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History has been made yesterday. My Monday Post did not get posted on Monday! This is the end of things how we know them. Our society will never be the same.

Verify your device. So yesterday when I was trying to login to my Patreon account I got greeted with this lovely message:

And that was the end of it ^_^ No matter how many hours I waited or how many times I tried my inbox remained empty. I contacted Patreon tech support but naturally it took them a while to get back to me. Here was their reply by the way:

"You or your email provider may have at one point marked our emails as spam and because of this your email was placed on the no-send list. Not to worry though, I've since gone ahead and removed your email from this list so you should start to receive our device verification emails when you attempt to sign in moving forward."

The end. After that I received the link and all went smoothly. The interesting thing is that I also received a "You got a new patron" notification and realized that I didn't see those in months. So I guess my emali was blocked for a while now and it only came up when I got that "verify your device" prompt. Well in any case, now you know exactly why the post went live one day later than it should have. But all is well that ends well, right? Moving on.

The writers quest. I think it is time to wrap this thing up for now. If you are late to the party you can still throw your hat into the ring, no problem (akaburfake2@yahoo.com), but I think I managed to find a few guys that I want to try and work with, so we will see what will all this lead to.


About episode 10. Usually I like to surprise people, so I don't like spoilers. But at the same time sharing at least some info can be fun and could make the wait more bearable I think. So here is the info: in Episode 10 you will be revisiting Agrabah 6 month after the events of the Princess Trainer. You will get to visit (and actually see) some of the locations, such as The Blue Bull tavern for example. You will also meet a lot of familiar faces and see how their life turned out.

Work Work. This is all nice and dandy of course, but bringing so many "new" characters into SC34 meant a lot of extra work on retouching old character sprites. (Seriously that stuff took surprisingly big amount of time). Also reintroducing all the "new" characters also took time. I did try to keep a good balance between compromising on some things to insure a timely release and making sure that said compromising does not include anything truly important.

Soon? All writing is done. All art assets are ready. Currently I continue to assemble the scenes. This will take a while, but episode is finally taking shape. ^^

And that's it. I need to get back to work now. Thank you for your support. Love you all. -_- 




Keep up the good work Akabur. Keep the trend going.... Make “educational games” Great Again. :) Or don’t. _|-|_(-_-)_|-|_


I've had that exact same thing happen with Patreon's emails suddenly not sending. I think it's happened about four times now, every time the only solution is to contact support and wait for them to fix it. v_v;

Sid Santos

Would the Akaburverse explode if the Lola's meet?


Nice email address ^^


Glad everything went ok


Suka ? Always thought it was "Cyka". Guess I should get back to learning russian, then :O


Is..is that princess trainer I can see? don't tease me like that Aka, don't do it man....


i thinki i forgot everyone's names in princess trainer, but i'm really happy to have some of the characters back! my favorites were the cloth shop keeper (azalea i think? ), she was awesome, and of course iris' father was great :D I wasn't a fan of Iris herself thought :p thx for all the good work :)


I had an email issue with patreon what i found helped is just to link the account with google or facebook

Durzo Shadowborn

AZALEA!!!!! Yeah I know that's lily in the pic, but I'm hoping to see my fav girl. Maybe some more of Rose, who we never got enough of. Keep up the good work Akabur!

Trevor Bond

I played the heck outta Princess Trainer so I'm eager to see how it all turned out lol! Can't wait. Also glad you're okay! I was wondering! Glad it was just a computer error!


I'm glad you fix the problem, I hope you are doing well. Keep safe!


I don't know if i like the thought of Iris and lola just moving on after genie left. The PT2 in my imagination would have them all agreeing to be his sluts and everyone lives sexily ever after. So i will pose a question or 3 many are probably going to ask. 1- Will this trip be canon? 2 - does this negate a possible princess trainer 2? 3 -will little lola and/or iris join the crew? Answers are totally unnecessary just be safe and continue to be awesome. ;)


Very aweasome, looking forward to it dude, keep up the good work!


Would you just relax and trust papa Akabur? :) It's going to be alright. Answer to your first question is: yes. The answer to your second question is: no. As for the third question, I can't spoil things like that :)


I asked you a long time ago about little Lola joining the crew...tell me you are going to do it this first half of the year...😮😮


Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to have perfect knowledge of thing. Even I had to bush up on some stuff while writing for this episode. And I am the guy who wrote the original thing XD Anyway, I think you will get a kick out of Ep.10. At least I hope you will :)