how many different parts there are. Try Tokyo School Life - it's short and sweet. Or I dunno, just do a research. Despite all the talk I didn't play that many VN's myself XD


I'm happy you thought so. Just testing things for now. Hopefully it will get even better in the future.


Life is not perfect I know. Sorry, T_T Maybe we will fix that in part II or something.